View Full Version : LUA Quick Question

07-02-09, 11:27 PM
is there a way to check if the player is horde or ally in lua other then looking for each one?

11-02-09, 12:25 PM
Yes you can,
Check this: http://www.sos-server.com/library.html
99% of the normal lua commands (most are broke on most Lua engines)

11-02-09, 01:24 PM
Here's what I put together.. and it works. I can also make it say their in combat.

local race=player:GetPlayerRace()
if race==1 or race==3 or race==4 or race==7 or race==11 then

Can't use in combat:

if (player:IsInCombat() == true) then
player:SendAreaTriggerMessage("You are in combat, sorry!")
unit:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0)
local race=player:GetPlayerRace()
if race==1 or race==3 or race==4 or race==7 or race==11 then

Also a Item:

if (player:IsInCombat() == true) then
player:SendAreaTriggerMessage("You are in combat, Sorry!")
item:GossipCreateMenu(3543, player, 0)
local race=player:GetPlayerRace()
if race==1 or race==3 or race==4 or race==7 or race==11 then

12-02-09, 02:06 PM
Thanks alot, need this myself really :P