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View Full Version : Ethereal WoW Unique PvP

03-11-09, 04:48 PM

We are a 3.2.2 a Server

Realm info:

2 malls for horde and alliance.
Only blizzlike gear earned through a non-blizz like fasion
begin as lvl 60
Start with tier 2

player commands and incredible pvp system

Type #food for food, #buff for buffs, #ffa for Free for all, #ffaoff for no Free for all.
Every Kill grants you 5 gold,
You recieve a title for 10,50,100,250,500,750,1000,2000,3000, etc. kills
When killing a player you recieve XP Based on your level, at level 10 you need 10 kills to level.

Progression based pvp gear reward system.

Season 7 and Tier 9 are earn able through the pvp system developed.

Once level 80 you can return to your mall and pick up the custom quest chain, The Argent Games!

That eventually leads you to our custom bosses and the quest come with rewards

Friendly,Helpful and Careful Staff

Up 24/7

No lag

Heres our temp site while we are configuring are new one

With the temp site you can still make a in-game account


Realmlist is etherealwow.game-host.org

So what are you waiting for come join us we are waiting

Note: We also need some staff. Want to apply let us know add me [email protected] or the Owner [email protected]

Screenshot time

This is the Client Version


Alliance Mall




Horde mall



One of the custom quest




Custom Arena/Bg


custom player command #buff


Join and let the adventure of your wow-life time begin!

04-11-09, 01:02 AM
Awesome server!

04-11-09, 11:57 AM
Looks good in my eyes.

But ... the website... well that site is in the top 10 most used wow server sites lol , try get a web developer to remake it or make a new but its still a very good and nice site .

And your logo.. i had nothing to do so i made one for you :p its not the best i know but i did it fast and without any fee*

Toplist Banner:
Comming very soon !