View Full Version : 5.4.1 MoP repack (sandbox skyfire) all included (extractors etc.. parser, sniffer)

20-12-13, 12:15 AM
MoP 5.4.1 repack (sandbox)

last update 15.12.2013 (16.44pm) (repack and sql links are on DropBox, this means that the link will remain the same everytime that i update the repack. I will everytime update this date too)

i say now: i'm not english, so sorry if i made some mistakes!

Skyfire Emu written in c++

added itIT locale support for extractors by me

Bug i discovered
: no spell working, maybe crash when .level to reach 90. Cannot enter instance and Raid, cannot select difficulty, npc haven't text, vendor doesn't open any windows. (1 day of testing don't know others XD).
Cannot reach level 90 by mod the database nor with .level 89 (1+89 = 90), but you can reach that level with, for example, .level 10 etc...
emotes not working
can't duel


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If a link is broken or something is missing, feel free to ask a repair/fix

Download DBC, Maps, Mmaps, Vmaps (http://www.mediafire.com/download/mnf36ss5qx9biba/dbc_maps_vmaps_mmaps.rar)
>>Download Repack (https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukeeaclyumhcc2p/repack.rar)
>>Download Patcher for WoW.exe (http://www.mediafire.com/download/3m562ka5oj6i17s/patcher_17538.rar)
>>Download Extractors (http://www.mediafire.com/download/6u7qg44yzcdl4y6/extractors.rar)
>>Download .sql (https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2i1oos80qlfcaa/sql.rar)
<< (needed to start worldserver.exe and authserver.exe, do not use other databases like trinitycore db. I tried to use that and it says in the worldserver.exe window that the database wasn't up to date, if you are able to fix that, please tell here how to fix. Maybe some bugs can disappear if we use that database)

Sniffer and Parser for 5.4.2
(i got the sniffer but not the parser atm)
How to use them:
guide coming soon


download and install THIS (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30679)

You don't know the chat commands?

Use THIS (http://www.mediafire.com/download/cnlfg0mdm7ya537/Trinity+GM+Helper.rar)

Do you have a WoW 5.4.2 client or higher?

Don't worry, follow this:
Download THIS (http://www.mediafire.com/download/b8xb0oo4ed3odvc/Wow-64_Patched.rar)
file, then rename world of warcaft launcher.exe to world of warcraft launcher.exe.bak. Now if you wanna play use the downloaded file (WARNING, the downloaded file is for 64bit client, i will upload something for 32bit soon)

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(15/12/2013) i do not uploaded the sql.rar with this UPDATE (https://github.com/ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire_5xx/blob/master/sql/541_updates/characters/2013_12_10_01_character_glyphs.sql)
because contains an error, if you apply that, the worldserver.exe can't start.

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First of all, you should install xampp DOWNLOAD (http://www.apachefriends.org/download.php?xampp-win32-1.8.2-3-VC9.7z)
(89mb) .
After the installation, start mysql.


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Download (http://www.heidisql.com/installers/HeidiSQL_8.1.0.4545_Setup.exe)
HeidiSQL and install
Open and use this: user: root
password: the_password_you_want
port: 3306
click save


for the_password_you_want:

To change the password for mysql go on your browser and in the address bar type: localhost
go on security (on the left) and put a password.


Now modify the .conf files with the right username and passwords of your database.

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Guide to install database:
open BASE folder
execute the 2 .sql
open 541_updates folder and execute all
unzip 5.4.1_beta_world_DB.zip and execute that
you are done!

p.s. To execute a .sql click on the play button or press F9!

to create an account wait until worldserver.exe has finished, then type
.account create username password
.account set gmlevel username 3 -1


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how to log in:
use the patcher for wow.exe, put the original wow.exe in the same folder of the patcher, open the patcher, select 64bit or 32bit (depending on your operating system). Now selected the wow.exe, and click on the program logo. Now copy the wow-patched.exe in the wow folder. Now you can log in ^_^

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Do you want to support this project? Visit Skyfire Project (https://github.com/ProjectSkyfire/SkyFire_5xx)

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Do you want to compile the server by yourself?
Follow this guide:

1. Download GitExtensions (http://code.google.com/p/gitextensions/downloads/detail?name=GitExtensions24703SetupComplete.msi&can=2&q=)

While installing do this

install all (kdiff too)

2. Download Visual Studio 2012 (or 2013) from Windows website

3. Download Cmake (http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-

4. Download OpenSSL (http://slproweb.com/download/Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1e.exe)

5. If you have a "Missing Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributables" error message while installing OpenSSL, download this (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9B2DA534-3E03-4391-8A4D-074B9F2BC1BF)

6. While installing OpenSSL, choose The OpenSSL binaries (/bin) directory (NOT "The Windows system directory") when given the choice on where to copy the OpenSSL DLLs

7. Go on Skyfire Github website (you find link above) and on the right you will find a box with a link

Copy that link.

8. Now create a folder named "skyfire" where you want. Inside that create another folder named "git" and another "build". Right Click, select GitEx Clone. In the New window paste the link in the first box, click CLONE and wait 'til it is finished

9. Once it is finished, open CMAKE, in "where is the source" select the folder where you saved the Git Project (the one before to see src, cmake etc.. folders) and in "where to build the binaries" select the "build" folder. Then click Configure, select the version of your visual studio (visual studio 10 = visual studio 2010, visual studio 11 = vs 2012, visual studio 12 = vs 2013)

10. Now check the two box unchecked then click again configure and then generate!

11. Now go in the build folder, search for the .sln file, open that with visual studio

12. Now wait until all is loaded (check in the south bar of the program), then right click on ALL_BUILD, click on Clean.

13. When is finished roght click again on ALL_BUILD and COMPILE!!!

14. now wait, when it is finished go in the bin folder, there should be all files. Then follow the guide i made in the bottom of the page http://www.ac-web.org/forum/venise/smilies/wink.gif

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Do not ask support to me, i only compiled the emu and extracted the maps, mmaps, dbc and vmaps for you ^_^ (and soon i will give you compiled parser and sniffer)!
For any question try to ask HERE (http://www.projectskyfire.org/)
in the “please help” section of the forum.. (you must register)

Credit to Arctium for the patcher
Credit to Skyfire for the EMU and .sql
Credit to me for Maps, Vmaps, Mmaps, DBC and the itIT compatibility for the mapextractor.exe and this guide.

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Credits : gegge

11-01-14, 12:45 PM
Doesn't work man, authserver and worldserver crashes, :(

06-03-21, 01:58 AM
parcher dnt work on windows PX please fix