View Full Version : [TrinityCore] MMOPro Official - World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.4 Repack

15-03-16, 05:47 AM
MMOPro.org Official World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.4 Repack
(World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor Repack)


MMOPro 6.2.3 Repack is based on TrinityCore but its much improved and functioning better than default TrinityCore with our own fixes.
Source code can be found in the archive.

All WoD Dungeons are open and available, some might be missing npc spawns.

Auchindoun http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Upper Blackrock Spire http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Bloodmaul Slag Mines http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Iron Docks http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
The Everbloom http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Grimrail Depot http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Skyreach http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png


Highmaul http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Blackrock Foundry http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Hellfire Citadel http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png

Working Features:

You can join Battlegrounds/Arenas (All are open and available) http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Archaeology http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Transmogrification http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Transports http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Void Storage http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Reforge http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Quests http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Pets http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Achievements http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Auction House http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Bank http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
Channels are working (incl all chats[say,yell,emote]) http://www.mmopro.org/images/tick_16.png
All Classes working, 60% of Spells & Talents Working http://mmopro.org/images/warning.png
Pandaria & Draenor is fully spawned & some quests for draenor are working but very bugged http://mmopro.org/images/warning.png

Latest update 04-18-2016 : trinity up to latest version plus mop content (scripts for all dungeons) inside the core



Download MMOPro WoD Repack V2 ...4.21355.zip (https://mega.nz/#!yBI2VAAa!UURT3vu0Fkpsalp15VOLjD1XPVBQlZWYxASOupg PITY)


http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png If you do not have 6.2.3 Client use the one from the archive.
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png Download our repack from here: MMOPro WoD Repack V2 …4.21355.zip (https://mega.nz/#!yBI2VAAa!UURT3vu0Fkpsalp15VOLjD1XPVBQlZWYxASOupg PITY)
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.pngCore NEW VERSION (https://mega.nz/#!fB4lyAwI!G8w04Eu4dbUM93rxTHyLel6LbFHqfIjIij2i7rB B-zU)
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png Database NEW VERSION (https://mega.nz/#!3FBBARgQ!LZNvw7Ioo62xnrv8a3MDsCU4lwUxlkebpQLm3uy VgZU)
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png Extract the repack and data.rar & then paste data in the repack folder (data)
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png Once your worldserver is up then in worldserver console type ".account create name@name password" and ".acc set gmlevel name@name 3 -1"
http://mmopro.org/images/Process-Info.png Or you can use the account "admin@admin" and password "admin"

IF You can't connect insert this query in auth database:
update auth.realmlist set gamebuild=21355 where gamebuild<>21355

- Thanks to @titan_ae (http://www.mmopro.org/members/265462.html) for the catch!

Repack Brought to you by MMOPro.org (http://www.mmopro.org/)
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/MMOProDotOrg

16-03-16, 12:17 AM
Great work, thanks for releasing a repack!

16-03-16, 03:19 AM
Looks good. Which changes did you make to the source? :)

18-03-16, 09:45 AM
Looks good. Which changes did you make to the source? :)

At the moment it is clean trinitycore but i'm starting to code the dungeons which will be released with the next update, hope you like it.

19-03-16, 12:50 PM
Tooooooooo much hacky code.... But nice to see that here.

23-03-16, 02:35 AM
Cool release, just want mop and wod zones populated and it's perfect. ;)

24-03-16, 03:37 AM
There is no Client inside can someone link me a client :C

24-03-16, 07:37 AM
There is no Client inside can someone link me a client :C
You can patch blizzard's latest WoW.exe with this patcher here (https://mega.nz/#!TBIHiLoL!2bNeq3YCKz4Gv_eGKq5RzEZhXdufRiCXvE6j5ha y_Fw).

27-03-16, 02:20 PM
Thank you!

04-04-16, 06:09 AM
this is a good repack but the only way to play the game is if I`m online, is it possible to play it without internet connection

08-04-16, 09:04 PM
i downloaded latest wow 6.2.4 21355 but patch wont work.Help

10-04-16, 12:04 AM
connection_patcher_6.2.4 ( 21348 )


11-04-16, 05:46 AM
I run mysql.bat >> bnetserver.exe >> worldserver.exe >>extract connection_patcher_6.2.4 ( 21348 ).rar in client folder >>drag and drop wow-64.exe into connection_patcher.exe (no error) >> edit config.wtf (SET portal "") >> run wow-64_patcher.exe with -uid wow_engb >>enter name and password >> it just say connecting I had to wait more than 10 minutes but still can not connect.if I made a mistake at any step?

12-04-16, 12:26 PM
I run mysql.bat >> bnetserver.exe >> worldserver.exe >>extract connection_patcher_6.2.4 ( 21348 ).rar in client folder >>drag and drop wow-64.exe into connection_patcher.exe (no error) >> edit config.wtf (SET portal "") >> run wow-64_patcher.exe with -uid wow_engb >>enter name and password >> it just say connecting I had to wait more than 10 minutes but still can not connect.if I made a mistake at any step?
it's a 6.2.3 not 6.2.4 repack, im currently working on update and it might be released at 15th this month

12-04-16, 01:04 PM
Hi, thanks for the repack. I cant log in.
The repack is ver 20779 ? Can you post the correct files to log in the client?

my wod client is 6.2.3 (20779) , but in the realmlist table on auth db : gamebuild=20726. that is correct?
when i log in i just got #112 error. (unable to validate game version).

Please help!. Thanks!

17-04-16, 09:45 AM
Hangs at connecting and never manages to for me. I've no idea how you guys got it to work, but I think I'm done mucking with it, for now.

17-04-16, 11:27 AM

i don't find a data.rar in the repack.


Server is running, but i can't connect with client.

I made a copy of the original client and used the last connection patcher from the first post in this thread.

It crashes with: "the option '--path' is required but missing EX: Wrong number of arguments: Missing client file
An error occurred. Press ENTER to continue..."

Cheers Vampi

19-04-16, 01:34 PM
Hey, how can I download 6.2.3 WoW? I couldn't find it

19-04-16, 09:51 PM
Hangs at connecting and never manages to for me. I've no idea how you guys got it to work, but I think I'm done mucking with it, for now.
I've gotten it to connect now, but no matter which connection patcher I use, it tells me the client is incompatible. I've no idea why. Has anyone actually gotten this to work? I got another WoD repack to work fine, but it didn't actually have any Draenor zones. I'd like to actually see what's there and yes, I *want* to take a look at garrisons.

20-04-16, 03:26 PM
"If you do not have 6.2.3 Client use the one from the archive."

Where? Thanks

20-04-16, 08:20 PM
Hi! TrinityAdmin does not work in WOD 6.2.4. Still found in dbc, Hellfire Citadel - Second Hall, map=540 does not work too!!! Maybe you understand it?

Navicat / auth / realmlist / gamebuild = 21355. Wod Began to work for me!!!

21-04-16, 05:50 AM
You guys have to use the same version(build) the core is, you can't join a 6.2.4 server with a 6.2.3 or older 6.2.4 client.

21-04-16, 04:48 PM
You guys have to use the same version(build) the core is, you can't join a 6.2.4 server with a 6.2.3 or older 6.2.4 client.

http://www.mmopro.org/repacks/21136-6-2-4-21355-wod-repack.html contains a client with the same build number as your core, can't connect. None of the patchers anywhere in this thread have enabled me to connect. The last linked patcher changed my entire WoW folder to read-only and I've been having to go back and figure out what else came with it that keeps causing it to read only and causing CAS errors. The server starts fine, I can't connect to it at all, I'd love to play on it, if all the features are there, I'd really love to take a look at it and +rep you. I'd even go so far as trying to help with my very limited abilities. Nuppi's repack, sadly, doesn't have any of the Draenor zones, is missing NPCs needed for quests and has no access to garrions. These are things that I would like to muck about with. Your server runs, you say it has all the things the only other working WoD server I've seen doesn't, but I can't connect to it and verify that. Including with the correct client, patched with your patchers. I resent the obvious accusation that we're all idiots here.

21-04-16, 06:11 PM
Some might be missing npc spawns. Navicat / world / creature_model_info / needs to be added - model Drenor. From Navicat / world / creature_template / - Then them it will be possible, to bring in game.

23-04-16, 02:47 PM
I had the same issue as ndarkstar. Login works properly, but after that, the only available realm "MMOPro.org" says "(incompatible)" whilst both server and client are running version 6.2.4_21355. Client gives error code: WOW51900225.

The incompatible realm thing got me thinking it should be the realm settings which are in the database. I used the HeidiSQL editor to look at the realm configuration: database 'auth', table 'realmlist'. The only available record ('MMOPro.org') had gamebuild set to 20726. Obviously it should be 21355.

The following query can be used to set all realms to gamebuild 21355

update auth.realmlist set gamebuild=21355 where gamebuild<>21355

After that login worked properly for me!

Hope that helps!

29-04-16, 09:25 PM
Thanks for the repack

can some one tell me the user and pass for mysql

01-05-16, 08:30 PM
Is anyone else having the issue of worgen racial quests not working? I can not get passed the 2nd quest to return to the commander.

02-05-16, 11:00 AM
can t find a good working client!

05-05-16, 10:32 PM
wheres the data.rar in repack?

07-05-16, 02:46 AM
Why Can't I connect It says When i connect:You Have been Disconnected (BLZ51901021)please Help me D:

11-05-16, 09:14 PM
Guys I don't know what you have done the trinity ver from your site works fine so does wodcore but your MMo ver does not will load wow unpatched but when you patch to work with server cas error all the time done ever thing and have had a ton off server running so does yours work ?

11-05-16, 10:53 PM
hi i have a problem whit this repack i have all runing the server files all up but the problem is when i try to conect to the server i cant what i have to config to use it my exe is ver.6.2.4 (21463) if the server file run whit this ver and build? cause when i put my vps ip to WTF config i cant conect
im using vps windows server 2012 R2

12-05-16, 12:49 PM
hi i have a problem whit this repack i have all runing the server files all up but the problem is when i try to conect to the server i cant what i have to config to use it my exe is ver.6.2.4 (21463) if the server file run whit this ver and build? cause when i put my vps ip to WTF config i cant conect
im using vps windows server 2012 R2

I had the same issue as ndarkstar. Login works properly, but after that, the only available realm "MMOPro.org" says "(incompatible)" whilst both server and client are running version 6.2.4_21355. Client gives error code: WOW51900225.

The incompatible realm thing got me thinking it should be the realm settings which are in the database. I used the HeidiSQL editor to look at the realm configuration: database 'auth', table 'realmlist'. The only available record ('MMOPro.org') had gamebuild set to 20726. Obviously it should be 21355.

The following query can be used to set all realms to gamebuild 21355

update auth.realmlist set gamebuild=21355 where gamebuild<>21355

After that login worked properly for me!

Hope that helps!

I'm running 6.2.4 21463 client so i ran the query titan suggested for this particular build

update auth.realmlist set gamebuild=21463 where gamebuild<>21463

After restarting server i was able to connect with the client.

13-05-16, 09:17 AM
Riding trainers does not work?

13-05-16, 10:16 AM
Riding trainers does not work?

Doesn't work for me either, what client build are you using?

If you are a GM you can get them this way:

First look up the spell id you need to learn: example master riding.

.lookup spell master riding

The result in this case:
90266 - [Master Riding, rank 5] [learn]

To learn this:

.learn 90266

You might have to log out your character completely from the server to take effect.

13-05-16, 10:39 AM
I would like to fix it ) because I run the server on the network;) website, launcher ... but there is still a lot of mistakes, but some I can not fix
(Localization to insert ruRU/enUS)

15-05-16, 06:58 AM
Why do I get an empty world of Draenor?

16-05-16, 11:43 AM
how can i play u repack if i has x32 os?

17-05-16, 05:50 AM
Hi guys. Please explain to the noob.
I installed trinity core with 6.2.3 20886 emulation. I also downloaded the full 20886 client which is 35 gigs. But it's 99% not working. I want to try this one now. But here the zip is only 2.5 gigs. I guess it's the core, maps, vmaps, mmaps. How is this playable? Will it be DL-ing the rest 30 gigs from the internets?

Oh nice, It has no data.rar

24-05-16, 06:43 AM
realm incompatible when I try to log in...
Please insert a working client exe

30-05-16, 10:43 PM
please root password open heidiSQL database

31-05-16, 09:38 AM
How to fix this?

08-06-16, 09:19 PM
Nice Repack. Pretty Clean & fun to mess around on. When i first extracted it started first pop no dramas. Then realised i have 6.2.4 21743 so wouldn't let me connect because mismatch. So to all the people out there that want to use this repack but has incompatable client. Just change to gamebuild in MySQL auth database to your clients "21743 < e.g" Then you can no issues once restart auth and world. Thanks for your work appreciate it. Can't wait to see what this becomes. :)

15-06-16, 03:35 AM
Nice Repack. Pretty Clean & fun to mess around on. When i first extracted it started first pop no dramas. Then realised i have 6.2.4 21743 so wouldn't let me connect because mismatch. So to all the people out there that want to use this repack but has incompatable client. Just change to gamebuild in MySQL auth database to your clients "21743 < e.g" Then you can no issues once restart auth and world. Thanks for your work appreciate it. Can't wait to see what this becomes. :)

Thanks for sharing this fix. Will be updating the repack anyways to 6.2.4 retail version. More fixes coming soon! :)

18-06-16, 01:31 PM
The New WorldServer is a instant crash.:(

18-06-16, 02:37 PM
The New WorldServer is a instant crash.:(

Download the new core, its fixed and updated the link!

18-06-16, 03:31 PM
It, gave me another strange error and closed hmm.

18-06-16, 04:53 PM
don't forget to post screenshots of the error(s) you receive
or pastebin (in-case of error log)

18-06-16, 06:04 PM
There is No Error log for worldserver.

18-06-16, 06:12 PM
There is No Error log for worldserver.

There should be a file called Server.txt that gets generated after you launch worldserver.exe.

18-06-16, 06:43 PM
it said this TrinityCore rev. e3a583646edd+ 2016-04-17 17:36:40 +0200 (6.x branch) (Win64, Release) (worldserver-daemon)
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

______ __
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\ \_\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \__\\/`____ \
\/_/\/_/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/__/ `/___/> \
C O R E /\___/
TrinityCore (http://TrinityCore.org) \/__/

Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2e 3 Dec 2015)
Using Boost version: 1.59.0
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'

Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details.

18-06-16, 07:54 PM
Also, why do i get The Disconnected error on login.

19-06-16, 02:06 AM
Using configuration file worldserver.conf.
Using SSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (library: OpenSSL 1.0.2e 3 Dec 2015)
Using Boost version: 1.59.0
Automatic database updates are disabled for all databases!
Could not prepare statements of the Hotfix database, see log for details.

19-06-16, 02:57 PM
i Think we need to enable databases.

19-06-16, 03:43 PM
Any plans on fixing the class spells and talents?

19-06-16, 09:01 PM
This seriously still can't be 6.2.3

28-06-16, 04:26 PM
hi.. hows it going.. ive looked for the client but cannot find it..can you link it

28-06-16, 05:59 PM
Hello can you please help me because i have problem with connection. I have done all the steps and all is good but i cant connect to the server. I already created an account but still nothing.

29-06-16, 09:33 AM
Hello is it possible to put more directions on how to connect to the server? i have followed all steps,created an account but still cant connect. i get blizzard error

01-07-16, 02:03 PM
Thank you for the repack!

06-07-16, 03:02 AM
This seriously still can't be 6.2.3
MMOPro Official - World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.4 Repack
So i do not believe it is 6.2.3

Make sure you patch your client with the current patcher and it should work

10-07-16, 04:22 AM
hi there, i have latest version of game, oficial, 6.2.4 ( 21742 )

my server is running ( no errors on startup )

where i find the 6.2.3 ?

i run connection patcher, but the game dont start ( im usign windows 10 )
i receive a error 404 on CDN. on ip ( not my ip )

my WTF = SET portal ""

thanks in advance

15-07-16, 11:03 AM
hi there, i have latest version of game, oficial, 6.2.4 ( 21742 )

my server is running ( no errors on startup )

where i find the 6.2.3 ?

i run connection patcher, but the game dont start ( im usign windows 10 )
i receive a error 404 on CDN. on ip ( not my ip )

my WTF = SET portal ""

thanks in advance

I can give u a good tutorial, come to my ts3 look for me "Der nette Linux User"

But i have a question Im logged into the game & i think these quests are buggy... http://i.imgur.com/yUCKJdb.png has anyone a answer for this? How to patch it ?

When i try to update my Core & Database i get this error:

In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 10, sql: "SELECT ID, SourceText, Description FROM battle_pet_species_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'SourceText' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 17, sql: "SELECT ID, ModelID, SoundID, ExtendedDisplayInfoID, CreatureModelScale, Unknown620, CreatureModelAlpha, TextureVariation1, TextureVariation2, TextureVariation3, PortraitTextureName, PortraitCreatureDisplayInfoID, SizeClass, BloodID, NPCSoundID, ParticleColorID, CreatureGeosetData, ObjectEffectPackageID, AnimReplacementSetID, Flags, Gender, StateSpellVisualKitID FROM creature_display_info ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Unknown620' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "SELECT ID, TextureVariation_lang1, TextureVariation_lang2, TextureVariation_lang3, PortraitTextureName_lang FROM creature_display_info_locale WHERE locale = ?"
Unknown column 'TextureVariation_lang1' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 29, sql: "SELECT ID, MapID, DisplayID, PositionX, PositionY, PositionZ, RotationX, RotationY, RotationZ, RotationW, Size, PhaseUseFlags, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID, Type, Data0, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Name FROM gameobjects ORDER BY ID DESC"
Unknown column 'Data0' in 'field list'
In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 98, sql: "SELECT ID, PhaseID, PhaseGroupID FROM phase_group ORDER BY ID DESC"
Table 'hotfixes.phase_group' doesn't exist

20-07-16, 06:26 PM
Any idea when V3 will be released?

21-07-16, 12:12 AM
I hope that in a week we will update the repack!

29-07-16, 09:45 AM
Source code can be found in the archive.

where I can find it , iv tried searching but no lock

30-07-16, 03:27 PM
same for me i just want an offline wow i can play

08-08-16, 01:57 AM
Hi. All works fine, but in Working Features is: - Pandaria & Draenor is fully spawned.But it's empty. No mobs here.

13-08-16, 02:13 PM
Im getting the blz51901091 Error.What is causing this???Edit:Got around that error now, it was my account wich wasnt created correctly @ bnetaccount create ..... Now i can login to the server and choose the realm, and then it gets stuck on "logging into game server"?????Running vers. 22423 and i changed the gamebuild in auth table to 22423..

19-08-16, 09:44 AM
i did everything and i cant log in and im getting this error http://i64.tinypic.com/jujwq9.jpg please help me

is the repack 6.2.3 or 6.2.4

this is another pic but with the error if i press to log in http://i63.tinypic.com/2a5zxie.jpg

22-08-16, 02:42 AM
i tried to update the database but when i do that the worldserver.exe gives me an error can someone please help me

this is the error im getting for the updated database http://i63.tinypic.com/14cqsro.jpg

04-09-16, 03:54 AM
Are you going to fill the Draenor? :)

04-09-16, 09:51 AM
Are you going to fill the Draenor? :)

This repack is out of support now, you should switch to the Legion one.

08-09-16, 11:09 AM
junky your work is nice but next time is more easy give inside archive patched wow.exe 32 and 64 version
i see all ppl have problem only with this. many ppl play normal on free servers and have bad wow.exe. and for one 20mb file i must instal battlenet and download new client? wtf?
you write on first side use client in archive. miss client inside archive!!
any here have wow.exe for this repack?
i dont need install batlenet for taking one file.

10-09-16, 09:22 AM
junky your work is nice but next time is more easy give inside archive patched wow.exe 32 and 64 version
i see all ppl have problem only with this. many ppl play normal on free servers and have bad wow.exe. and for one 20mb file i must instal battlenet and download new client? wtf?
you write on first side use client in archive. miss client inside archive!!
any here have wow.exe for this repack?
i dont need install batlenet for taking one file.

this repack is out of support, you should switch to the legion one, there is exe included

03-10-16, 06:12 AM
client 6.2.4 21742 plzz

03-10-16, 08:12 AM
maybe try a client from this site
Client World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor 6.2.4 FR | Zone WoW (http://www.zone-wow.com/fr/client/6-2-4-fr/)

04-10-16, 10:55 AM
mes sait pas 21742

04-10-16, 11:06 AM
Here you can find a better version of World of Warcraft Dreanor (World of Warcraft WoD 6.2.4) repack

its by wodcore.es
mmopro's wod repack is currently outdated


04-10-16, 03:04 PM
merci mes je cherche le client wow 6.2.4 21742

08-01-17, 08:58 AM
No trainers are working. Why?

05-02-17, 03:38 PM
Npc inside dungeons fall under texture, how fix the problem?

25-08-17, 11:19 AM

So whats the SQL username / password / port?

04-01-18, 01:54 PM
anyone upload the repack with all last updates? please

09-01-18, 08:53 AM
client 6.2.4 21742 plzz

Client WoW 6.2.4 (21742) - AquaYoup - (http://aquayoup.123.fr/thread-63.html)

bon jeu a toi :)

10-03-18, 12:06 AM
i downloaded latest wow 6.2.4 21355 but patch wont work.Help

my wod is 20779
i have error #114

plaese help me...

and i need wod patcher 20779


11-03-18, 05:20 AM
up post