View Full Version : My RP repack 4.2.0a native (trillium) beta

20-09-11, 03:11 AM
My RP repack 4.2.0a native (trillium) beta

Hi all this is my 1st repack ever http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/smile.gif

Its 4.2.0a so u need wow version 4.2.0a 14480 to test it.

Alot of things work.....
Bastion of twighlight,Baradin Hold and Blackwing descent fully scripted http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/smile.gif

All WOTLK raids fully scripted aswell.

All 4.2.0a items in database like t12 and seasson 10.

Please dont use wow addons they make game unstable.(mostly GM helper)
Repack includes working addons which are tested and dont cause errors so please use only those or your game will be crashy.

For play just run mysql.bat from _server folder, Worldserver.exe and Authserver.exe from core folder.

Ingame account created: Booman password:b a s t a r d without those spaces :)

To make new account type to worldserver console:
account create (name of account) (password)

To set rates speed etc. just modify worldserver.conf from core folder.

For adding items to your character just do ingame .additem and shift+left click item you want to add from atlasloot addon which is included in repack.

Some 4.2.0a items cant be .lookup ed so i added atlasloot addon.

This repack is only in beta stage so dont expect anything in this stage will be updated later.

to install addons just copy them to your wow folder /iterface/addons/

Warning dont make guilds its at beta stage so it can make game crashy aswell.

Achievements works,PVP works,no naked characters at login.

For ingame teleport do .tele (name of location you want to tele to) or . lookup tele (name of location) to find tele name.

To play set your realmlist in your wow folder to localhost or

I hope you will like it enjoy http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/smile.gif

Repack:MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CI0FBVPA)

In game screenshots:MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NF5I1OKI)

Wow.exe patcher:MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H9K1PMV9)

Credits goes to: ARKANIA.NET: MMORPG Emulation Community (http://forums.arkania.net/index.php)
for developing the core and database.

Plase support them if you can. http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/smile.gif

Have fun http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/smile.gif

20-09-11, 04:15 AM
Trillium needs some serious work. I have compiled several Trillium cores and haven't bothered to post because of it's unstable nature.
Just not good enough.
Good effort though Boom.

20-09-11, 08:05 AM
Trillium needs some serious work. I have compiled several Trillium cores and haven't bothered to post because of it's unstable nature.
Just not good enough.
Good effort though Boom.

well with new ctdb its way more stable than before :)

21-09-11, 10:24 AM
Are the NPC vendors working with your repack?
If not, it is NOT playable IMO. For instance, where would you get the food you need for yourself and for your pet (as hunter)?
Also, does the gm-command ".quest complete #questid" work?
I know the TrilliumEMU still has a long way to go. I take it the CTDB 1.5.0 database is in this one? Because that's the newest.
Also there are still a lot of double mobs, meaning the new mobs from Cataclysm and the old ones from WotLK are both visible?

But thanks anyways for your repack as it is the first repack i've seen with the TrilliumEMU inside of it!
Also thanks for the credits of ARKANIA.NET, because the people there do good work on this one!

21-09-11, 11:58 AM
Are the NPC vendors working with your repack?
If not, it is NOT playable IMO. For instance, where would you get the food you need for yourself and for your pet (as hunter)?
Also, does the gm-command ".quest complete #questid" work?
I know the TrilliumEMU still has a long way to go. I take it the CTDB 1.5.0 database is in this one? Because that's the newest.
Also there are still a lot of double mobs, meaning the new mobs from Cataclysm and the old ones from WotLK are both visible?

But thanks anyways for your repack as it is the first repack i've seen with the TrilliumEMU inside of it!
Also thanks for the credits of ARKANIA.NET, because the people there do good work on this one!

well vendors dont work at the moment this repack is now more for test new gear in game i mean t12 and seasson 10
1.5.0 ctdb is in it and damage of mobs bosses redocted to 0.01 and hp to 0.1 so you can solo what you want :)

21-09-11, 12:20 PM
im having problems with ssleay32.dll cant start server,need help

21-09-11, 01:58 PM
well vendors dont work at the moment this repack is now more for test new gear in game i mean t12 and seasson 10
1.5.0 ctdb is in it and damage of mobs bosses redocted to 0.01 and hp to 0.1 so you can solo what you want :)

Thanks for your reply, Boom. It's appreciated. And again thanks for the repack.
It's correct to assume I can update it if a new CTDB is out, or a newer version of the TrilliumEMU. Right?

23-09-11, 12:36 PM
when i log i cant see server what the hell

23-09-11, 12:47 PM
Thanks for your reply, Boom. It's appreciated. And again thanks for the repack.
It's correct to assume I can update it if a new CTDB is out, or a newer version of the TrilliumEMU. Right?

sure you can i will l8r make new one when new updates from trillium comes out
and peole if you having dll errors download openssl for windows