View Full Version : L2Naiad High Five PvP Server!

Dev Jeiko
19-06-13, 03:10 PM
Server Rates & Features

~~~~~~~~~ General Rates ~~~~~~~~~
Exp : x500
Sp : x500
Drop : x10
Adena: x100
~~~~~~~~~ Party Bonus ~~~~~~~~~
Exp : +30%
Sp : +30%

~~~~~~~~~ Enchant Rates ~~~~~~~~~
Safe enchant : +8
Maximum enchant : +18
Normal scrolls : 75%
Blessed scrolls : 85%
Naiad scrolls : 100%

~~~~~~~~~ Buff system ~~~~~~~~~
Maximum buff slots : 44
Maximum dance/song slots : 16
Total buff slots : 60+4
Buffs – dances/songs duration : 2 hours
Custom scheme buffer, with the ability to store 60 buffs (44 buffs, 16 dance/songs) on each scheme.
~~~~~~~~~ Custom Features ~~~~~~~~~
Champion mobs enabled
Custom Leveling Zone
Custom Farm Areas
Custom Grand Bosses Area
Custom PvP Zone Area {Flagged}
Epic Bosses Areas
Custom Starting Packages (Armor, jewels, consumables).
Custom Teleporter
Elemental System enabled. Maximum element level : 7
Multiple currency system : adena , apiga, golden apiga, knight epaluette, glittering medal .
.deposit command : Automatically turn you adena to goldbars.
.castlemanager command : Brings up Castle Siege menu in order to check sieges without teleporting to the spot.
Custom GM Shop
Custom aio multifunction NPC
Maximum subclasses : 3. No quest is needed for adding a subclass.
Subclass/Transformation skills from custom NPC.
Free Nobless from aio npc. Only restriction your level to be 85.
Custom Raid Boss Area.
Customized System Message Engine.
Olympiad Period : 2 weeks.
Siege Period : Every week.
Territory Wars Period : Every week.
PvP Color Names.
PvP Reward System and NPC.
GoD (Godess Of Destruction) Armors, Jewels, Weapons, Cloaks, Helmets.
~~~~~~~~~ Custom Events ~~~~~~~~~
Custom Events will intervent every hour.
TvT Event Engine. Event cycle : 4 hours
Raid Event Engine. Event cycle : 4 hours
Catch The Flag Event Engine. Event cycle : 4 hours
Death Match Event Engine. Event cycle : 4 hours
Custom events will be taking place from GM’s when they are online.