View Full Version : [Soul of the Ultimate Nation] - BestSun2 - Private server

21-07-13, 07:21 PM
Dear staff and members,

someone finally managed to run a fully working S.U.N server, fully functional and fully translated.

Besides, please delete the older advertisement regarding our server, it's not a proper advertisement!

Below I'll state the informations of the server and how you can access it for many have been waiting months/years for a private server to come out!

Server rates:

- Exp Rate:50x
- Drop Rate:50x
- Currency Rate:1$=5000 coins

Server Specifications:

- RAM:16G
- Processor Speed:3.2Gx8
- Connection: SUN Online Private Server-Home (http://www.bestsun2.com/)
- Hosting Location:USA
- Name of Host: bestsun2

For a quick connection to register, visit the following link!

SUN Online Private Server-Sign Up (http://www.bestsun2.com/Register/?34093)

My own experience regarding this server:

I'm more than amazed how fluent the game actually runs, from basic stuff e.g tutorials, quests to bosses and craftings. Of course it's much easier here to get crafting done, you can buy materials in game, basically everything can be achieved in game. On the other hand, you can also donate to support the server and get some benefits from doing so ( WCoins ) to buy cash items.

I'm currently level 70 Berserker and really enjoy it, everything works as you are used to ( official server ) except we've way higher rates.

What else can be said? Feel free to join and build up your own opinion! I'm sure you'll enjoy it since FAILzen ( Webzen ) forced like everyone to quit their servers due to their money greeding basis. We already have players from Triumph and so forth, we are looking for more people to join! Except huge wars, huge parties and guild events!

Few screenshots in game:


24-07-13, 06:34 AM
Bringing up my post!