View Full Version : NPCBot (Minion) 4.3.4 Repack

04-08-13, 03:45 AM

Ok, So finally a nice little Alpha Build for Trinitycore 4.3.4 with NPCBots AKA Minions

A few things. This is ALPHA -> highly unstable and untested.
Initial port was done by Trickerer here -> https://bitbucket.org/trickerer/trinity-bots

I've changed the SQL to add support for bots over level 80, and modified Player.cpp a little for the same reason.
Also I added in Worgen and Goblin support (A little hackey, but functioning)

You can find my source here if you'd like to contribute to the repack ->https://bitbucket.org/jcarter4562/tc2botcore

There is a custom Reforging.cpp in the 3.3.5a branch, it was originally written by Rochet2, so please ask him before you spread it around.

Useful Macro's
.npcbot helper (Brings up summoning menu)
.npcbot (CLASS) <Summon's Class of bot...ie: .npcbot summon mage>


DBC (http://www.mediafire.com/download/5ymamvvdv8ygnt7/434dbc.7z)

MAPS (http://www.mediafire.com/download/3bklh7ooucd2t2l/434maps.7z)

VMAPS1 (http://www.mediafire.com/?p8w26k51sushl4i)

VMAPS2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?xfmk72qgi7vn1sl)

BotCore (http://www.mediafire.com/?ttj1vthe3b6z5w9)

I'd also like to give credit to Jeutie for his portable MYSQL server.
(Apache Page not working, I'll look at the configs, and such when I get time, or pack in an actual CMS for ya)

I'd also like to give Gaut credit for all his hard SQL work. I used his 4.3.4 SQL Fixes from his thread here....http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthr...-Trinity-4-3-4 (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?178146-SQL-Scripts-for-Trinity-4-3-4)

Side Note: If you're wondering why there is so much crap in the BotServer Folder, it was compiled in debug mode, just ignore it.


Logging out without first De-summoning (Through .npcbot helper -> Remove all Bots) or leaving party, will cause a server crash. This also crashes when you log back in. Double Threat! So make sure to leave group or de-summon bots before you exit game.

Using LFG with bots will Crash the core. <It should be disabled already.>

For DLL Errors: Try these redist packages (2012) ones. DOWNLOAD (http://forum.sysadmin.am/files/file/10-microsoft-visual-c-2005-2008-2010-2012-redistributable-package-hybrid-x86-x64/)


http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudi...d-2012-express (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/eng/downloads#d-2012-express)
-> Select the Desktop Version,

Credits : Jcarter