View Full Version : Galactic Repack 4.0.6-4.1.0

14-07-11, 10:41 AM
Galactic Repack 2011 Patch 4.0.6 - 4.1.0

Server Include-Core,MYSQL,Apache and website but you have to setup for your ip the website +Maps,DBC,Vmaps(just to start )

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;iraque;auth"

-- All Normal WoW Instances Works --

-- All TBC Instances Works ---

-- All Wotlk Instances Works --

-- Cataclsym Instances --

-Vortex Pinnacle - works
-Blackrock Caverns -Works
-Halls of Origination -Works
-Grim Batol - works
-Deadmines - works
-Shadowfang Keep - Works
-Zul'Aman - Works
-Zul'Gurub - Works
-Baradin Hold - Works
-Bastion of Twilight - Works
-Blackwing Descent - Works
-Lost City of the Tol'vir - Works
-The Stonecore -Works
-Throne of the Tides -Works
-Throne of the Four Winds - Not Working

-- Cataclsym Non Instances Zone Spawned --
1.Hyjal 99%
2.Twilight Highlands 99%
3.Tol Barad 100%
4.Ruins of Glineas 70%
5.The Lost Isle 5%
6.Vashj'ir 5%

Note 1: All Bg Works spells works 97% and talent 95% .
Note 2: Dont forget to open the game with http://filebeam.com/...6a71504cf99f5ea (http://filebeam.com/5328fb30e8542e9fc6a71504cf99f5ea) or other cata patch (dont not open with wow.exe).
Note 3: Worgens starting place spawned and scripted and quest functionaly 95% .
Note 4: Goblins starting plcae 50% spawned and scripted .
Note 5: All portals fixed and spawned where they should be .
Note 6: Percent of working quest 80% .
Note 7: Items 95% from all .

Important; -What bug repack have ? Action house !( It wil be fix on my next release )

--- How To open the server ?---
Put the server folder in C then open your authserver.conf and change your BindIp from to your own IP but if you have router dont know how to help you but you can play with local so let the Bind ip
Open your worlserver.conf and do the same with Bindip and change your MOTD (login message ) and rates if you dont like .
then open mysq.bat and make then open navicat go to Auth and change from table realmlist the field Address with your ip ,then open your authserver.exe and worldserver.exe !

Last Note :The Repack have a excelent uptime i mean no crash like that and works With : Windows 7 , Xp ,Vista , Server ( with 32 or 64 bite ).Read the New.txt from server folder.

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account admin is username admin password admin

14-07-11, 11:48 AM
really nice , thanks for sharing +rep

14-07-11, 12:01 PM
Thank you :)

14-07-11, 01:58 PM
Try repacks,all Instances work and almost complete settlement.

27-12-11, 09:17 PM
Thanks guys

29-12-11, 12:24 PM
wich is the realmlist adress and cata patch adress is not working

05-09-12, 09:14 AM
Hey man, its a broken link btw but it sounds cool i've been looking for a 4.0.6 repack for cata so tell me if you have any more coming out for 4.0.6
