View Full Version : BotCore 335 and 434

07-09-13, 08:46 PM
BotCore 335 & 434

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By request I've updated my old 3.3.5a NPCBot repack and I"m re-releasing it. Thanks to all the people that sent encouraging words of support. I've made this new thread to combine the two (335 & 434) released in the same thread for easier tracking and updating.

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3.3.5a Botcore:


C++ Scripts->

Custom Chat with Custom Ranks
Custom XP and Loot commands (See admin account for Macro's)
GoMove for world building (addon included in repo)
Leveler NPC
Enchanter NPC
XP Rate Stopper NPC

Lua Scripts->

Pocket Teleporter
Personal Buff Stone
PVP Title Giver
Roulette Game
Rock Paper Scissors Game
Visual Enchanter (command is asd)

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Additional Custom Content

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[Custom Made Karazhan Instance]:

Trash in SAI with way point movement for a more blizzlike feel -> WIP Still fine tuning everything. I need testing and feedback to make things better. Some known bugs are in Erithol Event (Banquet Hall) -> NPC bots will glitch the Event. (It is Soloable).

Custom Bosses & Encounters:
Gizella -> Dps & Health Check -> Lots of random spells adds and 3 distinct phases
Erithol Event (Relocated and Re-scripted Dire Maul Event)
Penumbris -> Only 2 phase boss -> no adds -> Very hard though http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/biggrin.gif

The Conclave of Wizards
Naxril -> Hard hitting boss with some fun effects (Random jumping and hitting)
Wixar-> Nature Based boss -> Tank and Spank
Ruarzog -> Fire boss with some fun effects (Mostly aoe)

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[Emoriss The Twilight Lord]

I replaced Onyxia with this boss. It's a long and hard fight, but really fun with a group of people or even the bots. He has a ground phase, flying phase, add phase (while flying) and ends again with a ground phase. I've re-scripted this boss 3-4 times now to update to latest trinity, and work out crash bugs. I hope ya like it.

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434 Botcore

For those that were not following my old thread, you can find the old change logs here: Old Thread (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?185941-4-3-4-NPCBot-%28Minion%29-Repack)

Version 5 Update: (Not a lot new with all the work I've been doing on 335)

Updated to TrinityCore commit: be75ddc2bd99045e53523a06707526b233fd0c32 09/07/2013

Updated commands to worK with RBAC
Fixed a crash issue with Druids Shapeshifting to Bear Form

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[I've moved everything to my repository's download section]

DOWNLOADS (https://bitbucket.org/JCarter4562/tc2botcore/downloads)

- - - Updated - - -

Video: 335aBotCore: The Conclave of Wizards:

- - - Updated - - -

Forgot to mention, the Addon.7z contains TrinityAdmin, GM Helper, GoMove, GM Genie, and VipChat (working with custom .chat feature)
Also, Patch-I.MPQ is for custom Items and Weapons. (All found in Repository's Download Section as well)

08-09-13, 07:07 AM
Thanks for Share!

15-06-17, 05:09 AM
It won't let me pile any more rep on you it seems, but THANK YOU! I am a disabled vet & playing with yours, and a few others repacks is my way to have fun. You rock! :)