View Full Version : Advanced Cataclysm Repack 4.0.6-4.1.0

05-11-11, 08:08 PM
Hi guys , girls this new release it will be the moust advanced blizzlike cataclysm repack 4.0.6-4.1.0 , have all items in , all worgens in Duskhaven works , allmoust all spawns 97% in glineas outside of town , server have the best stability , works mastery , runeforging ,disenchanting ,Action House , mail , all proffesions , all mobs from entire world are fixed so no more lvl 1 and friendly faction like the rest of repacks ... , all raids and instances open include cataclysm to , except ( throne of the 4 winds) all the Bg works 99% ,all portals fixed , Guilds leveling , arhives , xp and rewards fixed , fishing bags loot fixed ,Death Knights quests , spells , talents 99% and 98-99% for rest of the races , clases .

Some pictures for you all Click the LinK Below !

CLICK ME HERE (http://img64.imageshack.us/slideshow/player.php?id=img64/2707/1319050368krd.smil)

Btw all instance , raids mobs have the correct Loot , health , damage and not even in instances , outside in the world to , the arhivements 99% fixed Global .

Let me tell you guys what i dont like to you first , well when i put a new thread-download link all jump with message like " I love it " or " bump" or "the best, ty oz" but after that no 1 enter to say from time to time a bump or how good its the repack so the thread dies and my apetite for releasing new stuff......

db connection for navicat or other program Username root Password ascent

and if you like to enter in server with a username or pass you will have to create your own in the worldserver.exe in your website or import your old account table and characters .... your chooise .

Donor Version its beyond this and details can be taken in PM or Skype id geany_100

Download Repack Here : Free File Hosting, Online Storage &amp File Upload with FileServe (http://www.fileserve.com/file/Dy35HYr) Read the Thread Well Before Asking Questions

This is the first repack with duskhaven Not emty or green mobs with level 1 ( bugged ) and not only just the town duschaven .

Server Visitors by now

http://www.revolvermaps.com/?target=...3Fpage%3Dguide (http://www.revolvermaps.com/?target=enlarge&i=7pacod6cskt&color=fff600&m=0&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fgalacticwow.tk%2F%3Fpage%3Dguide)

this is the Source i have Free File Hosting, Online Storage &amp File Upload with FileServe (http://www.fileserve.com/file/fxcf7T5)

IMPORTANT AFTER YOU DOWNLOAD THE REPACK DOWNLOAD THIS Free File Hosting, Online Storage &amp File Upload with FileServe (http://www.fileserve.com/file/sAYX57T) AND REPLACE YOUR FILES WITH UPDATES

this is the proooveeeee

All credits goes to ozeneu for making this repack

13-12-11, 10:06 AM
looks nice im gona try it out and use it i hope the numbers are right and nice screenshots
but does archeology works?? and is it stable that it can run 7 days whitout crash?

and does goblin starter quests etc works??

but even these all are working (wich probrally will work)

THNXX names my team

regards and if u got more updates please mail it to [email protected]

14-12-11, 02:07 PM
Not bad so far, although it did take some reconfiguration to get up and working. The IP address is incorrect in a few places in the worldserver.conf file and the realmlist in the database also had the wrong IP listed making it impossible to log in to the server. Also there are A LOT of accounts and characters already in the database, which I suggest deleting. I haven't done much testing yet, but at least we didn't crash on the first Worgen quest like some of these other repacks have. I will update as I do more testing, but so far not a bad job.

**Edit** The Gunship battle in ICC does not work, preventing further progression. Also, the Nef/Ony fight in BWD does not work either. No clue what the hell you have in the Deadmines, but it's spawned both the new way and the way it was before Cataclysm at the same time. You also cannot progress past the Sneed fight. Achievements also do not work. So far this repack is not up to the level you said it was. Still a ton of issues that need to be fixed and there are better 4.0.6 repacks out there.