View Full Version : 255 Funserver Custom Scripts Reload creature_template/item_template

30-07-14, 08:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I made a new repack now for you guys !
When you use this repack you can add new items to your server without having to restart the server and same for creatures.

What have i done so far?
Edited the scripts to allow reloads of item_template and creature_template
Edited the scripts to ressurect at death location(No teleport to graveyard)
Edited the scripts to remove the time to ressurrect
Edited Level Cap to 255
Added a World Chat Script(Credits for World Chat Script goes to Ghostcrawler 336)
Added a Token that grants player +1 Level Up for each token
Added Starter Gear
Added Level 50 Gear
Added Level 100 Gear
Added a Level Road(Credits goes to WoWtutorial99)
Added 4 Bosses on Level Road
Added a Custom MPQ Patch for starter Gear
Added more rbac ranks and fixed commands for each rank
Removed Stats Limit
Changed Start Loctation to Hyjal

Screens !

Maps (http://www.mediafire.com/download/w3mr1v73u12a6t6/Tok124_maps.rar)
VMaps (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ecaxxxxm8u9pv0/Tok124_vmaps.rar)
MMaps( (http://www.mediafire.com/download/r6luyecz5tzb9ts/Tok124_mmaps.rar)
DBC (http://www.mediafire.com/download/70ksdcn4xvr3bqb/Tok124_dbc.rar)
Server Folder (http://www.mediafire.com/download/kiw44ebbdg7qy61/tok124__Server.rar)
Repack (http://www.mediafire.com/download/xbgg2e5q2qrldy2/Tok124+Repack+3.3.5.rar)
Custom MPQ Patch(For starter Gear) (http://www.mediafire.com/download/85w79cbij2deoe5/patch-A.mpq)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784)

The reason why i have not made more items or Custom Instances or something is because i want everyone to come up with their own work. I don't want thousands of copy's So you create your own items/npc/raids etc.

New Commands:
.world $message
.reload item_template
.reload creature_templates

Answer to some common questions:
Can you release the source: No
DLL Files is missing? Getting error about it: Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784), OpenSSL, .NET Framework 4.5. Restart your computer. If you have more problems after this send me a PM !
i cannot reload creature_template heeeelp: The new command for reloading creature_template is .reload creature_templates with an "s" at the end

Credits goes to:
Ghostcrawler336 for World Chat
Reloac on EmuDevs for teaching me how to edit scripts for item_template reload and creature_template reload
WoWtutorial99 For Level Road
Me for compiling the server and MPQ Patch and Level Road Bosses and Editing the scripts

Info about rbac ranks:
4=Head GM
7=Head Admin

1. Extract tok124 repack 3.3.5 to C:/
2. Extract _Server Folder to tok124 repack 3.3.5
3. Extract dbc, maps, vmaps, mmaps to tok124 repack 3.3.5
4. Open _Server folder and open MySQL.bat
5. Go back in the core(tok124 repack 3.3.5) and start authserver.exe and worldserver.exe
6. wait for a "beep" from your worldserver then type this in your worldserver

account create accountname password

Then type this

account set gmlevel accountname 8 -1
7. Open wow folder > Data > enGB/enUS > realmlist.wtf delete all text and type this "set realmlist" save it
8. Add the patch-A.mpq to data folder in your wow folder
9. Login and play !

Note: Remember to replace the red text with the account name that you want to use and same for password !

Need a updated website to create items? like wow-v but up to date? Use my site
Account Suspended (http://trinitycore-sql-generator.com)

Keep in mind, Trinitycore sql generator was my first website so it looks bad but it works !

Known Problems:
TrinityCore added a few more columns to creature_classlevelstats that handles the creature damage. By default it only goes to level 100 so level 101 creature and all levels over that does 1 damage each hit. To solve the problem go in your DB and open table creature_classlevelstats and run this:

ALTER TABLE `creature_classlevelstats`
CHANGE COLUMN `basehp1` `basehp1` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `basehp0`,
CHANGE COLUMN `basemana` `basemana` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `basehp2`,
CHANGE COLUMN `attackpower` `attackpower` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `basearmor`,
CHANGE COLUMN `rangedattackpower` `rangedattackpower` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `attackpower`;

then export this query's to your DB

Credits Tok124