View Full Version : Eternal-wow Private Servers, wotlk and cata!

25-02-13, 12:28 PM

Damnation 15x rate PvPvE -- NOW OPEN
6 new custom areas made from scratch from the ground-up, including a main city for each faction in the zone of Uldum, dueling pits, starter zone, and a new custom battleground event with flying vehicles
Advanced faction cities, including NPC pathing, emotes, and unobtrusive dialogue to make the cities feel like you've just been dropped into a real war.

Gladiator starter gear, with upgrades to Vicious Gladiator (iLevel 372) with Honor Points
Starter mounts, gems, trinkets, weapons, and other goodies for pick-up-and-kill gameplay
A scripted Hunter Pet training area with all new Cataclysm pets
Quest chains that open several lucrative dailies for additional rewards
World-PvP enhanced to reward players who attack and conquer the enemy city
All flight points available, and instant, for the explorer-types of players
Mercenary System that allows players to take control of and choose specialized NPC arch-types, like Archers, Warriors, Mages, and Healers, to aid them in battle against enemy cities or other players. Mercenaries will be challenging to obtain, expensive to use, but rewarding to fight alongside

--------------------------------------------------------Server Specifications--------------------------------------------------------
OS: Linux
1x - 6 Core - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz (Board has another empty socket available for quick expansion)
8x - 15K RPM (6Gbps) 300GB SAS Hard Drives (http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&catId=58058&item=130849868624) (RAID 6) (Space for another 6 drives available for quick expansion)
24GB DDR3 1333 ECC RAM (24GB) (Space for another 24GB of ram for quick expansion)
1x - DELL (http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_hi_3?rh=n:172282,n:!13900871,n:565118,n:656 734&ie=UTF8&qid=1287404111) H700 RAID CARD (HUGE HDD PERFORMANCE BOOST!)
All data is backed up daily to an offsite location. This prevents character loss or rollbacks should a problem occur.
Connection: 1 Gb line
Location: Dallas, Texas

--------------------------------------------------------Quick Facts--------------------------------------------------------

Daily Events
Instant Account Setup
Malls in Stormwind, Orgrimmar, and Shattrath
Portals to Arenas and Major Cities
Fully Scripted
Friendly GM's
24/7 of pure WoW!

Please join us on our 100 slot high quality Teamspeak server so you can play with other players

--------------------------------------------------------Teamspeak Server Information--------------------------------------------------------
Hostname/IP: voice.eternal-wow.com
Port: 4000

Eternal-WoW is all about quality. We maintain a dedicated staff and have all staff members adhere to a strict code. Any notion of player abuse or cheating are taken with the utmost concern and severity. Constant supervision is provided to our servers, as hacking, spamming or any other form of ill-conduct will not be tolerated. Not only do we strive to provide a great gaming atmosphere, but provide the most optimized experience taking full advantage of our dedicated server box in a data center located in Dallas, Texas. The server box is located in a central position so that even internationally players can experience lag-free game play. The Eternal-WoW staff strives to provide an amazing experience to all players, as events are hosted regularly and all tickets submitted will be evaluated and taken into consideration. No player's concerns, comments, or suggestions are left ignored and everyone’s opinion is valued. Through years of experience as both server managers and players, our staff has a keen understanding as to what the general gaming population desires. On a final note, we remind our community that providing a server is not free, and our dedication doesn’t pay the bills for the server, so all donations are greatly appreciated.

-Eternal-WoW Management
Eternal-Wow! • Instant 80 PvP & Blizzlike WoW Private Server (http://eternal-wow.com)



04-04-13, 04:30 AM
Hello players. I do not know if you've played Eternal-Wow.com but I want to tell you that this is one of the best, if not the best private server that I played so far. I play for 3 years an that server and not even cross my mind to leave. Join us at eternal-wow.com.

11-04-13, 02:17 PM
Hey guys everyone should really check out this private server! From the PvP to PvE aspects of the game, everything about it is so fun! The community involvement is great and everyone in general is friendly and down to earth!

13-05-13, 08:55 PM
Eternal-WoW Presents Cataclysm 4.3.4!

We have a new 4.3.4 cataclysm realm, which for six months has been worked on by a professional developer team. Ensuring the realm is as blizz-like as possible by scripting quests and fixes, we guarantee that you will have one of the best cataclysmic experiences. Firelands, End Time, Hour of Twilight and Dragon Soul, as well as the reworked Zul'Gurub and Zul'Aman will be at your disposal each and every day. Movement during PvP has never been easier - no players are able to go invisible and sneak kill you, nor will you get stuck when using a hearthstone. Archaeology and the new rated battleground system are also features of our 4.3.4 realm.

As of today, we are in the final stages of PTR and will be releasing an official launch on May 3rd, 2013. We require some players to help with testing, and provide some feedback with your ideas or let us know if we missed anything!


At Eternal-WoW we care about the players, so having our own builder team is a substantial advantage. Through player and staff suggestions, we are able to create new events, be it custom battlegrounds, questlines, PvE or PvP orientated or those who just enjoy exploring the world, we have it all. What more could you ask for than a staff team who listens and responds to your needs? Additionally, we also HIRE PLAYERS (http://eternal-wow.com/user/gmapplication/) who show potential to be Game Masters, Livestreamers, Donation Staff, Beta Testers or Developers. We even have a whole team dedicated to balancing one realm. Join Eternal-WoW today for the best gaming experience, our community is waiting for you!

Eternal-WoW is proud of their "anyone is welcome" policy. We have players from all over the world and we continue to welcome anyone who wants a great gaming experience with people from every nationality.

Our current player statistics are:




The management of Eternal-WoW believes in investing everything back into the community. Over the years we have been able to purchase one of the best networks of any WoW player base.

Our current statistics are:




http://i.imgur.com/BPIHFtx.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/FZlvUHM.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/1XGFWDJ.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/uQorMYq.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/Hy9607P.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/Xo2czBt.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/aUrvIwq.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/2qH2rqR.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/qNC2p1v.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/KPhoaDc.jpg)

http://i.imgur.com/HmMeSzC.jpg (http://i.imgur.com/OO0l2Gx.jpg)

15-05-13, 05:48 PM
Hey guys, this thread is actually pretty sweet. Not many bugs, nice staff, and really cool events.