View Full Version : [TrinityCore] 5.4 Mists of Pandaria X-Treme Repack

07-12-15, 08:29 AM
Credits : Ayiko

The X-Treme in the title got your attention, éh? This repack should fit yo needs and hopefully entertain you for many hours.

- Most battlegrounds & arenas working
- Dungeon & Raid Finder working
- Battleground & Arena Finder working
- Pandaren race works, and monk class
- PvP attributes work as intended (resil, power, fatigue)
- Vehicles work, most crashes found & fixed
- Fully working ticket system
- Partial pet batttles working
- Enchanting, transmogging, reforging works
- No shitty rbac, just command table

Once i have time ill try to form a list of EVERY dungeon, raid, bg, arena working etc

Pandaria Dungeons

Gate Setting Sun - Fully working 100%
Mogushan Palace - Fully working 100%
Shadopan Monastery - Fully working 100%
Siege Niuzao Temple - Fully working 100%
Stormstout Brewery - Fully working 100%
Temple of Jade Serpent - Fully working 100%

Pandaria Raids

Mogu'Shan Vaults working 100% 6/6
Terrace of Endless Springs working 100% 4/4
Throne of Thunder working 5/12 bosses

#Download Links:

Data(vmaps,maps,dbc etc) :
https://mega.nz/#!boQFDbTB!iVbuvBOEJB3S3_Uf0frAydYkSbZcZbdL_LGKGmq ZqW0

Database: https://mega.nz/#!DlZVHDBL!OxRtmt-l_wQ5JmOjp0JpQjjr5-dUsMQllk5mxMJujpM

Server Rel Folder: https://mega.nz/#!u8hxRSqb!VCmQfQ73Sd6efI11Ami6MkTrfADZiXI1dNnnDmB JqbQ

Game Client: https://mega.nz/#!awIyDQDZ!_OwALntaDJw8sU1-bmc6I_p7nEdDWO5HL1MoFhCTzes

- Do feel free to let me know any gamebreaking bugs in this thread, ill look into them


This is an older version, i'll soon update it with a newer version with many more updates as soon as i re-install vs2013.
If ya like it, leave a thank/like =)

In worldserver.exe:
.account create admin admin ( creates an account named admin with password admin)
.account set gmlevel admin 3 1 (Sets account to gm level

In database:
update command set security = 3 ( Sets all commands to security level 3)
update account set expansion = 4 (sets all expansions to mists of pandaria ) - ya shud set default to 4, i forgot to do that right before uploading le database)
Notice: In Worldserver.conf change char2 to characters at database information

13-12-15, 09:24 AM
Nice release! I´ve been playing a while as a rogue and no complains about stats or talents, but for some reason, although the gear gives the stats once equipped, the character always stays naked. Another thing is that server doesn't save guild data, when you restart it all guild info vanishes.

06-01-16, 05:37 AM
Great Job, awsome Repack everything works fine also guild but an AH-bot woud be really nice. The best 5.4.8 repack i've tried out so far.

Keep Going


sry 5.4.x

10-01-16, 06:48 AM
Nice Repack for PvP Server! God Job!

02-10-16, 05:45 AM
client 5.4 plzzz