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View Full Version : Simple Model Edits

  1. Turalyon, Alleria to Wotlk (0 replies)
  2. [Release - 3.3.5a] All Legion Artifact Weapons & Shields (0 replies)
  3. *Legion to Wotlk Creature DBC Files (1 replies)
  4. [Release] All WoD characters model for 3.3.5a WOTLK (1 replies)
  5. [Release] Warchief Thrall (works on 3.3.5a - wotlk) (0 replies)
  6. New human female model MoP (0 replies)
  7. [Show-Off][Release] Monk Class Tier 15 (0 replies)
  8. [Model Edit]Draenei to High Elf/Pink hair/Hair mod (2 replies)
  9. 3.3.3 HuF to Arthas(Lich King) (0 replies)
  10. 3.3.3 High Elf Race Swap (3 replies)
  11. [Reskin | Model-Swap] Mount to Mount on request (2 replies)
  12. [Model Swap] Tree of Life (2 replies)
  13. Wowme for 2.4.3 (3 replies)
  14. [Reskin] Druid Flight Forms (1 replies)
  15. [Reskin] Female Orc (0 replies)
  16. [MODEL EDIT] Icy-Login Screen (14 replies)
  17. Demonic Dreani (4 replies)
  18. [EPIC Model Swap]Human Male to Arthas (3.0.3 the release) ALL ANIMATION+Frostmourne (12 replies)
  19. HuF to ScM (JAW FiXXED,HelmFiXXes Included,Patch 3.0.3) (0 replies)
  20. [Re-skin] Spiteblade! (2 replies)
  21. [Re-skin] Bulwark of Azinoth (Blood re-skined) (6 replies)
  22. [Re-skin] Warglaves of Azinoth (BLUE) (0 replies)
  23. [Re-skin] Warglaves of Azinoth (RED) (3 replies)
  24. [Eye Change!] For Male+Female (Night-Elfs) (11 replies)
  25. [List]All my model swaps/edits (6 replies)
  26. Blood Elf --> High Elf --> Emo kid (14 replies)
  27. Model Edit Fix by Kynox (10 replies)
  28. Crystal Basin (1 replies)
  29. Zangar - Teldrassil (1 replies)