#ARB MUSEUM will be the first and the newest #NFT marketplace, built on the Arbitrum chain today. Our aim with ARB Museum is to provide a decentralized platform where artists and creators can showcase their unique and valuable digital assets securely and transparently.

Token Name: #ARB Museum
Symbol: #ARMU

Total Supply:

Chain: #Arbitrum (#ARB)

-Liquidity Fee (1%)
-Buyback Fee (1%)
-Reflection Fee (2%)
-Marketing fee (2%)
-Auto Rewards $ARB coin to Holders

Total 6% sell tax and 6% buy tax

Token Contract

PRE-Sale: https://www.pinksale.finance/launchp...chain=Arbitrum

• Liquidity Lockup Time: 365 days ✔️
• Audited

Website: https://arbmuseum.com/
Telegram: https://t.me/ARBITRUM_MUSEUM
CN Telegram: https://t.me/ARMU_chiniese
Twitter: https://twitter.com/arbmuseum

› See More: [ANN][PRE-SALE] ArbMuseum.com - Live on PinkSale