View Full Version : iMorph | Change your skin / mount in one click !

09-12-12, 10:32 PM
Working with wow 5.0.4


Current features:

- Morph your character to any race/*** or custom models.
- Morph your mount to anything you want.
- Change your title to any other title even unused ones.
- You can make premade item lists to make your stuff look like what you want.
- Persistant morphing: You remorph when you get sheeped/Hexed, also when changing area/map.
- Persistant morphing also for mounts, your mount will automaticly remorph after dismount.
- LUA Engine, allowing you to make custom scripts !
- Druid forms handler, look at druids.lua

Feel free to ask me for new features :-)

LUA engine documentation:


morphMe(displayId,[scale]) //Morph yourself, scale is optionnal (ex: morphMe(1337)) morphMount(displayId) //Morph your mount (ex: morphMount(1337)) morphTitle(titleId) // Change you title wowPrint(string) //Print message ingame wowWarning() //Print raid message applyItems() // apply your selected itemset.ini getMountDisplayId() //Return your current mount displayID getNativeDisplayId() // return your original displayid getSelectedMount() // return the selected mount getSelectedModel() // return selected model getDisplayId() //return your current model getPlayerName() //return active player name getPlayerLevel() // return active player's level getMinimapZoneText() // return minimap text (ex: valley of strenght) getZoneText() //return zone name (ex: Orgrimmar) gameState() //return current gamestate (loading/char screen..) 1 == ingame execWowLua() // send lua to wow using wow api (unlocked) getShapeDisplayId() //return your shapeshift displayID hasBuff(BuffId) // return true/false if you have a buff or not sleep(value) // sleep the LUA thread for x ms. (1000 is 1second)
You can also design forms for your scripts, here is a simple exemple:

luanet.load_assembly "System.Windows.Forms" luanet.load_assembly "System.Drawing" Form = luanet.import_type "System.Windows.Forms.Form" Button = luanet.import_type "System.Windows.Forms.Button" Point = luanet.import_type "System.Drawing.Point" MessageBox = luanet.import_type "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox" MessageBoxButtons = luanet.import_type "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons" form = Form() form.Text = "Hello, World!" button = Button() button.Text = "Click Me!" button.Location = Point(20,20) button.Click:Add(function() MessageBox:Show("Clicked!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK) -- this will throw an ex end) form.Controls:Add(button) form:ShowDialog()
LUA script exemple (it's the scit that handle druid cat form into fire cat form):

local CatForms = { 29405, --Druid Cat, Purple night elf cat form. 29406, --Druid Cat, Violet night elf cat form. 29407, --Druid Cat, Green-black night elf cat form. 29408, --Druid Cat, white night elf cat form. 29409, --Druid Cat, Grey Tauren cat form. 29410, --Druid Cat, Tan Tauren cat form. 29411, --Druid Cat, Dark Brown Tauren cat form. 29412, --Druid Cat, Black Tauren cat form. 33660, --Druid Cat, Grey Worgen cat form. 33661, --Druid Cat, Black Worgen cat form. 33662, --Druid Cat, Brown Worgen cat form. 33663, --Druid Cat, white worgen cat form. 33664, --Druid Cat, Dark brown worgen cat form. 33665, --Druid Cat, White troll cat form. 33666, --Druid Cat, Green troll cat form. 33667, --Druid Cat, Teal troll cat form. 33668, --Druid Cat, Grey troll cat form. 33669, --Druid Cat, Green-grey troll cat form. } for _,value in pairs(CatForms) do if value == getShapeDisplayId() then morphMe(38150); return; end end

How to use it ?

1- Start
, log your character ingame
2- Start iMorph2.exe
3- Profit !

Where do i get model ID's ?

WoWHead is imo the best database website atm, so:

For the item editor, just use the database ID like this:
Warglaive of Azzinoth - Item - World of Warcraft (http://www.wowhead.com/item=32837/warglaive-of-azzinoth)

This item ID for this warlgaive is 32837, just use the same ID to use the skin !

For NPC's / Mounts you have to search the displayID don't use the database id, won't work !
Exemple with illidan:
Illidan Stormrage - NPC - World of Warcraft (http://www.wowhead.com/npc=22917)
22917 is the database id and it won't work, on this page, right click and view source, then just search for "displayid", you should find displayId: 21135, then just morph to 21135 !

How to make custom item lists ?

Use this template, files are just ini files:

[Stuff] Head=32235 Shoulders=30980 Chest=30976 Belt=34547 Legs=30978 Feet=34568 Wrists=34442 Gloves=30970 Back=0 Mainhand=32837 Offhand=32838 Ranged=0 Tabard=0
(Empty/unused items have to be 0)

The editor will be back soon !


[Q] Can i be banned ?
[A] Warden is not monitoring used offsets atm, but this can change at any moment.


- Install .net framework 3.5 (or 4.0, the latest)
- Start World of Warcraft using
.exe and NOT
- You have to run iMorph.exe as administrator (right click, run as administrator)
- You have to use DirectX9 mode (ingame menu: Video -> Advanced -> Graphic API and set to directX9)
- Windows XP is NOT SUPPORTED stop asking about your problems if you're using xp.
- If still no working change computer.



2.0.0 -Complete recode from scratch -Multithreading to handle LUA. -New LUA engine to handle all the morphing stuff -You can minimize to tray 1.9 -Added a KillSwitch. -Added Shirt morphing. -Cleaned file structure. 1.8 -Fixed issues with Russian client. -Added option to disable/enable persistant mount morphing. -Cleaned the UI. -u u d d l r l r B A 1.7 -Persistant mount morph now working ! (you can re-mount, you still have your nice looking mount !) 1.6 -Options are now saved. -Complete rewrite of some features. -Fixed Orc Male model. -Think about konami code. 1.5 -Major fixes of persistent morphing trough polymorph/hex. -Some recoding, more stable. 1.4 -Mount Morphing introduced

Download 2.0[Latest] (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/imorph266.rar)

Item sets:
All rogue tiers (By Fumi) (https://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/roguesets.rar)

Older versions:

Download 1.9 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/imorph19.rar)
Download 1.8 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/imorph18.rar)
Download 1.7 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/imorph17.rar)
Download 1.6 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/imorph/imorph16.rar)
Download 1.5 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/iMorph15.rar)
Download 1.4 (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2360482/iMorphBeta.rar)

28-12-12, 07:45 PM
Does this work with 32-bit? or just for 64-bit?