View Full Version : [MERRY CHRISTMAS]Cronic's Christmas Repack v1.16 BLIZZLIKE

06-01-13, 10:23 AM

Hey its Cronic, surely most of you know my old repack which had lots of downloads and bug reports. I am hoping the same for that and mines just not freshly compiled I have Spell fixes and other custom fixes I have done myself.

Core: ArcEmu
Type: Blizzlike
Server: 3.3.5a
Current Version: v1.17
Project Status:

On Hold

Check out my Cataclysm
Repack (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/[4-0-6a][happy-new-years-]-cronics-repacks-cataclysm-[4-0-6a]-19773/)

I am improving dungeon & raids percentages as I go, I do this on my free time Also I do not lie about dungeon/raid % as others do. I will be starting with WOTLK dungeons & raids and try to make them as close to blizzlike as possible, also report bugs they help me!

Dungeons & Raids * Vanilla Dungeons - 75-80% Complete & Scripted Blizzlike * Vanilla Raids - 60% Complete & Scripted Blizzlike * BC Dungeons - 62-64% Complete & Scripted Blizzlike * BC Raids - UNTESTED * WOTLK Dungeons - 62-64% Complete & Scripted Blizzlike * WOTLK Raids - 44-48% Complete & Scripted Blizzlike Battlegrounds * Warsong Gulch - 100% functional - (BG EXPERIENCE WORKING!) * Arathi Basin - 100% functional (BG EXPERIENCE WORKING!) * Eye of the Storm - 95% functional (BG EXPERIENCE SEMI-WORKING!) * Isle of Conquest - 60% functional (BG EXPERIENCE NON WORKING!) * Strand of the Ancients - 0% functional (BG EXPERIENCE NON-WORKING!) * Wintergrasp - 0% functional

Previous Changelog v1.15 -> v1.16 [RELEASED 9/15/2012] (http://pastebin.com/GLychVBu)

Changelog V1.16 -> V1.17 [RELEASED 9/15/2012] [TALENT] Missile Barrage will now correctly be removed from the player after casting Arcane Missiles. [TALENT] Prismatic Cloak rank 3 now functions correctly.

OLDER CHANGELOGS. (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?t=94336)

---------> SOME THINGS IN THE v1.15 CHANGELOG DO NOT WORK BECAUSE I LOST DATA FROM v1.15 -> v1.16 <=------------------------------------------------



GREEN = FIXED in next release.



Bugs: [MISC] Random BG does not work.. work is in progress, should be fixed in v1.18 [MISC] Dungeon Finder does not work.. work is in progress, should be fixed in v1.21 [SPELL] Windfury Weapon does not ever proc. [TALENT] Improved Fear does not work. [GLYPH] Glyph Of Remove Curse does not work.[/code]
More to come in v1.18 please report bugs!

DOWNLOAD REPACK v1.17. (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxIxCbr0BtuIRW5lamdaem5RSGM)
* UPDATE 01:12/21/2012 REQUIRES REPACK v1.17*v1.17 InstanceScripts Update (http://www.mediafire.com/?061iqs5g59l00my)
(Optional - Recommend - Place In modules folder)
CHANGELOG UPDATE 01 (http://pastebin.com/QWM2xUbu)

DOWNLOAD v1.18 - January 13th, 2013 (https://www.google.com/search?sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=Content+will+be+released+on+January+13th,+2013.&oq=Content+will+be+released+on+September+28th,+201 2.+TEAM+L33T&gs_l=hp.12...3334.65069.0.67328. 4.10675.27j60j2j1.90.0.les%3B..2.0...1c.1._VkdLL25 1s8&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.&biw=1920&bih=1056&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=W8xXUMDVIoX10gG2vICgDQ&sei=n8xXUMalJanK0AH4i4G4CQ&gbv=2)

v1.18 Beta Notes(Updated Daily - RELEASE: 1/13/2012)


[SIZE=2]Dungeons & Raids * Ruby Sanctum- Complete & Scripted (93-94% Blizzlike) * Utgarde Pinnacle- Complete & Scripted * Pit of Saron - Improved scripts * Forge of Souls - Improved scripts * Heroic Mode - Now works on all WOTLK instances.
My Development Chart

1st - Content (Instances, Raids, Quests, Battlegrounds)

2nd - Spell Fixes

3rd - Dungeon Finder / Random Battleground

4th - Other



Does this repack support mmaps (Movement Maps)?


Yes, it does but you need to extract them or download them. or you can get them here:
MMAPS DOWNLOAD (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?146772-epic-release-mmaps-(pathfinding)&p=1594082#post1594082)


When do you plan to get the RBG feature working?


I plan to have it working very soon, I have no date atm.


Is all modes of raids working? (10 man, 25 man, 10 man heroic, 25 man heroic)


Only some, I am in the process of fixing up raids and adding all modes, for right now 10 man is the only supported. The only raids with all modes working at the moment are, Ruby Sanctum, Vault of Archavon, in v1.18.


What version does this repack support?


This repack will support only Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) client.

Credits to Cronic