View Full Version : My Trinity Blizzlike Repack

27-12-11, 09:16 PM
New Version(V3.1 Release) Available!

Intended for World of Warcraft Client version
TONS of new features from ME are ADDED IN!

This repack is by far one of the richest and stable WoW emulators based on Trinitycore.

What?You don't believe?Never mind.

The Changelog and General features below will convince you.

For those who have difficulty installing the repack,a installing tutorial is presented to you below the download section.


V3.1 has witnessed numerous updates from the previous version.
You could find the detailed changelog here (http://paste2.org/p/1834172).
Alternatively,you can find it in the repack.

Here I brought you with some of the main features in V3.1(r)

SunWell Plateau:
Felmyst is rewritten which is now spawned and scripted.
Muru rewritten.
Eredar Twins rewritten.
Mobs have been carefully scripted.
The Oculus:
Added more achievement support and update the visual.
More fixes on mobs.Quests related to the Oculus are spawned
Added Cache of the Ley-Guardian.
Rewrite some parts of the instance.
Added defense system and delayed portal spawn after boss waves.
Trial of Champion:
More updates and workarounds.
Now the mob faction and announcer is correctly spawned.
Merged with Trinitycore till 12-22-2011
Database updated to newest (Rev 335.11.44)
World Events:
Fixed some Winter Veil achievements and prevent some crashes!
Various crashes,quests fixed,waypoints added,typos corrected,loots implemented.

And much much more...(see detailed changelog (http://paste2.org/p/1834172))

General features of this repack:
These are the highlights of the repack:

1.Trinitycore and Database updated to newest (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commits/master)!
(Updated on 12-22-2011)!!

2.More optimaztion implemented and various typo fixes!!

3.Ahbot(Auctionhousebot) Added!!

4.Warden Systems Added!!

5.Ruby Sanctum well scripted!!(Including Trinity offical scripts)

6.Ulduar well scripted!!
The repack includes but not limited to:

excellent Yogg-Saron Fight!
excellent Mimiron Fight!
excellent Algalon Fight!

(13/13 fully and dedicately scripted)

7.Icecrown Citadel well scripted!!
Exhilarating Lich King and other boss encounters
(11/12 exluding Gunship battle)

8.Wintergrasp very well scripted and working!!
It could be one of the most blizzlike WG you have ever seenhttp://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/tongue.gif.

9.The carefully-scripted dungeons are:

Trial of Champion working perfectly!
The Oculus fully working!
Forge of Souls finely working!
Pit of Saron finely working smoothly!
Halls of Reflection working amazingly!
Culling of Stratholme working perfectly!
Various Pre 3.20,TBC and Vanilla fixes!

10.Jail Added to punish bad-behaviored players!!

11.Preventing normal players from accessing GM Island!!

12.Anticheat System Added!!

13.Argent Tournament Fully supported and working!!

14.World of Warcraft Community Site Integrated!!

15.World of Warcraft Armory Code Attached!!

Descriptions of several functions:

What is Ahbot?
It is a server-controlled bot useful to keep auctionhouses on low populated realms constantly full of items for characters to buy.
It can also act as buyer, so that characters will always have someone buying the items they put on auction.

Note to the Administrators:
The repack contains an original Ahbot account of which the account name and password are both "ahbot".
Edit the password in case of the crash caused by accidental or deliberate violation of the AHBOT account!
How to: type ".account set password ahbot [yourpass] [yourpassagain]" in worldserver.exe console

What are Warden Systems?
Warden (also known as Warden Client) is an anti-cheating tool integrated in Blizzard Entertainment games.
While the game is running, Warden uses operating system APIs to collect information about certain software
running on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to
those of known cheating programs or simply as a yes/no response (whether a cheat was found).

The things Warden currently looks for in-process includes but is not limited to:

Model edits.
Known cheat modules (DLLs)
Known modifications to game functions
Known cheating addons
Known API hooks from cheats

For those who are interested in the history of the repack:

What is the repack aiming at and the history of this repack:

This repack originally is intended to provide a stable and clean blizzlike one while Jeutie is in hospital and temporarily can't work on his fantastic project.

And now Jeutie is well and back working on his official Trinity Project!So this repack will evolve into a more custom repack.I will try my best to add more custom codes and features into it.

I will update this repack regularly so check it if you can and you will find surprise!

As is always the case,I need your feedback to perfect the repack and encourage me. Have any problem?Post on ac-web I will help you as soon as possible.

Special thanks to:
Ac-web:for providing an easy environment of repack releasing.
Trinity:for their devoted work on core and database updating.
Jeutie:for his Mysql configuations in the previous versions.

Ac-web and I never support any form of illegal private server.We are NOT responsible for any harmful effect from a private server.
This repack is meant only for personal use.

Repack Downloadlink

Mediafire (http://www.mediafire.com/?jcru0xcergvxtw4)
Downloading from Mediafire is strongly recommended as it helps me figure out how many people have downloaded/used the repack.

However if you are experiencing problems downloading from Mediafire.
Here are some mirrors by lizard-tiny.Thank you!

multiupload: Download (http://www59.multiupload.com:81/files/1B01A697D5B07BAFABBF096C4CDE092682E0BC1B1A3A6349B8 168FBD5C17EE707AE0C78B40E9EDAC571ED8DF6DA562118473 02C9AB0BBA85E75CC40129D0763B220B33E4E3CB483A3132CB 911C589D3C3E/JZY%27s+Blizzlike+Repack+V3.1%28Release%29--Mirror+By+Lizard.Tiny.rar)
wupload.de: Download (http://www.wupload.de/file/2622431697/JZY%27s_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1%28Release%29--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar)
fileserve.com: Download (http://www.fileserve.com/file/5n5dVNj/JZY%27s%20Blizzlike%20Repack%20V3.1%28Release%29--Mirror%20By%20Lizard.Tiny.rar)
filesonic.com: Download (http://www.filesonic.com/file/4332172245/JZY%27s_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1%28Release%29--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar)
zshare.net: Download (http://www.zshare.net/download/9769558316506740/)
hotfile.com: Download (http://hotfile.com/dl/138180270/55dc6b6/JZYs_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1%28Release%29--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar.html)
depositfiles.com: Download (http://depositfiles.com/files/gmiywgzac)
uploadhere.com: Download (http://www.uploadhere.com/1WSZ5IIV6L)
uploadking.com: Download (http://www.uploadking.com/VGV7QAMTT5)
megaupload.com: Download (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0D8F7KRC)

Have problem installing?Look at the next two quotes!

For those who wants access to the database,the account is root and password is ascent.

Installing Tutorials:

1.Extract the repack.
2.Obtain maps,vmaps and dbc files:
You could obtain them in either of the two ways:

Download them.Here are the links: DBC (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPYMC3LS),MAPS (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LFZXN8TN),VMPAS (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJQ5B90G)(Thank Jeutie for these links!)
Extract them.Put extractors which can be found in the repack in the WOW directory and run 1)mapextractor.exe 2)makevmaps3_simple.bat

3.Put DBC,maps and vmaps files in "Core" directory.
4.Run setup_xampp.bat in "Server" folder and choose 1)refresh
5.Run xampp_start.exe in "Server" folder.
6.Launch worldserver.exe and authserver.exe in "Core" directory.
7.Enjoy it!


If you have come across problem executing worldserver.exe and authserver.exe
Please be sure you have installed the following properly:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (32bit) (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/C/5BC5DBB3-652D-4DCE-B14A-475AB85EEF6E/vcredist_x86.exe)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (64bit) (http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/2/2/3224B87F-CFA0-4E70-BDA3-3DE650EFEBA5/vcredist_x64.exe)
.Net Framework 3.5 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/cc378097.aspx)
.Net Framework 4.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfb2d51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992&displaylang=en)


Some previous versions of this repack:
V2.9 (http://www.mediafire.com/?87158lzxswn86p1):Featuring Culling and Stratholme and an updated Wintergrasp as well as Argent Tournament.
V3.0 (http://www.mediafire.com/?kbu3o7y9gfst5m5):Featuring World of Warcraft Community Site and updates in Raids
--------Playerbot contains in the above version while removed from below---------
V3.0 SP1 (http://www.mediafire.com/?hi49jtvd0lmzse3): Featuring Numerous updates,fixes and whole new adjustment
V3.0 SP2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?wkxge8eb5h84ygb): Featuring updates in Ulduar, Toc5 and Oculus

Thank you for your support!
I sincerely hope that you won't re-release it.

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Wow , I spent all this time on this post and get no responses, not even any rep.

01-01-12, 05:32 PM
First of all... Thank you!!!

Second, I wanted to know if the version 3.1 has the player bot?

02-01-12, 10:29 PM
I think I put that in there. Not positive :P

08-01-12, 08:01 PM
Any chance you could realease the source code for the repaxk so i am an check on the playbot files?

14-04-12, 03:20 PM
New Version(V3.1 Release) Available!

Intended for World of Warcraft Client version
TONS of new features from ME are ADDED IN!

This repack is by far one of the richest and stable WoW emulators based on Trinitycore.

What?You don't believe?Never mind.

The Changelog and General features below will convince you.

For those who have difficulty installing the repack,a installing tutorial is presented to you below the download section.


V3.1 has witnessed numerous updates from the previous version.
You could find the detailed changelog here (http://paste2.org/p/1834172).
Alternatively,you can find it in the repack.

Here I brought you with some of the main features in V3.1(r)

SunWell Plateau:
Felmyst is rewritten which is now spawned and scripted.
Muru rewritten.
Eredar Twins rewritten.
Mobs have been carefully scripted.
The Oculus:
Added more achievement support and update the visual.
More fixes on mobs.Quests related to the Oculus are spawned
Added Cache of the Ley-Guardian.
Rewrite some parts of the instance.
Added defense system and delayed portal spawn after boss waves.
Trial of Champion:
More updates and workarounds.
Now the mob faction and announcer is correctly spawned.
Merged with Trinitycore till 12-22-2011
Database updated to newest (Rev 335.11.44)
World Events:
Fixed some Winter Veil achievements and prevent some crashes!
Various crashes,quests fixed,waypoints added,typos corrected,loots implemented.

And much much more...(see detailed changelog (http://paste2.org/p/1834172))

General features of this repack:
These are the highlights of the repack:

1.Trinitycore and Database updated to newest (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commits/master)!
(Updated on 12-22-2011)!!

2.More optimaztion implemented and various typo fixes!!

3.Ahbot(Auctionhousebot) Added!!

4.Warden Systems Added!!

5.Ruby Sanctum well scripted!!(Including Trinity offical scripts)

6.Ulduar well scripted!!
The repack includes but not limited to:

excellent Yogg-Saron Fight!
excellent Mimiron Fight!
excellent Algalon Fight!
(13/13 fully and dedicately scripted)

7.Icecrown Citadel well scripted!!
Exhilarating Lich King and other boss encounters
(11/12 exluding Gunship battle)

8.Wintergrasp very well scripted and working!!
It could be one of the most blizzlike WG you have ever seenhttp://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/tongue.gif.

9.The carefully-scripted dungeons are:

Trial of Champion working perfectly!
The Oculus fully working!
Forge of Souls finely working!
Pit of Saron finely working smoothly!
Halls of Reflection working amazingly!
Culling of Stratholme working perfectly!
Various Pre 3.20,TBC and Vanilla fixes!

10.Jail Added to punish bad-behaviored players!!

11.Preventing normal players from accessing GM Island!!

12.Anticheat System Added!!

13.Argent Tournament Fully supported and working!!

14.World of Warcraft Community Site Integrated!!

15.World of Warcraft Armory Code Attached!!

Descriptions of several functions:

What is Ahbot?
It is a server-controlled bot useful to keep auctionhouses on low populated realms constantly full of items for characters to buy.
It can also act as buyer, so that characters will always have someone buying the items they put on auction.

Note to the Administrators:
The repack contains an original Ahbot account of which the account name and password are both "ahbot".
Edit the password in case of the crash caused by accidental or deliberate violation of the AHBOT account!
How to: type ".account set password ahbot [yourpass] [yourpassagain]" in worldserver.exe console

What are Warden Systems?
Warden (also known as Warden Client) is an anti-cheating tool integrated in Blizzard Entertainment games.
While the game is running, Warden uses operating system APIs to collect information about certain software
running on the user's computer and sends it back to Blizzard servers as hash values to be compared to
those of known cheating programs or simply as a yes/no response (whether a cheat was found).

The things Warden currently looks for in-process includes but is not limited to:

Model edits.
Known cheat modules (DLLs)
Known modifications to game functions
Known cheating addons
Known API hooks from cheats

For those who are interested in the history of the repack:

What is the repack aiming at and the history of this repack:

This repack originally is intended to provide a stable and clean blizzlike one while Jeutie is in hospital and temporarily can't work on his fantastic project.

And now Jeutie is well and back working on his official Trinity Project!So this repack will evolve into a more custom repack.I will try my best to add more custom codes and features into it.

I will update this repack regularly so check it if you can and you will find surprise!

As is always the case,I need your feedback to perfect the repack and encourage me. Have any problem?Post on ac-web I will help you as soon as possible.

Special thanks to:
Ac-web:for providing an easy environment of repack releasing.
Trinity:for their devoted work on core and database updating.
Jeutie:for his Mysql configuations in the previous versions.

Ac-web and I never support any form of illegal private server.We are NOT responsible for any harmful effect from a private server.
This repack is meant only for personal use.

Repack Downloadlink

Mediafire (http://www.mediafire.com/?jcru0xcergvxtw4)
Downloading from Mediafire is strongly recommended as it helps me figure out how many people have downloaded/used the repack.

However if you are experiencing problems downloading from Mediafire.
Here are some mirrors by lizard-tiny.Thank you!

multiupload: Download (http://www59.multiupload.com:81/files/1B01A697D5B07BAFABBF096C4CDE092682E0BC1B1A3A6349B8 168FBD5C17EE707AE0C78B40E9EDAC571ED8DF6DA562118473 02C9AB0BBA85E75CC40129D0763B220B33E4E3CB483A3132CB 911C589D3C3E/JZY's+Blizzlike+Repack+V3.1(Release)--Mirror+By+Lizard.Tiny.rar)
wupload.de: Download (http://www.wupload.de/file/2622431697/JZY's_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1(Release)--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar)
fileserve.com: Download (http://www.fileserve.com/file/5n5dVNj/JZY's Blizzlike Repack V3.1(Release)--Mirror By Lizard.Tiny.rar)
filesonic.com: Download (http://www.filesonic.com/file/4332172245/JZY's_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1(Release)--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar)
zshare.net: Download (http://www.zshare.net/download/9769558316506740/)
hotfile.com: Download (http://hotfile.com/dl/138180270/55dc6b6/JZYs_Blizzlike_Repack_V3.1(Release)--Mirror_By_Lizard.Tiny.rar.html)
depositfiles.com: Download (http://depositfiles.com/files/gmiywgzac)
uploadhere.com: Download (http://www.uploadhere.com/1WSZ5IIV6L)
uploadking.com: Download (http://www.uploadking.com/VGV7QAMTT5)
megaupload.com: Download (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0D8F7KRC)

Have problem installing?Look at the next two quotes!

For those who wants access to the database,the account is root and password is ascent.

Installing Tutorials:

1.Extract the repack.
2.Obtain maps,vmaps and dbc files:
You could obtain them in either of the two ways:

Download them.Here are the links: DBC (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VPYMC3LS),MAPS (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LFZXN8TN),VMPAS (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJQ5B90G)(Thank Jeutie for these links!)
Extract them.Put extractors which can be found in the repack in the WOW directory and run 1)mapextractor.exe 2)makevmaps3_simple.bat
3.Put DBC,maps and vmaps files in "Core" directory.
4.Run setup_xampp.bat in "Server" folder and choose 1)refresh
5.Run xampp_start.exe in "Server" folder.
6.Launch worldserver.exe and authserver.exe in "Core" directory.
7.Enjoy it!


If you have come across problem executing worldserver.exe and authserver.exe
Please be sure you have installed the following properly:
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (32bit) (http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/B/C/5BC5DBB3-652D-4DCE-B14A-475AB85EEF6E/vcredist_x86.exe)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable (64bit) (http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/2/2/3224B87F-CFA0-4E70-BDA3-3DE650EFEBA5/vcredist_x64.exe)
.Net Framework 3.5 (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/netframework/cc378097.aspx)
.Net Framework 4.0 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=9cfb2d51-5ff4-4491-b0e5-b386f32c0992&displaylang=en)


Some previous versions of this repack:
V2.9 (http://www.mediafire.com/?87158lzxswn86p1):Featuring Culling and Stratholme and an updated Wintergrasp as well as Argent Tournament.
V3.0 (http://www.mediafire.com/?kbu3o7y9gfst5m5):Featuring World of Warcraft Community Site and updates in Raids
--------Playerbot contains in the above version while removed from below---------
V3.0 SP1 (http://www.mediafire.com/?hi49jtvd0lmzse3): Featuring Numerous updates,fixes and whole new adjustment
V3.0 SP2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?wkxge8eb5h84ygb): Featuring updates in Ulduar, Toc5 and Oculus

Thank you for your support!
I sincerely hope that you won't re-release it.

---------- Post added at 10:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

Wow , I spent all this time on this post and get no responses, not even any rep.

Awesome job on this repack, actually the first repack i came across that includes ahbot and supports 3.3.5. If could i'd give u multiple +rep just because u included AHbot. I am still new at WOW and wow private servers, so it was kinda complicated just to figure out where AHbot needs to go in the DB etc.
Got lost a few times. This repack will make me sleep easy for once. Many thanks again.

