View Full Version : [Official] MMOFUSE 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack

25-11-13, 06:13 PM
Newest MMOPro 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack Updated > Click here < (https://www.mmopro.org/repacks/27214-[wow-repack]-mmopro-%7C-world-warcraft-cataclysm-4-3-4-repack.html)

Banner created by Katos.
Latest virus/defrag scan: 07/31/2014 v5.1.1.0
Latest update for repack: 07/31/2014
Latest thread update: 07/31/2014
Latest released version: v5.1.1.0 (ALPHA)
Latest pre-alpha version: v5.0.7.1
Next released version: v5.2.0.0 (ALPHA)
Current Revision: r5100
Goal Revision for next release: r5200
Times downloaded: 5,900+


Patch support.
Latest TrinityCore Commit. (05bd9153326f5cc793f1f8a882dbfdd1d95b63b8 (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/05bd9153326f5cc793f1f8a882dbfdd1d95b63b8))
Latest TrinityCore's Database Commit. (f5f029898c188461fe561d2163e2baf911b1ba63 (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore_4.3.4_DB_Alpha/commit/f5f029898c188461fe561d2163e2baf911b1ba63))
Latest NoxicDB's Database. (Rev. 1)
Database status: Excellent! (v5.1.0.0)
Maps status: Up-to-date! (v5.1.0.0)
vMaps status: Up-to-date! (v5.1.0.0)
mMaps status: Up-to-date! (v5.1.0.4)
DBCs status: Up-to-date! (v5.1.0.0)
DLLs status: Compatible! (v5.1.0.0)

Table of Contents


Zones (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47700/#post47700)
World Events (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47740/#post47740)
Race & Class (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47773/#post47773)
Battlegrounds & Arenas (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47774/#post47774)
Dungeons & Raids (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47785/#post47785)
Miscellaneous (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post47790/#post47790)

Revisions Center (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401/index18.html#post48733)
Download Center (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401/index18.html#post48734)
FAQ (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401/index18.html#post48736)
Thanks! (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f163/%5Bofficial%5D-mmofuse-4-3-4-blizzlike-cataclysm-repack-20401-post48938/#post48938)

Have any questions? Contact me!

http://hatscripts.com/addskype.png?u=zdroid9770 (http://hatscripts.com/addskype?zdroid9770)

Note: Click the name to be redirected to a new page.
zdroid9770 (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/zdroid9770/) - For compiling, producing, supporting, and releasing this repack.
TrinityCore (https://github.com/trinitycore/trinitycore/tree/4.3.4/) - For the source.
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. (http://blizzard.com) - For the Game & Client.
Jeutie (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/member.php?194182-Jeutie) - For the portable MySQL, Apache, and website template.
Zaxer (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/member.php?73523-Zaxer) - ZCP v1.0, ZCP v2.0, ZCP v3.0, and ZCP v3.1.

Warning: This repack is considered part of the Crimoxic community. I do not mind if you share this repack on other sites, but if you do want to share it, contact me first! Then use my links/mirrors to link to the downloads. Thank you for understanding.


26-11-13, 02:19 AM
Fix some minor code errors in you're text, other than that it looks good, Asbonia approves

26-11-13, 04:21 AM
Fix some minor code errors in you're text, other than that it looks good, Asbonia approves

I noticed them when I made the thread, I was like "I'll do that later." until now I just did it. Anyways, I'm planning to make this project big for mmofuse, so far the release is hopefully christmas day.

Thanks :D

26-11-13, 04:39 PM

I wanted to ask if you can give me the source code?

By that I own scripts ect. can insert and recompile.
(Only for their own project. the code I do not give further)

(C) I let inside


26-11-13, 07:10 PM

I wanted to ask if you can give me the source code?

By that I own scripts ect. can insert and recompile.
(Only for their own project. the code I do not give further)

(C) I let inside


You may need to wait til release date, until then its not available.

26-11-13, 07:39 PM
Is not yet published?

aso sorry : /

is already a date known? : )


Pe Se : my but not the Repack ; )

27-11-13, 01:47 AM
Is not yet published?

aso sorry : /

is already a date known? : )


Pe Se : my but not the Repack ; )

There is already a planned date of release, December the 21st, year of 2013.

27-11-13, 02:56 AM
Thought 24th of December was x-Mas :p

BTW, PM me here if ya need help :)

27-11-13, 04:05 PM
Thought 24th of December was x-Mas :p

BTW, PM me here if ya need help :)

I thought the same thing, unless I'm just confused about it. XD

Thanks for the offer, I'll use it when needed :3.

01-12-13, 11:52 AM
From where i can download the repack?Cause i think the Links Dosnt Work's!

01-12-13, 04:15 PM
From where i can download the repack?Cause i think the Links Dosnt Work's!
There's no link yet.. Read other replies mate! :P

08-12-13, 03:57 AM

Kalimdor is Available.

Ashenvale is 73%.
Azshara is 76%.
Azuremyst Isle is 75%.
Bloodmyst Isle is 78%.
Darkshore is 78%.
Darnassus is 75%.
Desolace is 71%.
Duraotar is 75%.
Dustwallow Marsh is 76%.
Felwood is 73%.
Feralas is 74%.
Molten Front is 87%.
Moonglade is 97%.
Mount Hyjal is 71%.
Mulgore is 75%.
Northern Barrens is 77%.
Orgrimmar is 94%.
Silithus is 84%.
Southern Barrens is 73%.
Stonetalon Mountains is 76%.
Tanaris is 77%.
Teldrassil is 75%.
The Exodar is 79%.
The Veiled Sea is 03%.
Thousand Needles is 70%.
Thunder Bluff is 78%.
Uldum is 65%.
Un'Goro Crater is 79%.
Winterspring is 83%.

Eastern Kingdoms is Available.

Arathi Highlands is 86%.
Badlands is 87%.
Blackrock Mountain is 96%.
Blasted Lands is 75%.
Burning Steppes is 71%.
Deadwind Pass is 96%.
Deeprun Tram is 97%.
Dun Morogh is 74%.
Duskwood is 83%.
Eastern Plaguelands is 72%.
Elwynn Forest is 73%.
Eversong Woods is 87%.
Ghostlands is 83%.
Gilneas is 60%.
Gilneas City is 60%.
Hillsbrad Foothills is 75%.
Ironforge is 90%.
Isle of Quel'Danas is 89%.
Loch Modan is 83%.
Northern Stranglethorn is 85%.
Plague: The Scarlet Enclave is 92%.
Redridge Mountains is 75%.
Ruins of Gilneas is 75%.
Searing Gorge is 90%.
Silvermoon City is 89%.
Silverpine Forest is 85%.
Stormwind City is 91%.
Stranglethorn Vale is 75%.
Swamp of Sorrows is 76%.
The Cape of Stranglethorn is 79%.
The Hinterlands is 73%.
Tirisfal Glades is 76%.
Twilight Highlands is 83%.
Undercity is 95%.
Vashj'ir is 01%.

Abyssal Depths is 01%.
Kelp'thar Forest is 01%.
Shimmering Expanse is 00%.

Western Plaguelands is 76%.
Westfall is 75%.
Wetlands is 87%.

Outlands is Available.

Blade's Edge Mountains is 76%.
Hellfire Peninsula is 77%.
Nagrand is 76%.
Netherstorm is 76%.
Shadowmoon Valley is 78%.
Shattrath City is 99%.
Terokkar Forest is 89%.
Zangarmarsh is 84%.

Northrends is Available.

Borean Tundra is 86%.
Crystalsong Forest is 75%.
Dalaran is 99%.
Dragonblight is 76%.
Grizzly Hills is 76%.
Howling Fjord is 79%.
Hrothgar's Landing is 89%.
Icecrown is 75%.
Sholazar Basin is 76%.
The Storm Peaks is 75%.
Wintergrasp is 35%.
Zul'Drak is 82%.

The Maelstorm is Available.

Darkmoon Island is 87%.
Deepholm is 78%.
Kezan is 79%.
The Lost Isles is 75%.
The Maelstrom is 80%.
Tol Barad is 78%.
Tol Barad Peninsula is 79%.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

11-12-13, 07:43 AM
Hey guys, while im waiting when this repack will be released, i tryed to compile arcpro core, but cmake failed to generate, i get this error:


Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp
.hxx .in .txx

11-12-13, 10:45 AM
December 21st is almost here! Have patience ladies and gentlemen. I'm doing my best and taking time efficiently for this project. ;)

Hey guys, while im waiting when this repack will be released, i tryed to compile arcpro core, but cmake failed to generate, i get this error:


Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp
.hxx .in .txx

I'll fix that when I get home (6 hours from now).

Just a side note. This emulator is based off TrinityCore, not ArcPro.

11-12-13, 11:33 AM
I'll fix that when I get home (6 hours from now).

Just a side note. This emulator is based off TrinityCore, not ArcPro.

Thank ypu for reply! I just cant find thread that is about ArkPro support, so i posted here.

P.S. link to changelogs are broken.

11-12-13, 04:55 PM
Thank ypu for reply! I just cant find thread that is about ArkPro support, so i posted here.

P.S. link to changelogs are broken.


and there is a thread about arcpro that can be found here: http://mmofuse.net/forums/f191/%5Barcemu%5D-arcpro-emulator-4-3-4-a-20080/

12-12-13, 03:39 AM
Note: If it is anything you need help with and you can't find, do not hessitate to contact me or any of the Moderators on this forum, we are here to help.

12-12-13, 09:03 PM
Note: If it is anything you need help with and you can't find, do not hessitate to contact me or any of the Moderators on this forum, we are here to help.

Ohh sweet, thanks. :) When I'm not available at the time, this for sure will help me. Thanks so much! <3

12-12-13, 09:14 PM
very good repack

12-12-13, 11:22 PM
very good repack


13-12-13, 02:42 AM
Anytime bro:)

13-12-13, 06:10 AM
Im wondering, whats main fixes of this repack will be?
Quests, spells, raids or battlegrounds/arenas?

I hope starting areas will be fixed as much as posible.

13-12-13, 08:37 AM
Im wondering, whats main fixes of this repack will be?
Quests, spells, raids or battlegrounds/arenas?

I hope starting areas will be fixed as much as posible.
Hopefully so, but since it has not even launched yet I cannot conclude with this. This will be massively updated over times.

13-12-13, 09:21 AM
At least this will be long term project, im happy about this.

13-12-13, 09:33 AM
World Events

WoW's Anniversaries are Available.
Lunar Festival is Available.
Love is in the Air is Available.
Noblegarden is Available.
Children's Week is Available.
Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza is Available.
Call to Arms is Available.

Call to Arms: Warsong Gulch is Available.
Call to Arms: Strand of the Ancients is Available.
Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest is Available.
Call to Arms: The Battle for Gilneas is Available.
Call to Arms: Twin Peaks is Available.
Call to Arms: Arathi Basin is Available.
Call to Arms: Eye of the Storm is Available.
Call to Arms: Alterac Valley is Available.

Darkmoon Faire is unavailable.

Darkmoon Faire Building (Elwynn Forest) is unavailable.
Darkmoon Faire (Elwynn Forest) is unavailable.
Darkmoon Faire (Mulgore) is unavailable.
Darkmoon Faire (Terokkar Forest) is unavailable.

Midsummer Fire Festival is Available.
Fireworks Spectacular is Available.
Harvest Festival is Available.
Pirates' Day is Available.
Brewfest is Available.
Hallow's End is Available.
Day of the Dead is Available.
Pilgrim's Bounty is Available.
Feast of Winter Veil is Available.
Elemental Invasions is Available.
Scourge Invasion is Available.
AQ War Effort is Available.
Arena Season 1 is Available.
Arena Season 2 is Available.
Arena Season 3 is Available.
Arena Season 4 is Available.
Arena Season 5 is Available.
Arena Season 6 is Available.
Arena Season 7 is Available.
Arena Season 8 is Available.
Zalazane's Fall is Available.
Operation: Gnomeregan is Available.
Fishing (winter season) is Available.
December is Available.
Winter Veil is Available.
New Year's Eve is Available.
January is Available.
February is Available.
March is Available.
Fishing (summer season) is Available.
April is Available.
May is Available.
Edge of Madness, Gri'lek is Available.
Nights is Available.
Gurubashi Arena Booty Run is Available.
Wolfs Attack to the Orgrimmar (Wolfs Group One) is Available.
Orgrimmar Grunts Start Defend is Available.
L70ETC Concert is Available.
Hammerfall Under Attack is Available.
Thrallmar Demon Attack is Available.
Kalu'ak Fishing Derby is Available.
Fishing (00.00-06.00) is Available.
Fishing (06.00-12.00) is Available.
Fishing (12.00-18.00) is Available.
Fishing (18.00-00.00) is Available.
Fishing Extravaganza Announce is Available.
Fishing Extravaganza is Available.
Wolfs Attack to the Orgrimmar (Wolfs Group Two) is Available.
Edge of Madness, Hazza'rah is Available.
June is Available.
Edge of Madness, Renataki is Available.
Edge of Madness, Wushoolay is Available.
July is Available.
August is Available.
September is Available.
October is Available.
November is Available.
Death Legion Attack Stormwind City (Undead Attack) is Available.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

17-12-13, 04:56 PM
Im wondering, whats main fixes of this repack will be?
Quests, spells, raids or battlegrounds/arenas?

I hope starting areas will be fixed as much as posible.

Zones and quests are my main priority at first and some others misc., other fixes will be coming from trinitycore.

Blizzlike as much as possible.

Hopefully so, but since it has not even launched yet I cannot conclude with this. This will be massively updated over times.

I'm aware of this :P.

At least this will be long term project, im happy about this.

Yes, indeed. :)

Just a friendly reminder, the project is planned for release in 4 more days! (California time)!

18-12-13, 10:53 AM
Just a friendly reminder, the project is planned for release in 4 more days! (California time)!

Im dying to see updated version.
Can you give sneak peek of some updates?

18-12-13, 11:42 PM
Hello my name is Henry, I'm from USA! and I'm new in the community!

19-12-13, 02:36 AM
Hello my name is Henry, I'm from USA! and I'm new in the community!

Hey Henry, you have unfortionally posted this greeting in the wrong section. Due to you are new we'll not make any big deal out of this, but please try to keep it in the right sections from now on.

19-12-13, 09:36 AM
We would like to make an own server with one of my friends, that two people let us be able to play, than from the aim of GM, an entertainment. But we did not touch it very much unfortunately. You would be able to explain it, that how on FREE who can be untied, that let us be able to be two people on an own server like this?
Ahead thanks the answers!:)

20-12-13, 01:51 PM
Im dying to see updated version.
Can you give sneak peek of some updates?

Maybe, depends on my time. ;p

We would like to make an own server with one of my friends, that two people let us be able to play, than from the aim of GM, an entertainment. But we did not touch it very much unfortunately. You would be able to explain it, that how on FREE who can be untied, that let us be able to be two people on an own server like this?
Ahead thanks the answers!:)

Its 100% free using LAN or hamachi for friends.

21-12-13, 03:06 AM
21 already here.

21-12-13, 06:02 AM
I Don't see any links! whats up?

21-12-13, 12:24 PM
still hoping for the release today!
Keep your head up!

21-12-13, 02:56 PM
Its comming! Soon ;)

21-12-13, 03:05 PM
Race & Class


Blood Elf are working 90% as intended.
Goblin are working 65% as intended.
Orc are working 90% as intended.
Tauren are working 85% as intended.
Troll are working 90% as intended.
Undead are working 86% as intended.


Draenei are working 86% as intended.
Dwarf are working 88% as intended.
Gnome are working 87% as intended.
Human are working 87% as intended.
Night Elf are working 86% as intended.
Worgen are working 55% as intended.

Most spells and talents are working.

Death Knights are working 94% as intended.
Druids are working 95% as intended.
Hunters are working 93% as intended.
Mages are working 96% as intended.
Paladins are working 97% as intended.
Priests are working 97% as intended.
Rogues are working 96% as intended.
Shamans are working 94% as intended.
Warlocks are working 97% as intended.
Warriors are working 96% as intended.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

21-12-13, 07:36 PM
Battlegrounds & Arenas

Random Battlegrounds is Available.
Rated Battlegrounds is Available. (Experimental)
Warsong Gulch is Available.
Arathi Basin is Available.
Alterac Valley is Available.
Eye of the Storm is Available.
Strand of the Ancients is Available.
Isle of Conquest is Available.
Twin Peaks is Available.
Tol Barad is unavailable.
The Battle for Gilneas is unavailable.
Wintergrasp is Available. (Experimental)

Blade's Edge Arena is Available.
Nagrand Arena is Available.
Ruins of Lordaeron is Available.
The Ring of Valor is Available.
The Dalaran Arena is Available.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

21-12-13, 09:18 PM
21 already here.

I Don't see any links! whats up?

still hoping for the release today!
Keep your head up!

Its comming! Soon http://www.mmofuse.net/forums/images/smilies/wink.png

Its coming today.

It takes me at least 4~5 hours to compress in rar format for the following: Core, dbcs, maps, vmaps, mmaps.
It takes me at least 5~10 hours to make an executable version for the following: Core, dbcs , maps, vmaps, mmaps.
It takes me at least 1~3 hours to upload to mega.
It takes me at least a few seconds to update the links on the thread.

The core is available for download. The dbcs, maps, vmaps, and mmaps will be unavailable for a few hours.

22-12-13, 12:34 AM
My wow 4.3.4 is corrupted and I'm tired, once my client gets fixed I can extract the new dbc, maps, vmaps, and mmaps. Other than that, I prefer someone to help me by doing this with the tools provided in the core rar folder and uploading them and giving the to me by posting here or pming me. I'll be greatly appreicated. Until then, the older, OUT-OF-DATE ones will be available for download. I'm not sure if they'll work though so, be cautious on that. Thank you!

22-12-13, 01:59 AM
Thx for the upload, downloading and testing it right now.

Worgen not playable (second quest isnt working)
Goblin HotRod aint working, so i didnt test them.

Looks like fresh trinity compile without any patches.

22-12-13, 02:22 AM
what is the password to extract the core?

22-12-13, 02:26 AM
what is the password to extract the core?
mmofuse exclusive

22-12-13, 03:08 AM

worldserver generates a lot of errors but it completes and one can login. Will continue testing.
Well done so far!

22-12-13, 07:03 AM
Thanks :))

I would like to ask a little help!
Unfortunately any kind of REPACK download, locks it automatically always the "worldserver", and it "authserver", so to play neither I can't with him :S
What may be the trouble that ?:S locks it automatically continuously

22-12-13, 07:49 AM
Thanks :))

I would like to ask a little help!
Unfortunately any kind of REPACK download, locks it automatically always the "worldserver", and it "authserver", so to play neither I can't with him :S
What may be the trouble that ?:S locks it automatically continuously
It might not be published . You need it to go trough your router or Hamachi for you to join.

22-12-13, 08:53 AM
Yes, i can login but when i'm wrote to: .gm on -> There is no such subcommand. So i don't have a GM account..
i wrote to "worldserver":
.create account <name> <pw>
.account set gmlevel 3 <name> -1
And it doesn't work. why?

22-12-13, 11:43 AM
Dungeons & Raids

Classic Dungeons/Raids


Blackfathom Deeps is Available.
Blackrock Depths is Available.
Blackrock Spire is Available.

Lower is Available.
Upper is Available.

Dire Maul is Available.

North is Available.
East is Available.
West is Available.

Gnomeregan is Available.
Maraudon is Available.

Orange is Available.
Purple is Available.
Poison Falls is Available.
Inner is Available.

Ragefire Chasm is Available.
Razorfen Downs is Available.
Razorfen Kraul is Available.
Scarlet Monastery is Available.

Graveyard is Available.
Library is Available.
Armory is Available.
Catherdal is Available.

Scholomance is Available.
Shadowfang Keep is Available.
Stormwind Stockade is Available.
Stratholme is Available.

Live Side is Available.
Dead Side is Available.

Sunken Temple is Available.
The Deadmines is Available.
Uldaman is Available.
Wailing Caverns is Available.
Zul'Farrak is Available.


Blackwing Lair is Available.
Molten Core is Available.
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj is Available.
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj is Available.
Zul'Gurub is Available.

The Burning Crusade Dungeons/Raids:



Auchenai Crypts is Available.
Mana-Tombs is Available.
Sethekk Halls is Available.
Shadow Labyrinth is Available.

Caverns of Time:

Old Hillsbrad Foothills is Available.
The Black Morass is Available.

Coilfang Reservoir:

The Slave Pens is Available.
The Underbog is Available.

Hellfire Citadel:

Hellfire Ramparts is Available.
The Blood Furnace is Available.
The Shattered Halls is Available.

Magisters' Terrace is Available.
Tempest Keep:

The Arcatraz is Available.
The Botanica is Available.
The Machanar is Available.


Black Temple is Available.
Hyjal Summit is Available.
Serpentshrine Cavern is Available.
Gruul's Lair is Available.
Magtheridon's Lair is Available.
Karazhan is Available.
Sunwell Plateau is Available.
The Eye is Available.
Zul'Aman is Available.

Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons/Raids:


The Culling of Stratholme is Available.
Trial of the Champion is Available.
Drak'Tharon Keep is Available.
Gundrak is Available.
The Violet Hold is Available.

Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom is Available.
Azjol-Nerub is Available.

Icecrown Citadel:

Forge of Souls is Available.
Pit of Saron is Available.
Halls of Reflection is Available.

The Nexus:

The Nexus is Available.
The Oculus is Available.


Halls of Stone is Available.
Halls of Lightning is Available.

Utgarde Keep:

Utgarde Keep is Available.
Utgarde Pinnacle is Available.


Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Crusader is Available.
Icecrown Citadel is Available.

The Lower Spire is Available.
The Crimson Hall is Available.
The Plagueworks is Available.
The Frostwing Halls is Available.
The Frozen Throne is Available.

Naxxramas is Available.

The Arachnid Quarter is Available.
The Plague Quarter is Available.
The Military Quarter is Available.
The Construct Quarter is Available.
Frostwyrm Lair is Available.

Onyxia's Lair is Available.
The Nexus: The Eye of Eternity is Available.
Ulduar is Available.

The Keepers of Ulduar is Available.
The Siege of Ulduar is Available.
The Antechamber is Available.
The Descent into Madness is Available.
Celestial Planetarium is Available.

Vault of Archavon is Available.
The Obsidian Sanctum is Available.
Ruby Sanctum is Available.

Cataclysm Dungeons/Raids:


Throne of the Tides is Available.
Blackrock Caverns is Available.
The Deadmines (heroic) is unavailable.
End Time is Available. (Experimental)
Grim Batol is unavailable.
Halls of Origination is Available.
Hour of Twilight is unavailable.
Lost City of the Tol'vir is Available.
Shadowfang Keep (heroic) is unavailable.
The Stonecore is Available.
The Vortex Pinnacle is Available.
Well of Eternity is unavailable.
Zul'Aman is Available.
Zul'Gurub is Available.


Baradin Hold is Available. (Experimental)
Blackwing Descent is Available. (Experimental)
Dragon Soul is unavailable.
Firelands is Available. (Experimental)
The Bastion of Twilight is Available. (Experimental)
Throne of the Four Winds is unavailable.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

22-12-13, 12:01 PM
Thank you very much for great job :)

22-12-13, 12:15 PM
Thx for the upload, downloading and testing it right now.

Worgen not playable (second quest isnt working)
Goblin HotRod aint working, so i didnt test them.

Looks like fresh trinity compile without any patches.

It was one of the latest trinitycore compiles but I do have fixes of my own already in the core.


worldserver generates a lot of errors but it completes and one can login. Will continue testing.
Well done so far!

I'm aware of this, but please remember 4.3.4 trinitycore is still in Alpha. I will be making a lot of fixes of my own as time moves on. http://www.mmofuse.net/forums/images/smilies/wink.png

Yes, i can login but when i'm wrote to: .gm on -> There is no such subcommand. So i don't have a GM account..
i wrote to "worldserver":
.create account <name> <pw>
.account set gmlevel 3 <name> -1
And it doesn't work. why?

Give me a few minutes and I'll test this myself.

Announcement: Please be cautious that this repack is in ALPHA, do expect many errors. As time moves on these errors will be fixed by not just by me but also anyone who feels in the need to contribute.

@kaliadam, go to your database with HeidiSQL. Navigate from auth --> account --> find your account username --> Get your account ID.... then navigate to auth --> account_access --> find your account ID again, and change the gmlevel for your account to 4. RealmID should be -1.

Give me your results so I know if it worked or not ;p. Good luck!

v4.9.0 has been deleted.

v4.9.1 is being uploaded.

Thank you very much for great job :)

Thanks ;D

v4.9.1 is uploaded. The link is now available on the main thread post!

22-12-13, 01:01 PM
Tested 4.9.1 version, starting zones are bugy as hell.

22-12-13, 01:05 PM
Yes, i can login but when i'm wrote to: .gm on -> There is no such subcommand. So i don't have a GM account..
i wrote to "worldserver":
.create account <name> <pw>
.account set gmlevel 3 <name> -1
And it doesn't work. why?

NOTE: If anyone got this error, its RBAC. RBAC system is the newest of the "GM" power-givers.
How to set RBAC will become tutorial soon!

22-12-13, 02:06 PM

MySQL is Available.
Apache is Available.
Mastery needs to be tested.
Barber Shop is Available.
Dungeon Finder is Available. (Experimental)
Death Knight Starting Area is Available as intended.
Auction House (AH) is Available.
Most Vehicles are Available.
Most Quests are Available.
Most World Events are Available.
Most Rare Elite Spawns are Available.
Most Creatures are Available and Scripted.
Most Items are Available.
Transmogrification is Available as intended.
Reforge is Available as intended.
Void Storage is Available as intended.
Registration Page is Available.
Ore spawns are pooled according to Blizzlike standards.
Most Achievements are Available.
Warden Anti-Cheat is working as intended.
Blizzlike Line of Sight implementation.
Blizzlike pathing implementation.
Extractors for dbc, maps, vmaps and mmaps are included.
Database is partially localized.

Please note that the availability of the content above does NOT necessarily mean that it's all 100% working!

22-12-13, 03:37 PM
Archäologie ?

4.9.0 -> 4.9.1 Changes were made only to the database?

Ini's not scriptet ?

22-12-13, 05:52 PM
Tested 4.9.1 version, starting zones are bugy as hell.

I'm aware of this, remember its in alpha http://www.mmofuse.net/forums/images/smilies/wink.png

NOTE: If anyone got this error, its RBAC. RBAC system is the newest of the "GM" power-givers.
How to set RBAC will become tutorial soon!

Yes, indeed!

Archäologie ?

4.9.0 -> 4.9.1 Changes were made only to the database?

Ini's not scriptet ?

I synced the database so MySQL will be slightly faster to load up the database.
There was also a fix to a missing table.

23-12-13, 06:54 AM
after day of testing (playing :)) even though there are few issues with sql it seems to be very stable and the amount of bugged quest's are relatively not too many. seems any quests that you pickup off lying book or a poster doesn't work.

Also would you know how to remove the walking on the water bug?

And one more question (sorry) is there a way of applying patches like the above preserving characters?


23-12-13, 06:37 PM
after day of testing (playing :)) even though there are few issues with sql it seems to be very stable and the amount of bugged quest's are relatively not too many. seems any quests that you pickup off lying book or a poster doesn't work.

Also would you know how to remove the walking on the water bug?

And one more question (sorry) is there a way of applying patches like the above preserving characters?


Use the waterwalk command. I'm not sure what the command is but it should/could be a subcommand of .gm
Sorry but If I may ask, what do you mean about patches? If you are wanting to apply a patch to this repacks source it'll have to be blizzlike but unless its funserver you'll have to wait til the open source is available. Soon enough this repack will go open source.

Do except to see some bugs. The best for me to actually fix a specific bug is if you, the supporters of this repack report to me or noxicfuse, by email, sending me the name of the NPC, object, quest, or item, etc. and giving me a description of whats wrong with it. You can even provide me with extra information from wowpedia, youtube, etc.

For an example, "Quest:The Light of Dawn, this quest is suppose to have a war event when you talk and accept darion's gossip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM8RKUeGkug"

The developers contact information:
[email protected]
[email protected]

The moderators of mmofuse has also offered to help resolve issue in general for this repack. They'll be a great support for us <3 Much appreciation from me and Noxicfuse.

24-12-13, 02:31 AM
Small little update will be happening on christmas day and v5.0.0 is planned for release sometime during January of 2014.

24-12-13, 03:11 AM
That's great. Will be in contact over emails.

What I meant with the patches was that I have got the 4.9.0 and now was released 4.9.1 and also there will be 5.0.0 (yay) soon.

Any chance to migrate characters from one version of repack to another?

Apologies for misunderstanding.

24-12-13, 04:17 AM
The moderators of mmofuse has also offered to help resolve issue in general for this repack. They'll be a great support for us <3 Much appreciation from me and Noxicfuse.


24-12-13, 07:11 PM
That's great. Will be in contact over emails.

What I meant with the patches was that I have got the 4.9.0 and now was released 4.9.1 and also there will be 5.0.0 (yay) soon.

Any chance to migrate characters from one version of repack to another?

Apologies for misunderstanding.

I'm in Windows XP atm so bare with me if your Windows 7 or 8, I was lazy to go to the dual boot screen and go to Windows 7 ;p Be happy I took pictures.

Step 1:
For v4.9.0: Open up HeidiSQL and conenct to your MySQL of the v4.9.0. Don't use Navicat, reason why is on the TrinityCore wiki ;). Then right-click the characters database and choose "Export database as SQL". A window will pop up.


Step 2:
Make sure it looks like this exactly. Save the SQL file on the desktop so it would be easy access/easy to find. Click "Export" when you are ready to generate the sql file.


Step 3:
You can delete v4.9.0. Open the v4.9.1 MySQL and start HeidiSQL and connect to the v4.9.1 MySQL now. Navigate to the Query tab and then find your .sql that was generated and drag and drop it onto the query text box.


Step 4:
It should look like this.


Step 5:
Start the query and it should work just fine.


25-12-13, 10:34 AM
v4.6.2 has been available for download for quite sometime now, for like 2 hours now ;p

I'm gonna get a long nice nap and soon start continuing for v5.0.0 ;) Enjoy! Merry Christmas and Happy New-years!

25-12-13, 01:36 PM
Thanks a milion for the tips. i was afraid the tables would be different in the new ver. as .pdump wouldnt work!

Merry xmas. And good work so far! waiting badly for 5.0.0

25-12-13, 03:31 PM
Thanks a milion for the tips. i was afraid the tables would be different in the new ver. as .pdump wouldnt work!

Merry xmas. And good work so far! waiting badly for 5.0.0

Not much databases will be altered especially for the characters database.

27-12-13, 01:07 AM
Could you post some changelogs? Because, link is dead.

27-12-13, 01:55 PM
Could you post some changelogs? Because, link is dead.

I'm working on this, its just taking some time. ;p

28-12-13, 08:29 PM
Good day, there is a good guide that I file with zaxers control panel must start?

I want to let the server run only by lan.

30-12-13, 03:44 AM
Good day, there is a good guide that I file with zaxers control panel must start?

I want to let the server run only by lan.

Just connect to your IP, anyone that's on your LAN will have to use your computers IP. Its IPv4. Start Menu --> type "cmd" in that search bar without the quotes. (Windows XP: Click Run and type "cmd") --> ipconfig --> Find IPv4 and thats the IP to use. Unless, localhost or, Good luck!

And what exactly do you mean with Zaxer's Control Panel?

01-01-14, 04:47 AM

Some future plans for future releases have been planned by me, this involves the story of World of the Damned. Its optional and will not ruin the blizzlike experience.

The features and information about this release will be out soon. This release is not part of v5.0.0.

What do you mean, "Soon"?
Predicted sometime between January to March, 2014 (The release of "World of the Damned: Nightmare Approaches" v7.2.0 (March 14, 2014).).

The stories:
World of the Damned:
Illidan's Rage (Patch 2.4.3) <-- New name requesting
Nightmare Approaches(Patch 3.3.5a)
Deathwing's Revenge(Patch 4.3.4)
Marjai's Revenge (Patch 5.4.2)

Progression of the story: 0.7%
Planned percent by end of 2014: 20%
Planned percent by end of 2017: 70%-100%

Why is it Mmofuse exclusive?
I'm providing help for mmofuse for many reasons, not just the population growth. Also this means I plan to fix the blizzlike side to be at least 98% - 100% working (only officially released at mmofuse). There will be exclusive "surprises" on the World of the Damned side.

The patch logs is almost done, I just gotta fix up the format and I'll post up and link them to main post ;).

Changes to main thread:


MySQL is Available.
Apache is Available.
Registration Page is now Available.

02-01-14, 12:56 PM
Hello First of All Happy New Year To all
Thank u for that great work with that repack i add everything correctly but i cant open the WordServer the console give me all the times the same error but i cant understand why

Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/0004331.map': does not exist!
Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmtree/*.vmtile files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.

the location of my Maps folder is
Can someone help me and tell me why i get that error?

also the 0004331.maps archiev exists there

P.S Srry My Bad Problem Fixed I have the DBC,maps.and etc in wrong directory

02-01-14, 07:44 PM
Hello First of All Happy New Year To all
Thank u for that great work with that repack i add everything correctly but i cant open the WordServer the console give me all the times the same error but i cant understand why

Using DataDir ./
WORLD: MMap data directory is: ./mmaps
VMap support included. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1
VMap data directory is: ./vmaps
Map file './maps/0004331.map': does not exist!
Correct *.map files not found in path './maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './vmaps'. Please place *.map/*.vmtree/*.vmtile files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the worldserver.conf file.

the location of my Maps folder is
Can someone help me and tell me why i get that error?

also the 0004331.maps archiev exists there

P.S Srry My Bad Problem Fixed I have the DBC,maps.and etc in wrong directory

Its alright. :P Shortcuts will not work for this, you'd have to have the files with the folders too.

02-01-14, 08:14 PM
I downloading this REPACK pass winrar?

03-01-14, 02:34 AM
I downloading this REPACK pass winrar?

You can get the password from that ReadMe.rtf. It requires no password from that.

05-01-14, 11:35 AM
Nice repack + rep

07-01-14, 03:33 AM
Nice repack + rep

Thanks! ;D

11-01-14, 10:05 PM
really nice work zdroid , keep it up (Y)

12-01-14, 06:36 AM
really nice work zdroid , keep it up (Y)

Thanks! ;D

v5.0.0 will be released sometime close to the end of January, 2014.

14-01-14, 04:19 AM
Nice work, keep it up!

15-01-14, 04:58 PM
i cant donwlod it

16-01-14, 10:19 AM
Nice work, keep it up!


i cant donwlod it

Can you give me a better description of why you can't download it? If the host provider is not supported in your country, I'll upload it to a provider that will accept your country.

Announcement: v5.0.0 may have to be delayed because I have updated my system with a better performance then my original computer and right now my hard disks is formatted under Windows XP and 7 so I'll need to move the file, using a USB drive to deliver them over to my new hard drive and after that I can format it to support the current windows 7 I have. After this is all done, I will have the source available for me once again to compile at a faster rate with a better upload speed ;). I'll notify whenever this situation is complete. Thanks for the understanding.

This also means:

64x bit support.
Windows XP is still supportive but not fully.
Windows 7 is supportive.
Windows 8.1 is somewhat supportive.
Faster updates.
Faster uploads.

Problems that I need to fix:

My Geforce 680 nvidia has not arrived yet so wow is suckish (I'm running off the built-on gfx).
My original hard drives are formatted differently for Windows 7.

18-01-14, 02:15 PM
How woudl i go abotu convertign thsi repack to work on linux do i jsut need to compile the trinitycore source on linux or would i need access to your source

18-01-14, 10:02 PM
How woudl i go abotu convertign thsi repack to work on linux do i jsut need to compile the trinitycore source on linux or would i need access to your source

Yes just compile the trinitycore source.

22-01-14, 10:35 PM
Okay, I have formatted my hard drives (finally) and I'm setting up my work station, v5.0.0 is hopefully to be released sometime from January 29th to January 31st. Cheers! :)

25-01-14, 03:50 PM
My Github® account, Noxicfuse™, will or would have the source to this repack. I am going to host it either on my account or the actual NoxicCore™ organization.

Tutorials that are coming soon:

How to compile TrinityCore 3.3.5a-4.3.4
How to setup Apache correctly!
How to setup a friends only server (Hamachi)
How to setup a public server

This is not recommended by a repack, use and compile a source.
Noxicfuse Enterprise™ is not nor associated with any private server.
Donation panels are not supported nor encouraged by Noxic Enterprise™ especially if its related to Warcraft® and or any other Blizzard Entertainment® product and franchise.

Taking suggestion! (PM me to request more tutorials)

These tutorials will be made under .rtf format and I'll also have threads here on Mmofuse™ with the same exact information from the .rtf files. Just so some of the people who do not have Microsoft Word Processor or anything similar installed.

29-01-14, 09:58 AM
i run authserver.exe but i get an error :

my windows is 8.1
please help me for this problem . :( :rolleyes:

29-01-14, 02:39 PM
How could I add a teleporter to this repack? Is there still LUA scripts or what is there that works with trinity?

29-01-14, 08:17 PM
i run authserver.exe but i get an error :

my windows is 8.1
please help me for this problem . :( :rolleyes:

You are missing the file, ssleay32.dll you can simply download it here (http://download.dll-files.com/ee504dd54f7b31c756ab1daf5ae805a4/ssleay32.zip?0WLdXCaLhW). I'll also provide this file onto future versions just in case this error may pop up once again.

How could I add a teleporter to this repack? Is there still LUA scripts or what is there that works with trinity?

Once the source is available, you'll be free to customize this repack at your own will. This repack is not Eluna, it is the official TrinityCore source. By far Eluna is crap to be honest. Most of the stuff that you can find available can be found on the main post of this thread but by the time v5.0.0 is released, I will have to use up sometime to calculate the percentages.

Else if your referring to ArcEmu/ArcPro/NoxicCore; That project is still under development and no official release date has been set. The original release date was canceled due to my computer upgrade.

Bug testers would be a great help if so, please do so. I'd appreciate the help to find bugs and report them to me by emailing me [email protected] or simply just posting here.

30-01-14, 05:57 PM
i run authserver.exe or worldserv.exe but i have an error :


already had the problem: VSINIT.dll and ssleay32.dll missing but I successfully repaired

help pliz :p

30-01-14, 11:44 PM
That error could be because one of the version(s) of the DLLs you used are wrong or you do not have .NET Framework 4.0 installed. Mostly I think the DLL you obtained for vsinit.dll may be invalid for the current repack's version.

You could either wait for today's release of v5.0.0 while I provide the working DLLs and the big fixes for the core itself or try to fix the issue yourself by making sure its the correct version of the dll and you have the .NET Framework.

31-01-14, 07:18 PM
At the moment, the files are uploading and I'm currently extracting the maps. This may take some time.

31-01-14, 09:59 PM
Main posts changes:

Twin Peaks is now set to Available.
Firelands is now listed as Experimental.
Added Mastery, status needs to be checked.
Recommended HDD/SDD space: 2 GB (up from 1 GB).
The debug and release version are now separated into there own rar files.

Downloading the release version will only provide you with the core and information about the core itself. No support is guaranteed from Noxic Enterprise.
Downloading the debug version will provide you with core and information about the core + support from Noxic Enterprise. This also means you really enjoy enjoy this repack. This also means, you could send bug information to zdroid9770/noxicfuse so it can be queued to be fixed manually by the developer instead a TrinityCore developer. This is only recommended for people who know what they're doing.

The maps are still an issue and I would appreciate anyone who can extract the maps, vmaps and mmaps themselves and upload for others to receive until I have resolved my issue with the maps extractor. Thanks. <3

v5.0.0 Debug and release versions are now available for download.

01-02-14, 10:02 AM
Hi, first thanks for the Repack!

I Downloaded the 5.0.0 Release Pack.

So i first fix my ssleay32.dll error.

My authserver works but if i start the worldserver after a few seconds it crash.

this error are saved in the dberrrors.log

[1054] Unknown column 'attackpower' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.

01-02-14, 01:41 PM
Hi, first thanks for the Repack!

I Downloaded the 5.0.0 Release Pack.

So i first fix my ssleay32.dll error.

My authserver works but if i start the worldserver after a few seconds it crash.

this error are saved in the dberrrors.log

[1054] Unknown column 'attackpower' in 'field list'
Your database structure is not up to date. Please make sure you've executed all queries in the sql/updates folders.

Hmm so it seems like it didn't actually fix the new database alternations. I will have this fixed asap.

v5.0.1 is done uploading and now available for download.

03-02-14, 10:29 AM
authserv starts fine but not worldserv missing libeay32.dll but I have in my folder repack

04-02-14, 09:01 AM

thanks for this repack !

Just one question :
Does anyone know what core must we install first; the core release or the core debug ?
This is not the first repack i installed but this time im a little confuse which core to use and what can be the
difference between those two.

I really hope someone can answer me and look forward trying this repack soon ^^.

(please forgive my english if its not perfect, this is not my birth language)

04-02-14, 10:30 AM
authserv starts fine but not worldserv missing libeay32.dll but I have in my folder repack

Make sure the .dll is found WITH the authserver and worldserver, else you'll get a missing .dll error.
I'll make sure the .dll is found at the appropriate spot on the next update. :)


thanks for this repack !

Just one question :
Does anyone know what core must we install first; the core release or the core debug ?
This is not the first repack i installed but this time im a little confuse which core to use and what can be the
difference between those two.

I really hope someone can answer me and look forward trying this repack soon ^^.

(please forgive my english if its not perfect, this is not my birth language)

If you are really unsure which version to get, just go for the core labeled "RELEASE".

The release is just a standard--no support is guaranteed because I cannot debug any crash logs, besides the database.
The debug provides you with support from me and the staff members of Noxic Enterprise and support from any moderators/admins on mmofuse. Also this version gives you an opportunity to report bugs (to especially help out the repack and me) because then I could debug crashes if crashes do occur.

Database issues is a different story and can be fixed on both versions. ;)

04-02-14, 02:07 PM

any solution for error 0xc000007b in WorldServer and authserver?


05-02-14, 08:00 AM
[/QUOTE] If you are really unsure which version to get, just go for the core labeled "RELEASE".

The release is just a standard--no support is guaranteed because I cannot debug any crash logs, besides the database.
The debug provides you with support from me and the staff members of Noxic Enterprise and support from any moderators/admins on mmofuse. Also this version gives you an opportunity to report bugs (to especially help out the repack and me) because then I could debug crashes if crashes do occur.

Database issues is a different story and can be fixed on both versions. ;)[/QUOTE]

Thank you for this explanation,
I did try both core version.. had a few dll missing (msvc120d) but it hasnt a problem to get them from elsewhere,

Still i have the same problem than above me:
0xc00007 error
or sometimes it does say than it cannot collect files from the libeay32.

05-02-14, 12:59 PM

I also missed these dlls: msvc120d msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll, which I already got.

I have changed the libeay32.dll file and still it shows error: 0xc00007

I have tested them in the operating system win 2008 x64 server and win 7 x64 ultimate

Please confirm if you have any solution or if anyone could run this version.


07-02-14, 05:51 AM

I also missed these dlls: msvc120d msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll, which I already got.

I have changed the libeay32.dll file and still it shows error: 0xc00007

I have tested them in the operating system win 2008 x64 server and win 7 x64 ultimate

Please confirm if you have any solution or if anyone could run this version.


Same problem here missing MSVCP120.DLL and when i get this .dll file from dll.com it gives my 0x00007c error.I am running Windows 8.1 x64 latest patches,C++,netframework,etc to the max.i can get Ozeneu v8 repack to work imediatly but this is very frustrating to get it going...pls provide a fix

08-02-14, 12:24 AM

any solution for error 0xc000007b in WorldServer and authserver?


Thank you for this explanation,
I did try both core version.. had a few dll missing (msvc120d) but it hasnt a problem to get them from elsewhere,

Still i have the same problem than above me:
0xc00007 error
or sometimes it does say than it cannot collect files from the libeay32.


I also missed these dlls: msvc120d msvcr120.dll and msvcp120.dll, which I already got.

I have changed the libeay32.dll file and still it shows error: 0xc00007

I have tested them in the operating system win 2008 x64 server and win 7 x64 ultimate

Please confirm if you have any solution or if anyone could run this version.


Same problem here missing MSVCP120.DLL and when i get this .dll file from dll.com it gives my 0x00007c error.I am running Windows 8.1 x64 latest patches,C++,netframework,etc to the max.i can get Ozeneu v8 repack to work imediatly but this is very frustrating to get it going...pls provide a fix

libeay32.dll is showing the error because you could be missing "OpenSSL - Wins 32x".

Even if you are 64x bit, (if so you are) you still need to get the OpenSSL - 32x bit version.

The rest of the dlls will be added by default on the next hotfix in a few hours from now.

v5.0.2 is done. Download it and all those errors should be erased. Do not forget to download openssl wins 32x bit full if you don't have it. (http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html)

Munteanu Ioan Mugurel
08-02-14, 03:02 AM
libeay32.dll is showing the error because you could be missing "OpenSSL - Wins 32x".

Even if you are 64x bit, (if so you are) you still need to get the OpenSSL - 32x bit version.

The rest of the dlls will be added by default on the next hotfix in a few hours from now.

v5.0.2 is done. Download it and all those errors should be erased. Do not forget to download openssl wins 32x bit full if you don't have it. (http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html)

well in installed OpenSSL - Wins 32x and get 5.0.2 and i still get that error 0x00007b,like i did after i put msvcr120.dll in the folder by myself.u just basically did what i did yesterday-put msvcr120.dll in the folder,so it wont dispaly the error DLL missing,but the 0x00007b error is still not fixed.please provide a solution.windows is a fresh install i have all the programs that u,kyanaga,jeutie,ozeneu etc require to run a wow server/emulate a wow server,this is the only one i cant get it going. :((

08-02-14, 03:06 AM

This is a very good repack! Can you tell me the rar password? I can't open Readme file, because i need the rar pass to open Readme file. Thanks!

Munteanu Ioan Mugurel
08-02-14, 03:31 AM
mmofuse exclusive-is the pass

mmofuse exclusive-is the pass

- - - Updated - - -

So basically from what i read and seen its a problem with the .dll files.some are created for x86 and i am running x64.thats why i got this error(0xc00007b).thing is i cant run x86 with 8 gb of ram.Ill keep u guys posted if i find a solution

Munteanu Ioan Mugurel
08-02-14, 11:52 AM
ok i got this working.So....i first installed a program @300mb called 10 in 1 AIO (was in german srry) who basically updated all my Direct X,netFramework,C++,etc.After that the 0xc00007 error was gone BUT i got a SSLEAY32.dll error saying it was incomplet or something.What i did was i searched my C:/ drive for SSLEAY32.dll ,and i took the file that i found and put it in server's directory.And voila now it works.For those who are not getting admin account to work with admin commands dont worry,just:1.Change admin account to other name (so no one can enter -u can do this in Navicat or heidySQL auth table) and then make an account in worldserver.exe------.create account (your name) (your password) and then ------.account set gmlevel (your name) 3 -1

08-02-14, 01:03 PM
well in installed OpenSSL - Wins 32x and get 5.0.2 and i still get that error 0x00007b,like i did after i put msvcr120.dll in the folder by myself.u just basically did what i did yesterday-put msvcr120.dll in the folder,so it wont dispaly the error DLL missing,but the 0x00007b error is still not fixed.please provide a solution.windows is a fresh install i have all the programs that u,kyanaga,jeutie,ozeneu etc require to run a wow server/emulate a wow server,this is the only one i cant get it going. :((


This is a very good repack! Can you tell me the rar password? I can't open Readme file, because i need the rar pass to open Readme file. Thanks!

mmofuse exclusive-is the pass

mmofuse exclusive-is the pass

- - - Updated - - -

So basically from what i read and seen its a problem with the .dll files.some are created for x86 and i am running x64.thats why i got this error(0xc00007b).thing is i cant run x86 with 8 gb of ram.Ill keep u guys posted if i find a solution

ok i got this working.So....i first installed a program @300mb called 10 in 1 AIO (was in german srry) who basically updated all my Direct X,netFramework,C++,etc.After that the 0xc00007 error was gone BUT i got a SSLEAY32.dll error saying it was incomplet or something.What i did was i searched my C:/ drive for SSLEAY32.dll ,and i took the file that i found and put it in server's directory.And voila now it works.For those who are not getting admin account to work with admin commands dont worry,just:1.Change admin account to other name (so no one can enter -u can do this in Navicat or heidySQL auth table) and then make an account in worldserver.exe------.create account (your name) (your password) and then ------.account set gmlevel (your name) 3 -1

I prefer HeidiSQL. Reason:
Due to Navicat not being able to handle /* style comments (standard SQL), including incidents of failed imports despite positive feedback from the program itself, we advise all users to stay VERY clear of this product - you have been warned.
How-to_Win - TrinityCore - KPsN Collaboration Platform (http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/How-to_Win)

(I have accidently set the password to the ReadMe.rtf, the password is what Munteanu Ioan Mugurel said: "mmofuse exclusive" without the quotes but include the space.)

HeidiSQL is the best one for beginners.

OpenSSL has the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll, you should have copied those fromt he OpenSSL directory to the directory with the worldserver and authserver, or else those errors will occur.



MySQL 5.1.0 - 5.5.9 Community (Windows should already have latest)
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 32x bit
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21) and/or Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Extended (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17851)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express - ENU
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555)
If you have Windows 7 or higher

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (xX) (http://www.microsoft.com/visualstudio/11/en-us/downloads/vc-redist#vc-redist)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Update (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679)


Microsoft Visual C++ 2013

Zaxer's Control Panel v3.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8/Windows Server 2012/Windows 8.1

Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 8/Windows Server 2012/Windows 8.1

Not Recommended
Nor earlier... Windows 95, Windows 98 nor Windows Vista

08-02-14, 01:40 PM
hello all

i have same Problem here with win7 x64

requirements are all right!

if i try to start authserver.exe and worldserver.exe, i become the 0xc000007b error


09-02-14, 12:51 AM
0xc000007b error:

Some solutions to this issue is that

1) You're missing Visual Studio C++ 2010 and 2008

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=29)

2) You're not obtaining the required .dll(s) from the .rar

DLLs you should have with worldserver.exe and authserver.exe:


3) You did not install .Net Framework 3.5 and or .Net Framework 4.0, incorrectly

4) You did not install OpenSSL - Wins 32x FULL Installer
Install at this location: C:\<OpenSSL folder>\, make sure the name of the folder is by default

10-02-14, 08:47 AM

I tried all... without any succes (visual studio, ssl 32....etc all in this thread) !

Still got that 0xc00007b error ^^.

Im running on win7 64 and everything is up to date...( Wowsource V8 is running like a charm ).


Still thanks to Zdroid tryin to give us clue about it, i wont give up n' try again ^^.

10-02-14, 05:59 PM

I tried all... without any succes (visual studio, ssl 32....etc all in this thread) !

Still got that 0xc00007b error ^^.

Im running on win7 64 and everything is up to date...( Wowsource V8 is running like a charm ).


Still thanks to Zdroid tryin to give us clue about it, i wont give up n' try again ^^.

Well, maybe I'm just gonna compile between 4 terms, which adds more time on when releases on made.

Here's the setup:

32x Release
32x Debug
64x Release
64x Debug

This will happen upon version v5.1.0, and hopefully this will benefit the issues between 32x bit and 64x bit.

The release date for v5.1.0 is unknown but I may say, it is coming... Very fast too.

v5.1.0 will include the latest TrinityCore.

11-02-14, 10:06 AM
Hi Munteanu Ioan Mugurel

can you add link please: program @300mb called 10 in 1 AIO (was in german srry) who basically updated all my Direct X,netFramework,C++

Link please for download


11-02-14, 06:50 PM
Hi Munteanu Ioan Mugurel

can you add link please: program @300mb called 10 in 1 AIO (was in german srry) who basically updated all my Direct X,netFramework,C++

Link please for download


Could you be more specific on, "program"? The links for v5.0.2 is found on the main post. v5.1.0 is ready but not officially.

This also gives me an idea: "is ready but not officially.".... Hmm.

12-02-14, 02:08 AM
Sorry guys, stupid question, i need a password to unzip v5.01 bug and v5.01 release files

12-02-14, 09:21 AM
Sorry guys, stupid question, i need a password to unzip v5.01 bug and v5.01 release files

Code: mmofuse exclusive

Sorry guys, stupid question, i need a password to unzip v5.01 bug and v5.01 release files

Code: mmofuse exclusive

- - - Updated - - -

Well, maybe I'm just gonna compile between 4 terms, which adds more time on when releases on made.

Here's the setup:

32x Release
32x Debug
64x Release
64x Debug

This will happen upon version v5.1.0, and hopefully this will benefit the issues between 32x bit and 64x bit.

The release date for v5.1.0 is unknown but I may say, it is coming... Very fast too.

v5.1.0 will include the latest TrinityCore.


cant wait to try this ^^.

12-02-14, 09:38 AM
Code: mmofuse exclusive

Code: mmofuse exclusive

- - - Updated - - -


cant wait to try this ^^.

Hopefully this weekend, unless something occurs during progression.

I have 3 slots for bug testers. Bug testers will get a link to versions before its officially released. Bug testers are simple. PM me or email me giving me a reason why you would want to become a bug tester.

12-02-14, 10:07 AM
Grrr, need 15 post to send a Pm T_T.
Too bad , well ill be patient.

12-02-14, 06:32 PM
Grrr, need 15 post to send a Pm T_T.
Too bad , well ill be patient.

You can email me ;). [email protected]

13-02-14, 07:20 AM
Thanx very much for the password. I have been playing wotlk with mysql, auth and world sever setup. With mysql i had to type in 1 to get it online, how do i get this new mysql online and where do i find it. Sorry not a pro programmer like you guys, but really enjoy playing wow and REALLY appreciate you guys work!!

13-02-14, 06:33 PM
Thanx very much for the password. I have been playing wotlk with mysql, auth and world sever setup. With mysql i had to type in 1 to get it online, how do i get this new mysql online and where do i find it. Sorry not a pro programmer like you guys, but really enjoy playing wow and REALLY appreciate you guys work!!

In the _Server folder contains the .bat files to start Apache and MySQL.


14-02-14, 05:37 AM
Thank you very much! :)

14-02-14, 02:52 PM
i see that the debugedone is password protected someone plz share

15-02-14, 08:49 AM
I think it is the same as the others, mmofuse exclusive.

15-02-14, 10:26 PM
i see that the debugedone is password protected someone plz share

I think it is the same as the others, mmofuse exclusive.

It's always mmofuse exclusive. ;)

17-02-14, 03:14 AM
After starting apache, mysql (in that order) i try to run auth server but get error - ordinal 354 not found in dynamic library

17-02-14, 06:00 AM
this is the complete error i'm getting when trying to run auth server - "Can not find ordinal 354 in the dynamic link library libeay32.dll". I downloaded cataclysm 4.3.4 - exct it, downloaded the repack - exct it in to diff folder (dbc, vmaps and maps) I run apache, mysql and then auth server. I get the above error.

17-02-14, 11:26 AM
this is the complete error i'm getting when trying to run auth server - "Can not find ordinal 354 in the dynamic link library libeay32.dll". I downloaded cataclysm 4.3.4 - exct it, downloaded the repack - exct it in to diff folder (dbc, vmaps and maps) I run apache, mysql and then auth server. I get the above error.

Did you end up figuring it out? I have been trying for hours. Where do I put the maps/vmaps folders? I am completely new to this.

18-02-14, 07:57 AM
No did not get it right, i'm using 5.0.2 release and still the same error

18-02-14, 01:34 PM
I have read a couple of different posts, and it seems like my pc is missing .dll files. How do i update these?

19-02-14, 07:23 AM
After starting apache, mysql (in that order) i try to run auth server but get error - ordinal 354 not found in dynamic library


I managed to get it work !!! I just deleted ssleay32.dll from the debug core (doesnt work with the release version), dont ask why... i dont know, but it works !
Well not so good actually : i didnt bother trying it so far when i realised Hyjal was... empty !!! Actually i d never seen so much error when the world server started...
I certainly must be doing something wrong but i hardly believe to see this repack working correctly.

22-02-14, 06:00 PM
After starting apache, mysql (in that order) i try to run auth server but get error - ordinal 354 not found in dynamic library

this is the complete error i'm getting when trying to run auth server - "Can not find ordinal 354 in the dynamic link library libeay32.dll". I downloaded cataclysm 4.3.4 - exct it, downloaded the repack - exct it in to diff folder (dbc, vmaps and maps) I run apache, mysql and then auth server. I get the above error.

Did you end up figuring it out? I have been trying for hours. Where do I put the maps/vmaps folders? I am completely new to this.

Maps and vmaps folders need to be found with worldserver.exe

No did not get it right, i'm using 5.0.2 release and still the same error

I have read a couple of different posts, and it seems like my pc is missing .dll files. How do i update these?

OpenSSL 32x


I managed to get it work !!! I just deleted ssleay32.dll from the debug core (doesnt work with the release version), dont ask why... i dont know, but it works !
Well not so good actually : i didnt bother trying it so far when i realised Hyjal was... empty !!! Actually i d never seen so much error when the world server started...
I certainly must be doing something wrong but i hardly believe to see this repack working correctly.

v5.1.0 will be coming soon. v5.1.0 will fix these issues.

This is also beta stage, don't expect it to be, 1-2-3 magic.

24-02-14, 08:32 PM
can u give the password, because the rar has it

can u give the password, because the rar has it

- - - Updated - - -

can u give the password, because the rar has it

can u give the password, because the rar has it

can u give the password, because the rar has it

- - - Updated - - -

can u give the password, because the rar has it

- - - Updated - - -

can u give the password, because the rar has it

24-02-14, 11:22 PM
most of the instances don't work, there are not any npcs spawned in it

28-02-14, 06:54 PM
The password is mmofuse exclusive.

most of the instances don't work, there are not any npcs spawned in it

Would help if you tell me them specifically.

01-03-14, 06:22 AM
password pleas and this is compatible with it Patch of Traduction - French - TrinityCore (http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/10-patch-of-traduction-french/) ?

01-03-14, 08:03 PM
password pleas and this is compatible with it Patch of Traduction - French - TrinityCore (http://www.trinitycore.org/f/files/file/10-patch-of-traduction-french/) ?

Read my post above for password. The french translation should be applied just fine.

03-03-14, 11:47 AM
its possible to get the sql db ?
( in my pc mysql lag )

05-03-14, 03:49 PM
its possible to get the sql db ?
( in my pc mysql lag )

I do not know that language, but its seems that the ssleay32.dll is either out-dated or the incorrect format. Certainly will be fixed in the next upcoming update.

v5.1.0 - Is getting closer everyday, no known date is revealed yet. Mostly likely this Spring Break. (Next week)

15-03-14, 03:48 AM
This is my first post here so big hellos to everyone. I've been searching for a best, working cataclysm repack for a while and this is the most fresh I could find and as I downloaded it and, after some tinkering with getting auth and world to work, I tried it out. I must say this is the least buggy cata repack I had. Although there is much to do and I have a few quetions.

1.Will there be working commands? Right now just a few are working.
2.Will there be loot in human startpoint?
3.Will there be working quests in human startpoint?
4.Will there be npcs in orc startpoint?

I only played human and orc so far so I don't know what other places miss. I know this is just alpha but you know how it is. I would really like to help making this repack better but I am just as bad in programming as a horse in playing chess.
Could you tell us what to expect, and when, in 5.1.0? Thanks in advance.

15-03-14, 07:52 AM
No Se ENCUENTRA EL ordinales 4334 baño dinamicos La Biblioteca de Vínculos libeay32.dll

16-03-14, 01:51 PM
This is my first post here so big hellos to everyone. I've been searching for a best, working cataclysm repack for a while and this is the most fresh I could find and as I downloaded it and, after some tinkering with getting auth and world to work, I tried it out. I must say this is the least buggy cata repack I had. Although there is much to do and I have a few quetions.

1.Will there be working commands? Right now just a few are working.
2.Will there be loot in human startpoint?
3.Will there be working quests in human startpoint?
4.Will there be npcs in orc startpoint?

I only played human and orc so far so I don't know what other places miss. I know this is just alpha but you know how it is. I would really like to help making this repack better but I am just as bad in programming as a horse in playing chess.
Could you tell us what to expect, and when, in 5.1.0? Thanks in advance.

Well the v5.1.0 is mostly concerned to get the repack on a stabled commit along with the dll errors that people were reporting me to hopefully have been fixed. Else, any work done in-game (database-wise) is done by the official trinitycore developers.

As time runs its course, I'm also learning more about C++ and the structure of TrinityCore to start doing my own custom fixes to the core itself. I may be doing many database fixes as the database stuff is too simple.

1.Will there be working commands? Right now just a few are working.
Hopefully in the future, the commands will become much more established than it already is.

2.Will there be loot in human startpoint?
Yes - but this is only alpha, tons bugs are expected.

3.Will there be working quests in human startpoint?
Stated in question two.

4.Will there be npcs in orc startpoint?
Stated in question two.

A way for you to help me to improve this repack is always - REPORT BUGS! - its the only way that I can actually know if theirs an issue with that such specific thing. You can report anything about the repack, even if its minor. For an example, the worgen starting zone is all bugged out and is unavailable to continue with fixes. Another example would be a graveyard is missing in a world. A way to report a bug is very simple; you can simply just post the bug report on this thread, or you can PM me on mmofuse. Another faster ways is by emailing me: [email protected] or sending me a message on skype, zdroid9770. I will not do anything with Teamviewer of a whatsoever environment.
This project will take awhile but I'm willing to go for it and finish it. I appreciate you taking your time for that post and helping me out and anyone else who tries to make this repack better, it encourages me to continue.

No Se ENCUENTRA EL ordinales 4334 baño dinamicos La Biblioteca de Vínculos libeay32.dll

Errores con archivos dll se espero fijos en v5.1.0

20-03-14, 02:52 PM
Thanks for reply. Any bugs I will find I will send to you in PM, as I don't want to spam here. I currently play on 3.3.5a Jeutie's repack, so I won't be reporting so much bugs, in the nearest time.

21-03-14, 02:04 PM
I don't found the password for file rar debug
I am just idiot or not ?

22-03-14, 12:57 PM
I don't found the password for file rar debug
I am just idiot or not ?

If you weren't you would just look up on earlier post were zdroid wrote password like 3 times or more.

23-03-14, 02:18 AM
Thanks for reply. Any bugs I will find I will send to you in PM, as I don't want to spam here. I currently play on 3.3.5a Jeutie's repack, so I won't be reporting so much bugs, in the nearest time.

Its alright, even the fewest amount of bugs still helps out in time!

I don't found the password for file rar debug
I am just idiot or not ?

If you weren't you would just look up on earlier post were zdroid wrote password like 3 times or more.

Before wondering about the password, figure out what file is still accessible in the rar, else go on this thread and read through it.. I have mentioned, including others what the password is. ;)

24-03-14, 09:34 AM
God repack...

there is a missing dll? in the repack?
what files need to be opened to run the game?
where do I put the mmaps vmaps and maps?

thank you advance

25-03-14, 10:22 AM
Thx you

27-03-14, 07:16 AM

29-03-14, 05:30 AM
God repack...

there is a missing dll? in the repack?
what files need to be opened to run the game?
where do I put the mmaps vmaps and maps?

thank you advance

1. No missing dll in the repack, you just need to download ssleay32.dll cause the one in repack doesn't work (I did it and worked just fine)
2. Specify please
3. Put them in the repack folder

EDIT: I tried to PM you zdroid but apparently I can't send messages until I have 15 posts so here's what I wanted to send you:
"OK, here's what I've gathered so far:
Orc Shaman:
-Spawn has no npcs and some quests are acceptable by clicking on an enemy or item.
-Sen'Jin village looks fine but there is a problem with "Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile" quest - the scorpid venom can't be collected
-"Cleanup on Isle E." quest doesn't have pointers (I think it's called pointer, anyway there is no info on map where to go)
-"Breaking the Chain" quest is... well... strange. Orders are to kill 10 Northwatch Lugs and destroy 3 Northwatch Supply Crates and the problem is that those lugs are inside those crates and I'm being attacked by these crates(!). I don't think it's supposed to be this way.
-The other problem in this area is that all npcs there have no weapon. Infantryman with no sword? And they have no loot.

That's all I found. I've never played original WoW and I don't know what it should look like so it's only what I'm suspicious to be not right."

29-03-14, 08:01 PM
God repack...

there is a missing dll? in the repack?
what files need to be opened to run the game?
where do I put the mmaps vmaps and maps?

thank you advance

1. Thanks to what uther said, "No missing dll in the repack, you just need to download ssleay32.dll cause the one in repack doesn't work (I did it and worked just fine)"
2. Run, MySQL.bat first (found in _Server) then start authserver.exe... after that, start worldserver.exe.... open the wow client and login
3. They need to be in the folder that contains: _Server, authserver.exe, and worldserver.exe

3.1. authserver.exe and worldserver.exe cannot run without vmaps, and maps... mmaps are not required but they are very out-dated at the moment.

Problems; I cannot extract the vmaps, maps and mmaps at all due to my installation MPQs are corrupted or the extractors, especially the maps one, has a exertion error.

Thx you


No problem!

1. No missing dll in the repack, you just need to download ssleay32.dll cause the one in repack doesn't work (I did it and worked just fine)
2. Specify please
3. Put them in the repack folder

EDIT: I tried to PM you zdroid but apparently I can't send messages until I have 15 posts so here's what I wanted to send you:
"OK, here's what I've gathered so far:
Orc Shaman:
-Spawn has no npcs and some quests are acceptable by clicking on an enemy or item.
-Sen'Jin village looks fine but there is a problem with "Never Trust a Big Barb and a Smile" quest - the scorpid venom can't be collected
-"Cleanup on Isle E." quest doesn't have pointers (I think it's called pointer, anyway there is no info on map where to go)
-"Breaking the Chain" quest is... well... strange. Orders are to kill 10 Northwatch Lugs and destroy 3 Northwatch Supply Crates and the problem is that those lugs are inside those crates and I'm being attacked by these crates(!). I don't think it's supposed to be this way.
-The other problem in this area is that all npcs there have no weapon. Infantryman with no sword? And they have no loot.

That's all I found. I've never played original WoW and I don't know what it should look like so it's only what I'm suspicious to be not right."

I'll look over the orc starting area this upcoming week.
Now with the Northwatch guys... some (2-3) should be carrying the crates toward the crates, not "in" the crates.
Now with npcs not having weapons, most nps should have weapons especially the humans, trolls, and some nagas I believe.

Thanks for the bug report!

You can add me on skype, zdroid9770, if you have skype... its also the faster way of contacting me. Else you can just email me, [email protected] since you can't pm me.... but other than that you can post here.

Great news: Icecrown Citadel Raid - Gunship Battle, POSSIBLY COULD BE WORKING ON THE NEXT UPDATE. I'll need some people to test this.

06-04-14, 08:36 AM
I need this repack for LINUX, is possible?? Thanks

10-04-14, 06:33 PM
I need this repack for LINUX, is possible?? Thanks

Its not possible unless a Linux developer comes by the day I release the source and compiles w/ support here. Other than that, don't expect it from me... I'm only windows, at the moment. I'm sorry. :(

- - - Updated - - -

The v5.1.0 is planned sometime this summer (No date yet). Right now, I'm using the Blizzard Background Downloader to redownload all the 4.3.4 MPQ files to perfect fit to start making the maps UP-TO-DATE, hopefully.

I appreciate the support! You gents and gals, who support this repack, is the reason why I'm trying my hardest. Don't give up now, I'm still here and alive!! :D

Even though it was started three days ago, the internet here has been having issues for the past few weeks... Its been doing this background download thing for 3 days so far, here's the current results:


17-04-14, 08:09 AM
I am having some problem using this repack.
The mysql and auth starts fine but the world gives me a error


Edit: the problem seems to be related with openssl so im reinstalling it now
Edit2: reinstalling openssl 32 and 64 bit did not solve anything. so does anyone got any ideas what went wrong ?

17-04-14, 09:28 AM
I am having some problem using this repack.
The mysql and auth starts fine but the world gives me a error


Edit: the problem seems to be related with openssl so im reinstalling it now
Edit2: reinstalling openssl 32 and 64 bit did not solve anything. so does anyone got any ideas what went wrong ?

Libeay32.dll is out-dated. OpenSSL needs to be 1.0.1g or latest! https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140407.txt

17-04-14, 09:51 AM
Libeay32.dll is out-dated. OpenSSL needs to be 1.0.1g or latest! https://www.openssl.org/news/secadv_20140407.txt

Yes that is what i did installed 1.0.1g 64 bit
when i took the Libeay32.dll from the install folder of openssl and put it in the repack i get this instead now

the ordinal 354 could not be located in the dynamic link library libeay32.dll
on both auth and world.

before auth worked when downloaded the dll file from here download.dll-files.com/c114a12269c27694b379151d6140ca3e/libeay32.zip?0WLjUCZMlV
but the world did get this error http://i.imgur.com/EPHKlpC.png

18-04-14, 03:42 AM
Yes that is what i did installed 1.0.1g 64 bit
when i took the Libeay32.dll from the install folder of openssl and put it in the repack i get this instead now

the ordinal 354 could not be located in the dynamic link library libeay32.dll
on both auth and world.

before auth worked when downloaded the dll file from here download.dll-files.com/c114a12269c27694b379151d6140ca3e/libeay32.zip?0WLjUCZMlV
but the world did get this error http://i.imgur.com/EPHKlpC.png

Try downloading new ssleay32.dll. I'm not sure whether it helps you but I remember that when I had a problem with libeay32.dll changing ssleay32.dll made it work.

19-04-14, 03:25 PM
I'll be starting a new release candiate: Pre-Alpha. This will be a sub release of the main version v5.1.0, until its ready. Though its a "pre-alpha", whichs also means it'll be more "unstabled" than the actually "alpha" stable release of v5.0.2. Caution: Pre-Alpha versions only come in as "Debug" form.

I have also provided information about the DLLs and maps on main page.

Maps status: Out-dated!
vMaps status:Out-dated!
mMaps status:Out-dated!
DBCs status:Out-dated!
DLLs status: Incompatible!

Each week (or daily, dependable) will be a new pre-alpha release, starting with v5.0.2.1.

19-04-14, 04:42 PM
I will be posting a change log soon of the new pre-alpha release v5.0.2.1. This is the first in the series of the Pre-Alpha as v5.0.2 was released soemtime in January 2014, which means it'll include tons of commits from that time period til this day.

Steps before pre-alpha release:

Update Visual Studio 2013 addons - Completed.
Compile debug version - Completed.
Setup new release - Completed.
Update readme files - Completed.
Archive in RAR file - In progress.
Compress RAR file - Not started.
Update comment in RAR - Not started.
Finish misc. - Not started.
Upload to mega - Not started.
Update main post - Not started.

20-04-14, 03:12 AM
Here's the debug change log for the first Pre-Alpha: v5.0.2.1

r5021 - 04/20/2014

Updated to latest revision (aa6ae2773f439ec5b41509e591f723163ca2bb0b)
Updated "ssleay32.dll" from to

Fixed 'Good Help is Hard to Find' (14069)

Fixed 'creature_text'
Database: Version 'TDB 335.53'
Various amounts of smart scripts fixes.

Removed double spawns
Fixed various amounts of NPCs weapons
Fixed various amounts of NPCs equips
Fixed various amounts of 'creature_addon'

Event start time for '9' "Noblegarden" started on 2014-04-20
Various amount of 'broadcast_text' fixes.
Various amount of NPC fixes.
Various amount of Mob fixes.
Various amount of Item fixes.
Various amount of Quest fixes.
Various amount of Gossip fixes.
Various amount of Spawn fixes.
Various amount of GameObject fixes.
Various amount of Dungeon fixes.
Various amount of Raid fixes.
Various amount of Zone fixes.
Various amount of Ulduar fixes.
Various amount of DLLs added for Pre-alpha version.

libeay32:,,,,, (64-Bit),, (64-Bit)
msvcp100: 10.0.20506.1, 10.0.30319.1, 10.0.40219.325, 10.0.40219.325 (64-Bit)
msvcp100d: 10.0.21003.1
msvcp120: 12.0.21005.1, 12.0.21005.1 (64-Bit)
msvcp120d: 12.0.20827.3
msvcr100: 10.0.20327.1, 10.0.20506.1, 10.0.30319.1, 10.0.30319.1 (64-Bit), 10.0.40219.1, 10.0.40219.325, 10.0.40219.325 (64-Bit)
msvcr100d: 10.0.21003.1, 10.0.30319.1, 10.0.40219.325
msvcr120: 12.0.21005.1, 12.0.21005.1 (64-Bit)
msvcr120d: 12.0.20827.3
ssleay32:,, (64-Bit),
vsinit: 4.5.538.0
Mac.jpg, README.txt, Ubuntu.jpg, Windows 7.jpg, Windows 8-8.1.jpg, Windows XP.jpg

Reworked ReadMe.rtf
Added Story.rtf
Added Installation.rtf
Updated ReleaseNotes.rtf

20-04-14, 09:30 PM
Updating the portable MySQL to 5.5.9.

22-04-14, 05:05 PM
Great Repack, keep the good work!

EDIT: I'm fighting the infamous 0xc000007b guy. I don't really know what I'm missing, so great hahaha

EDIT2: Defeated! Turns out I was missing c++ 2013 redistributables.

22-04-14, 06:32 PM
Great Repack, keep the good work!

EDIT: I'm fighting the infamous 0xc000007b guy. I don't really know what I'm missing, so great hahaha

EDIT2: Defeated! Turns out I was missing c++ 2013 redistributables.

Glad you found out the answer yourself! :)

22-04-14, 08:50 PM
I will be providing two new download links, one will soonTM be pre-alpha v5.0.2.1 and the other will be programs that will be needed for this repack to work properly. :)

26-04-14, 02:38 PM
APACHE Updated to 5.5.9 Website Now supports "The Burning Crusade", "Cataclysm" Implemented support for "Mists of Pandaria", and "Warlords of Draenor" for future patches MySQL Updated to 5.5.9 Achievements Most Guild achievements work

27-04-14, 04:57 AM


Updated to latest revision (b39ba5656e76bfecac37701553b6886db06f9d88)

Various amounts of Gossip fixes.
Various amounts of Locale (aka translation) fixes.

27-04-14, 08:55 PM
Before the pre-alpha is release, I need to fix up the extractors and up date those! Else gaming experience will be poor. :/

I'm working day and night compiling about 3-hours each time to test.

Windows 64-Bit and a Windows 32-Bit will be released. Windows XP may have lost its support due too MySQL being updated to 5.5.9.

29-04-14, 05:24 PM
The pre-alpha will be available this upcoming weekend.

To anyone, possibly everyone: If anyone can, I'd appreciate to whomever can extract the maps, vmaps and mmaps and upload them and posting the links here or contacting me. The tools are and will always be provided with the repack link! My solution is far toward Visual Studio.

01-05-14, 07:16 AM
The pre-alpha will be available this upcoming weekend.

To anyone, possibly everyone: If anyone can, I'd appreciate to whomever can extract the maps, vmaps and mmaps and upload them and posting the links here or contacting me. The tools are and will always be provided with the repack link! My solution is far toward Visual Studio.

If you could tell me how to do it, i can do it i have a 10 Mb up line.

02-05-14, 03:36 PM
If you could tell me how to do it, i can do it i have a 10 Mb up line.

It's fairly simple to extract.

All you really need to do is take the tools and place them with your wow.exe that's in the World of Warcraft Installation folder. Then you just double click the .bat and let it stroll, upload the folders (dbc, maps, vmaps, buildings, mmaps) into rars and send them over to me :)

If your up to this, contact me by leaving a message below or skype and I'll send you the new extractors for the upcoming version.

I have tested skyfire's extractors and MaNGOS extractors and those worked perfectly fine. So it as something to do with the TrinityCore's source code but without a proper dump file, I can't simply find it.

02-05-14, 04:10 PM
It's fairly simple to extract.

All you really need to do is take the tools and place them with your wow.exe that's in the World of Warcraft Installation folder. Then you just double click the .bat and let it stroll, upload the folders (dbc, maps, vmaps, buildings, mmaps) into rars and send them over to me :)

If your up to this, contact me by leaving a message below or skype and I'll send you the new extractors for the upcoming version.

I have tested skyfire's extractors and MaNGOS extractors and those worked perfectly fine. So it as something to do with the TrinityCore's source code but without a proper dump file, I can't simply find it.

Sure i can do it !
Add me on skype

Is this the right game version cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) ?

02-05-14, 04:37 PM
Sure i can do it !
Add me on skype crhash90

Is this the right game version cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) ?

Yes it is! :) I appreciate your help making this repack better.

06-05-14, 03:50 PM
Big announcement for today OFFICIAL - Pre-Alpha will be released sometime this week, not gonna say what day or when but I promise. ;)

Big thanks to, CRHASH (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/crhash/), the maps, vmaps, and mmaps will be up-to-date! Much appreciation. :3

10-05-14, 03:13 PM
Today's a big day, the uploads will soon be posted but first I want to update to the latest commit.

Their will be buttons for each type: Release 32x, Release 64x, Debug 32x, Debug 64x, Maps, vMaps, mMaps, DBC
The buttons will state the Repack's name.
It'll have the type listed, the version the download link that is provided.
The rar files will be getting a brand new password. The password will be found in the ReadMe.rtf file in the rar that is not passcoded.

Let's get this done! :)

It takes me about 1 hour and 20 minutes to compile each type.
It takes me about 5 hours and 20 minutes to compile the types all together.
It takes me about 40 minutes to update the rar files.
It takes me about 10 minutes to an hour to upload the files, depending on the internet connection.
It takes me about 3 minutes to update the buttons.
It takes me about 2 minutes to update the main thread.
It takes you about 3 seconds to say thanks and show that you appreciate my work.

Simply posting, 'Thank you' on this thread tells me that this repack is worth continuing.

I will be posting a FAQ post soon and link it to the main post. The FAQ will also include information of any viruses and fragments. This also includes the whole thread revamp.

11-05-14, 02:08 AM
Revisions Center

If you'd like to read a change log of a previous revision, please use these links. You'll be redirected to one of the change logs scattered over the official github repository.

View change log v1.5.0 | View change log v2.0.0 | View change log v3.0.0 | View change log v3.0.3

View change log v4.1.0 | View change log v4.2.0 | View change log v4.3.0 | View change log v4.4.0

View change log v4.5.0 | View change log v4.5.1 | View change log v4.5.2 | View change log v4.5.2a

View change log v4.5.3 | View change log v4.6.0 | View change log v4.6.1 | View change log v4.6.1

View change log v4.7.0 | View change log v4.7.1 | View change log v4.8.0 | View change log v4.9.0

View change log v4.9.1 | View change log v4.9.2 | View change log v5.0.0 | View change log v5.0.1

View change log v5.0.2 | View change log v5.0.2.1 | View change log v5.0.2.2 | View change log v5.0.2.3

View change log v5.0.2.4 | View change log v5.0.2.5 | View change log v5.0.2.6 | View change log v5.0.2.7

View change log v5.0.2.8 | View change log v5.0.2.9 | View change log v5.0.3 | View change log v5.0.3.1

View change log v5.0.3.2 | View change log v5.0.4 | View change log v5.0.5 | View change log v5.0.6

View change log v5.0.7 | View change log v5.0.7.1 | View change log v5.1.0

Click here for the full list. (http://github.com/zdroid9770/wotd)

Upcoming change log has been updated on 07/28/2014. - Estimated release date is XX/XX/2014

11-05-14, 03:05 AM
Download Center

User: admin
Pass: admin

User: root
Pass: ascent

Attention: This repack is strictly for Windows/Mac - x32-bit or x64-bit. Remember, this repack is still in Alpha.
Attention: It is recommended to have at least 5 GB of HDD space.
Warning: mMaps are optional, you can get this to improve in-game experience.
Warning: Some content may cause your wow to crash, please clear cache folder.

http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/d/dc/Download_release_32x.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!xZ1FnRRZ!Ca6hF15r20PJrz0moMratPFBaqQtoPB0uzPwjs0 M2lI) http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/0/02/Download_release_64x.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!4I9FCAJa!0IgaKCtZAAiP_9TTe55USZRZ09TN6eDX_HVJshP ra1Q)

http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/c/c2/Download_debug_32x.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!BdF0FDTK!4U2mpJ3qy6WeJhxlTgQugM_ZVNSKZ907HZ9_brn mWq0) http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/d/dd/Download_debug_64x.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!dYVBkChZ!hKDPXQJAZAG7-cUVw1xmNtTxSZT1WLUCSZchbHzzZrU)

http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/a/a2/Download_maps.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!UMs2mJJC!TrUQ6IcfxP2TrR8-UAEyNdoIE3sjA3oiAIejyw7dUFM) http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/0/05/Download_dbc.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!NdVSzY5a!F04Wzee4OjsSunZ9wIZsdy9PTX5iL_85eCXNFfj sbOA)

http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/1/13/Download_vmaps.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!odVizLgC!5fwQYSeU_WShnI8QA35vmfUZbee-E8iv2f0BgE4HhJQ) http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/9/91/Download_mmaps.png (https://mega.co.nz/#!1J1QWZSS!5TXLg4joAklaLNW-BzhAVxdk9_i_MNMWFbXJF-pe3xM)

http://crimoxic.pcriot.com/wiki/images/b/ba/Download_dlls_and_tools.png (http://mmofuse.net/forums/f166/%5Btrinity%5D-required-programs-20636/)

ORIGINAL Release date: 05/27/2012, 08:43 PM
LORDCRAFT Release date: 10/26/2012, 08:13 PM
MMOFUSE Release date: 12/21/2013, 08:50 PM
AC-WEB Release date: 06/21/2014, 04:25 AM

11-05-14, 01:58 PM
Frequently Asked Questions

MSVCR120.dll or other .dll error?
If you are getting any 'missing .dll' errors, please download and install this fix. Please note that this repack requires .NET framework 4.5 which means this repack will not run on Windows XP. (.NET framework 4.5 is only supported from Windows Vista Service Pack 2).

Worldserver closing immediately?
If the worldserver is closing near instantly, you can check the error in the logs folder. (Found in the core folder.) A common error is missing map, vmap, mmap or dbc files. Please ensure that your core folder is set up like this. If you are unsure of what to do, take a screenshot of the error and send it to me, don't hesitate to ask for help!

Issues with account permissions?
Can't figure out the new account permissions? As of revision 2.0.0, the old account permission system got replaced with a Role Based Access Control system. (RBAC) This may seem very confusing but it is much more advanced than the old system. If you'd like to learn more about RBAC you can read the wiki page (http://collab.kpsn.org/display/tc/RBAC%3A+Role+based+Access+Control) here. Once you get the hang of it, it is rather easy to use.

Can't find the MySQL.bat?
The old way of starting the MySQL server, via the MySQL.bat file, has been ditched for a new and improved control panel. You simply start the "Zaxer's Control Panel v3.0" application provided with the repack, set the correct paths and use the buttons to start and stop all necessary services. This application will also automatically restart both world and auth servers when a crash occurs if you want it to do so.

Is playerbot & AHbot built in this repack?
No. To maintain stability of this repack, it is not until the code is found stable.

Is anti-cheat built in?
Yes. Warden (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warden_(software)) anti-cheat is implemented. (Molten-WoW's "Sentinel Anti-Cheat") By default it is set to only log any detected cheats, but you can make it kick or ban any cheaters if you so desire desire.

Give me the source!
You can find the source here (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/4.3.4). This repack is a fresh Trinity Core compile. I do not apply any patches nor do I make extra fixes. The change logs are lists of all fixes made in the commits to the master repository.

Not everything in the database is localized!
This repack is and will always be an English project. Official localizations were added from Mists of Pandaria but will not be maintained. If you want to have a fully localized database I'd advise you to compile your own core (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/tree/4.3.4) and or use a third party language patch as found on the Trinity core fora (http://www.trinitycore.org/f/).

When is the next version coming out?
Whenever it is ready and extensively tested. I do not have an ETA. It can be anywhere from tomorrow to December 2014. Please do not ask for it.

Is there a Linux or OS X version of this repack available?
There are no plans for either a Linux or OS X version of this repack at the moment. This may change in the future, however I highly doubt it.

Why isn't the upcoming change log updated daily?
Because not all fixes are extensively listed. (e.g: "Thousands of NPC fixes.") I couldn't list them due to being short on allowed characters per post, and, there are just too many to type!

Please add this and or fix this!
Fixes will be added whenever they're made, accepted by Trinity Core and tested.
I will never add custom code to this repack, only custom database fixes.

When will this repack go to patch 5.x or 6.x?
If you pay attention to the story of, World of the Damned, you'll know.

What do you do with the donated money?
Donations are used to pay for the costs of my website, filehost accounts and my retail accounts. (Retail accounts are used for sniffs and tests both on patch 4.3.4 (US) and 5.X / 6.X (US).) Some of it will also get donated back to Mmofuse to maintain a healthy partnership. Some donation money are also to keep my subscriptions up for the Advanced System Care (http://www.iobit.com/advanced-systemcare-antivirus.php) to keep this repack secured and safe for others.

Is this repack Windows XP compatible?
No, it is not. Since this repack requires .NET framework 4.5 this repack will only run from Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and onwards. Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and an upgrade to Windows 7 or later is advised.

Is this repack Windows Vista compatible?
Yes, but it is highly not recommended due to the terrible performance. Windows 7 is the same thing as Windows Vista, but a whole lot better.

What about viruses and fragments?
Every time before I start uploading a release, I use the Advanced System Care (http://www.iobit.com/advanced-systemcare-antivirus.php), by IObit (http://iobit.com), to scan the entire source folder of the repack. Anything that seems suspicious is either fixed or deprecated. Fragments are dealt with SmartDefrag (http://www.iobit.com/iobitsmartdefrag.php), by IObit (http://iobit.com). I also use my personal own "virus scanner" to do a double check for anything that seems to be a malware.

Is the source available?
Yes, but it depends on what you want. If you want the entire source (including the PSDs and such) it'll have $10.00 charge. $5.00 is for the products and the other $5.00 gives you the right to redistribute it. The source itself, TrinityCore, is free.

Why does the x64 not work but x32 does?

You need OpenSSL Win64 (full installer) for the x64-bit to work properly. Only available for x64-bit computers.

11-05-14, 07:19 PM
Small bug patch will be coming shortly to fix an error within the world database.

12-05-14, 06:04 PM
The power went out at my house, canceling the upload.. I'm terribly sorry for this inconvenience.

12-05-14, 08:37 PM
I have added a new FAQ question - "Is this repack Windows Vista compatible?".

13-05-14, 05:11 PM
v5.0.3 is available. I'm sorry for the unexpected delay! :(

Click those links like you love them! :rolleyes: Lol, Sorry, ENJOY! :p

14-05-14, 03:14 AM
v5.0.3 is available. I'm sorry for the unexpected delay! :(

Click those links like you love them! :rolleyes: Lol, Sorry, ENJOY! :p

HI zdroid9770 (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/zdroid9770/),

I still got error from database when running Worldserver.exe, Can u help me?

14-05-14, 06:44 PM
hiyou said there a new password in the readme file.but all i can find is the old one which is "m m o f u s e - e x c l u s i v e" and when i use that one i get errors in it when i extract it so is there a newpassword or is it the same one

14-05-14, 11:05 PM
HI zdroid9770 (http://mmofuse.net/forums/members/zdroid9770/),

I still got error from database when running Worldserver.exe, Can u help me?

Can you post or send me the exact details (or a picture) of the error?

hiyou said there a new password in the readme file.but all i can find is the old one which is "m m o f u s e - e x c l u s i v e" and when i use that one i get errors in it when i extract it so is there a newpassword or is it the same one

I sent you a PM.

15-05-14, 08:27 AM
Thank you for the repack!, I seem to be having the same problem as candyman200444.

Kind Regards,

15-05-14, 12:12 PM
Looks quite nice, great job!

15-05-14, 05:05 PM
i worked it out just type the password in not copy ,paste it then it works

15-05-14, 05:44 PM
Thank you for the repack!, I seem to be having the same problem as candyman200444.

Kind Regards,

If you are copy-pasting, try just typing it instead ;) .wps is a weird format when copying apparently.

Looks quite nice, great job!

Thank you! :)

i worked it out just type the password in not copy ,paste it then it works

Great job! :D

17-05-14, 10:08 PM
The world events post is up-to-date.

18-05-14, 03:51 PM
Very much enjoying your repack so far, much less buggy that the others I've tried. A few questions though, is Archeology working at all or in development? I can pick up the skill but no dig sites appear on the map. The pvp window is popping up randomly throughout my play session and always on login. Nothing major just an odd little thing. Additionally the SQL is spitting out a number of errors. I'm not sure that this isn't a result of me doing something stupid though.

http://s6.postimg.org/ew4kowlkt/Capture3.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/ew4kowlkt/)

Thank you for your hard work. :)

18-05-14, 09:36 PM
Very much enjoying your repack so far, much less buggy that the others I've tried. A few questions though, is Archeology working at all or in development? I can pick up the skill but no dig sites appear on the map. The pvp window is popping up randomly throughout my play session and always on login. Nothing major just an odd little thing. Additionally the SQL is spitting out a number of errors. I'm not sure that this isn't a result of me doing something stupid though.

http://s6.postimg.org/ew4kowlkt/Capture3.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/ew4kowlkt/)

Thank you for your hard work. :)

First of all, thank you for replying :).

Archeology IS in development, but I'm not really sure what works and what does not work.
PvP Window, that's a bit odd. I'll take a deep look into that. Randomly, and on logon.
The MySQL problems will need to be fixed. I'll fix that shortly, asap.
All that SQL is problems in the database, none of which is your fault. TrinityCore devs are going to be fixing and are always fixing plenty of stuff. What you see now is way less than what was before.

I'll be making two new posts about what profession work and what does not, and starting zones.

Thank you, again! :)

23-05-14, 08:32 PM
A quick patch will be coming soon this weekend!

24-05-14, 10:41 PM
password rar files??

25-05-14, 10:57 AM
didn't see any rar pass :confused: anyone know it ?

edit : forgot it, i deleted the files...


26-05-14, 10:13 AM
password rar files??

didn't see any rar pass :confused: anyone know it ?

edit : forgot it, i deleted the files...


Try opening the README inside the rar file. Its the same password, just one letter changed.

27-05-14, 07:01 PM
Due to a few critical bugs that I wanted to fix, it took another day til the release. Other than that its uploaded!

The buttons are not going to be updated today, but tomorrow. I'm going to get some rest. XD Enjoy v5.0.3.2!

04-06-14, 01:43 PM
The rar password is (removed password) Why dont you write it on main post?

05-06-14, 05:44 PM
It just prevents some kind of leeching. It also shows me if people will actually read. The password will, eventually, disappear.

It's understandable from my point-of-view of what I'm trying to test, but it'll eventually go-away.

10-06-14, 02:39 AM
Some announcements:

Deathwing's Revenge

v5.1.0 is plan to be release sometime in July.
v5.0.4 is planned for this week.
v5.0.5 is planned for this week or next week.
v5.0.6 is planned for next week.

Crimoxic community

World of the Damned: Nightmare Approaches will be coming soon™ in the ArcEmu section. Newly updated.
NoxicCore (ArcPro) is back once again, privately.

17-06-14, 05:03 AM
v5.0.6 will be coming sometime today, with the changes/updates from v5.0.4 and v5.0.5.

First things first, compile.

18-06-14, 03:43 AM
Hello guys! Thanks for the repack! Im getting this when i try to start authserver please help :( 692

18-06-14, 07:07 AM
Hello guys! Thanks for the repack! Im getting this when i try to start authserver please help :( 692

Seems like you do not have the .NET Framework. Install the .Net Framework and it should work.

TrinityCore is a .NET Framework maniac, without the framework, TrinityCore will not work.

And just out of curiosity, what version of windows are you using? It looks like Vista but it could also be Windows 7.

18-06-14, 07:22 AM
Its Windows 7 and i have installed .NET Framework 4.5 but again its giving me the error :(693

20-06-14, 07:09 PM
Its Windows 7 and i have installed .NET Framework 4.5 but again its giving me the error :(693

You need at least Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express.

Also make sure you have installed OpenSSL 32bit version, the full installer. Not the light.

Here's the links for the programs:
Shining Light Productions - Win32 OpenSSL (http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html)

If you don't already have this .Net Framework 3.5, I suggest you getting it.
Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 from Official Microsoft Download Center (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en)

Announcements: I will be providing some information about the source and the above error in the FAQ soon.

I'll be uploading v5.0.6 very soon, I'm just compiling once again for TrinityCore's latest commit.

20-06-14, 11:59 PM
New FAQ:

Is the source available?
Yes, but it depends on what you want. If you want the entire source (including the PSDs and such) it'll have $10.00 charge. $5.00 is for the products and the other $5.00 gives you the right to redistribute it. The source itself, TrinityCore, is free.

21-06-14, 03:45 AM
I'm getting that same error message on win8. I have everything installed. (.net, OpenSSL full, C++ redist)

21-06-14, 06:13 AM
How are you both installing OpenSSL? (Thanks to Shadymn!)

(0xc000007b) => Install OpenSSL.

Don't forget to select: http://collab.kpsn.org/download/attachments/1704412/OpenSSL.jpg?version=1&modificationDate=1358549212000&api=v2
when installing

- If still error happens copy libeay32.dll , ssleay32.dll files from OpenSSL install folder to server core folder (where worldserver.exe exists).

22-06-14, 12:26 AM
How are you both installing OpenSSL? (Thanks to Shadymn!)

Tried both ways (win folder and /bin). Already had those dlls in the folder, but moved em from the SSL folder anyways. Still no dice.

22-06-14, 01:46 AM
Tried both ways (win folder and /bin). Already had those dlls in the folder, but moved em from the SSL folder anyways. Still no dice.

Download the DLLs & Tools package and grab the DLLs you need, although I don't use any DLLs (excluding "ace.dll", and "libmysql.dll") and it works fine (I'm Windows 7 - 64x Bit).

This is what I have. Try .NET Framework 4.5.1, after install - restart computer.


Here's the list:

Visual C++ 2008 Express (http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=7729279) (vcsetup.exe)
OpenSSL (http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html) (Get the Win32 full installer.)
MySQL 5.5.9 server (http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?t=111061)*
NET Framework 3.5 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=333325FD-AE52-4E35-B531-508D977D32A6&displaylang=en) or higher (Should have got this via Windows Updates.)**

*Windows already has this installed.
**I'd recommend Windows users to have at least .NET Framework 4.5.1.

0xc000007b error:

Some solutions to this issue is that:

1) You're missing Visual Studio C++ 2010 and 2008

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=29)

2) You're not obtaining the required .dll(s):

DLLs you should have with worldserver.exe and authserver.exe:

Any other DLLs that you will need are in the DLLs & Tools package, (grab the DLL you need if the message comes up when starting the servers).

3) You must have .NET Framework 4.5.
Only Windows Vista Service Pack 2 and higher will work.

4) You must have OpenSSL - Wins 32x FULL Installer
Install at this location: C:\<OpenSSL folder>\, make sure the name of the folder is by default.

You can also look here: http://mmofuse.net/forums/f166/%5Btrinity%5D-required-programs-20636/

22-06-14, 02:29 AM
First: Thanks for the help! I havent done this in ~4 years.

Second: I was using x64, but tried x86 just for fun, and it worked.. Sorta..
Now I get this wonderful DB Error. DBErrors (TEXT) | iPaste, (http://www.ipaste.eu/view?id=6991)

22-06-14, 03:08 AM
First: Thanks for the help! I havent done this in ~4 years.

Second: I was using x64, but tried x86 just for fun, and it worked.. Sorta..
Now I get this wonderful DB Error. DBErrors (TEXT) | iPaste, (http://www.ipaste.eu/view?id=6991)

Welcome to alpha! :) If your computer is not x64, then only the x86 will work.

The new release is coming right now! Just waiting for the release 32x and the release 64x to upload. My internet is starting to act up.

22-06-14, 03:52 AM
Welcome to alpha! :) If your computer is not x64, then only the x86 will work.

The new release is coming right now! Just waiting for the release 32x and the release 64x to upload. My internet is starting to act up.

Lol. Alpha testing is always fun. My PC is x64, that's why I tried it first. ;) I'll grab the new release and see what happens.

22-06-14, 04:24 AM
Lol. Alpha testing is always fun. My PC is x64, that's why I tried it first. ;) I'll grab the new release and see what happens.

Alright, I'll look into the 64x versions.

New buttons = new links = new release uploaded! :D

22-06-14, 04:58 AM
Alright, I'll look into the 64x versions.

New buttons = new links = new release uploaded! :D


x64 still gives me that error. I tried reinstalling the redist and OpenSSL (x86 and x64). Oh wells. x86 works though. :) Serverside at least..

Any idea what would be stopping me from not getting past realm select? it occasionally acts like its gonna show me the toon select, but kicks right back to the realm select.

22-06-14, 05:26 AM

x64 still gives me that error. I tried reinstalling the redist and OpenSSL (x86 and x64). Oh wells. x86 works though. :) Serverside at least..

Any idea what would be stopping me from not getting past realm select? it occasionally acts like its gonna show me the toon select, but kicks right back to the realm select.

It's most certainly you guys. The 64x works fine.

Here's the debug 64x authserver:


But what is it your missing? :P

Just to note, I have both OpenSSL 64x and 32x 1.0.1h full installation.

Also for that realm select; Make sure you have setup your configurations correctly. Go into the database, change the IP address of the realm. By default it should be

22-06-14, 05:37 AM
not a clue.. x86 seems to be working fine though. How might I get into the DB? last time I did this I created my own, didnt use a repack.

EDIT: I'll leave you alone after this... i promise.... xD

22-06-14, 06:05 AM
not a clue.. x86 seems to be working fine though. How might I get into the DB? last time I did this I created my own, didnt use a repack.

EDIT: I'll leave you alone after this... i promise.... xD

Just start MySQL.bat

I recommend HeidiSQL. You can obtain it here: HeidiSQL - MySQL, MSSQL and PostgreSQL made easy (http://www.heidisql.com/)

I use it, it's user friendly, and the comments work perfectly (unlike Navicat).

The information should be like this

Hostname / IP:
User: root
Password: ascent
Port: 3306

I like the bug reporting and the feedback. :)

22-06-14, 06:26 AM
I used navicat before. MySQL didnt like trying to be open 2x. Thanks!

22-06-14, 06:33 AM
I used navicat before. MySQL didnt like trying to be open 2x. Thanks!

Use your task manager and make sure no other MySQL is running


Restart your computer, that always did the trick for me.

No problem. :)

22-06-14, 06:42 AM
I give up. lol
Tried setting IP to the PC's IP and to, still wont get past realmlist.


Thanks for all the help though! :D

22-06-14, 07:09 AM
I give up. lol
Tried setting IP to the PC's IP and to, still wont get past realmlist.


Thanks for all the help though! :D
You could try using hamachi, it always work when does not do the trick.

You can also try this:

Open the authserver.conf


LoginDatabaseInfo = "localhost;3306;root;ascent;auth"

LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"

Open the worldserver.conf


LoginDatabaseInfo = "localhost;3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = "localhost;3306;root;ascent;world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = "localhost;3306;root;ascent;characters"


LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;auth"
WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;world"
CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;ascent;characters"

Then start MySQL.bat (make sure no other mysqld.exe is running by checking in task manager)

Open Heidisql with the information I provided previously.

auth --> realmlist --> then make sure the IP address is correct (

22-06-14, 08:24 AM
Next release will be coming very soon sometime, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this week, or next week. It'll mostly focus on changing the world database. Refresh.

24-06-14, 06:17 AM
Want to be the first on my thank you post? Simple, just donate to show your appreciation. :)

Please show your appreciation for my hard work, thank you.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/signaturepics/sigpic1526683_1.gif (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=DHNXUH8FUXWFL)

Warning: This repack is considered part of the Crimoxic community. I do not mind if you share this repack on other sites, but if you do want to share it, contact me first! Then use my links/mirrors to link to the downloads. Thank you for understanding.


26-06-14, 08:47 AM
0xc000007b error:

I have been reported by some bug testers that the x64 - both debug and release - are not fully functioning. This could be due to missing one of the following packages:

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=14632)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=5555)

The x64 requires the x64 package, the x32 requires the x86 package.

26-06-14, 08:53 AM
I just downloaded that files. But when I unrar them, they required password to unrar. What's the password, pls?

26-06-14, 09:46 AM
I just downloaded that files. But when I unrar them, they required password to unrar. What's the password, pls?

"mmofuse-exclusive" without the quotations.

The maps, vmaps, mmaps, and dbc archive's are the only ones with the password because they weren't updated. The password will be removed on the next update.

28-06-14, 08:43 AM

v5.0.7 will be coming today.
The calculations for v5.1.0 will be coming shortly next week.

v5.1.0 will be released sometime in July. (Already announced)

New logo made by Katos! Much appreciated!

28-06-14, 01:32 PM
Announcement: Maps, vmaps, dbc, including mmaps will be updated!

Updated FAQ

Why does the x64 not work but x32 does?

You need OpenSSL Win64 (full installer) for the x64-bit to work properly. Only available for x64-bit computers.

29-06-14, 05:32 PM
v5.0.7 is ready and available for download through the download center!

Make sure you download the new dbc, maps, vmaps and mmaps!

30-06-14, 10:45 AM
Pre-Alpha v5.0.7.1 will be coming shortly today to fix a issue with the auth database and other fixes.

Well, after database revamp: Looks like some places that were a ghost place are now spawned.


19-07-14, 12:58 PM
Getting ready for the release of v5.1.0. :P

27-07-14, 04:26 PM
i want to known if i can use the
AI Playerbot (http://ike3.github.com/mangos/) by ike3 (http://github.com/ike3) (ike3/mangos @ GitHub (http://ike3.github.io/mangos/))with this repack and how install these bots with these repack. thx for the help.

28-07-14, 08:47 AM
i want to known if i can use the
AI Playerbot (http://ike3.github.com/mangos/) by ike3 (http://github.com/ike3) (ike3/mangos @ GitHub (http://ike3.github.io/mangos/))

with this repack and how install these bots with these repack. thx for the help.

MaNGOS is different with TrinityCore. It wouldn't work.

28-07-14, 09:31 AM
""Is playerbot & AHbot built in this repack?No. To maintain stability of this repack, it is not until the code is found stable.""

I saw this in the faq, but can you build your repack with the "TrinityCore (master branch) rev. f19c6f4091 (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/f19c6f4091406a42fd75f2cef73a2189cf856ba8) (11.06.14) " found on "https://bitbucket.org/trickerer/trinity-bots/wiki/Home" ? just to test here?

there are "http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?188884-BotCore-335-amp-434" too, i dont known if is the same but....

29-07-14, 05:39 PM
""Is playerbot & AHbot built in this repack?No. To maintain stability of this repack, it is not until the code is found stable.""

I saw this in the faq, but can you build your repack with the "TrinityCore (master branch) rev. f19c6f4091 (https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/f19c6f4091406a42fd75f2cef73a2189cf856ba8) (11.06.14) " found on "https://bitbucket.org/trickerer/trinity-bots/wiki/Home" ? just to test here?

there are "http://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?188884-BotCore-335-amp-434" too, i dont known if is the same but....

I'm sorry, but I won't compile an AHBot nor a playerbot into this repack.

For an AHBot, "third-party" program, look up "Auctionhouse filler". It's really great for AHBot, and won't make core unstable.


Announcement: After v5.1.0, the debug cores will be taking a stroll to the park. They'll be back whenever. This means the debug cores are not gonna be updated for awhile, but the release 32x and 64x will be getting updated to stay up-to-date. This doesn't mean that the debug cores are finished, this is just for them to take a break and conserve more time. The last version (v5.1.0) will stay up until they are updated again, but the buttons will warn you that they are deprecated, another words "discontinued". They are not discontinuing, they are simply taking a break, I do plan to start updating them again. ;)

29-07-14, 05:55 PM
im more interested in a playerbot/npc bot (minion) to play the wow 4.3.4 in singleplayer, then i can go to the dungeons and raids with players controlled by the core.
I saw these two sites above of the playerbots but im too noob in programming/compilling trinity to make work. :(.

30-07-14, 11:43 PM
im more interested in a playerbot/npc bot (minion) to play the wow 4.3.4 in singleplayer, then i can go to the dungeons and raids with players controlled by the core.
I saw these two sites above of the playerbots but im too noob in programming/compilling trinity to make work. :(.

You could use a command that will allow you to have no limit for entering raids and/or dungeons.


Updated to latest revision (05bd9153326f5cc793f1f8a882dbfdd1d95b63b8)


Do not allow creation of channels starting with digits


Restored split alliance and horde chat channels

Replaced some chat texts with proper defense messages
Dropped redundand code

Fix static analysis issues
Updated to


Fixed an issue with an unknown column "move_type" in "waypoint_data"
Updated to TDB 434.06

06-08-14, 11:26 AM
hello I love your work repack
however there is a bug with all npc 85
1 only stick
firelands eg: all mobs stick little stick of 1

09-08-14, 03:18 AM
hello I love your work repack
however there is a bug with all npc 85
1 only stick
firelands eg: all mobs stick little stick of 1

Thanks and I'm fully aware that there are bugs with Firelands. It still being worked on. ;)

08-12-14, 08:13 AM
Thank ;)

15-08-16, 03:38 AM
download link broke

04-11-16, 07:09 AM
Hello I am French, I have a little problem because it and not download the 4.3.4 v5 repack thank you for the help ...

18-04-20, 12:21 AM

21-05-20, 06:08 AM
il give a try

08-07-20, 04:32 AM

11-09-20, 12:20 AM
thanks good work

15-02-22, 06:03 PM