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View Full Version : United WoW - 3.3.5 24/7 Project [Recruiting]

08-07-13, 05:06 PM
Why have we start a WoW server ?

We as united gaming community have currently decided to open up a WoW
server to get a new player base and fun into our community,
After our community had some serveral server like FPS ones
we had the feel to make a new one that we never had before
so thats our reason to open up a WoW server.

What kind of WoW server will it be ?

We want a clean server so this will mean we wont
put anything noobish into it like advantage gifts or
on sart direct level 80 -.-''
So we want to remain clean for some time maybe
in the future we can create some kind of gifts.

Do we have any experience at running a WoW server ?

No we dont have much experience in hosting a WoW
server still though the project leader got some experience
with it since he had a WoW server on its own (Private)
But still he doesnt got to much experience to run and maintain the server
on its own (I guess you need to be a genius to do this all at your own scripting, Planning etc..)
so thats why he decided to open up recruitments to may recieve some help in his work.

Server details.

Current the VPS that its hosted off is a Windows 2008 server
that we can maintain with minimum knowledge,
Also the server is already up and running but still the IP
will be kept hidden until we have a staff team and
until we have a good server that will attract
and interest people.

What if it wont go well with the server plans ?

If this should happen we will stay at the project as our
community motto is that we will never give up on our goals
even when it should break us apart !
Still though when it should happen we will gather our staff to
see if there is anything we can do about it and make new plannings
to reach our goal!

Interested ?

If you are interested in our server and want to help out
then we are glad to welcome you in our United Staff team
(If not, We want to thank you for your reading time)
Please note that when you want to apply that
Teamspeak 3 with working mic is a must to keep
utmost communication troughout the progress of
our server.

Contact information.

You will be able to contact our project leader at our mail, his skype, teamspeak, or PM.

Mail: [email protected]

Skype: ron_linan

Teamspeak: united-voice.stx.nl

The End.

At the end off this story we want to thank you for you time
and we hope you enjoyed reading it,

Sincerely United Gaming Team.