View Full Version : - { Server Ideas} -

12-11-09, 11:49 PM
I am making a server right now it is in the pre-beta stage or planing as you would. I would like some imput on your ideas this would require a person to install a patch and make a separate wow folder just for the server BUT it would have all these things in it.

- New talent trees
Tree 1 would be the cloth version of the trees with tailoring learned at halfway and in place of the cloth learning you will find the faster version of mounts

Tree 2 would be the leather version of the tree with leatherworking at
halfway mounts not found on tree

Tree 3 would be the mail version of the tree with blacksmith at halfway mounts not found on tree

- Trainers redone
all ways of learning the main bs, lw or tail proffs removed
Mount trainers only teach ColdWeather, reg ground, reg flying
Class trainers offer new spells that corespond to tree

- Citys destroyed?
all 8 majoir citys destroyed and made into a chain quest for the best in game items.

2 new citys emerge on emeral feild using graphic edits

2 new instances to replace gnomerman and sfk using graphc edits

- New quest line's
4 main quest lines to follow that are 50 quests long and the untimant chain that is 65 long

Quest line leading you into different parts of each of the 8 citys downing bosses finding friends and much more

Able to rescue people from the 8 destroyed citys and when you do a new gaurd will appear for 8 hours at your main city.

-New vendors and gear
Just some of the usual PS stuff

frozen flames gear?
gear that allows a player to cast spells

Maintenance done bi-weekley on thur
Offer our own patch upgrade system

and much much more

For the gms who do get hired I will train them all for at least a week in order to get everyone on same page ect. Also I take bans to the highest regards and there will be a page on the website that you can post your complaint if you got banned and send it to me via email.

I will need at elast 1 gm if not 2 on at every hour of the day
I will need a team of people who can do map edits and image swaps to include on our own personalized patch
I need a team of devs as well.

Right now this is only the very start of the planing please give me thoughts and feedbad as well as what one might want on the talent trees.


Finally peace had come at last when the skies filled with black wings of the fallen army of angels. It just so happens that there cities had been destroyed forcing them down onto the world. After there landing on our world they lost there wings but kept there demonic color about them. While they remained here the Horde saw every opportunity to take a stand with them. Just as the leader of the Horde signed the treaties with the Fallen Army from the ground arose zombies killing off every Undead they could find as there will have gotten strong. This act alone sided them with the alliance. After countless days of battle whole cities arose from the ground and fell from the sky. It seems the people who forced them onto this world followed them here.

There appearance shuddered the very minds of everyone alike. This new godlike appearance brought with them there own cities and tourcher chambers. First, they took the keep in Arathi Highlands. After getting a foothold on this world and allowing themselves and they took over each of the cities. This new army even managed to wipe out every Human. This act of cruelness and the fact that they could not travel over the sea sent both the alliance and the Horde to a stranded island called Emerald Dream.

Building a foothold there they made an agreement that they would use ArathiBasin to train there army. Once they were trained they were allowed to fight the opposing side as it was only a neutral agreement and not a signed alliance. There building of there cities made them take the time to realize a lot of there men went missing.

The Zero Squad had taken men hostage and held them in each of the major cities. These cities also had the leaders of the Zero Squad. One man who returned from there had stated that the Zero Squad implements a new weapons and technology that he has never seen. The only problem is that once you are exposed to it after eight hours you die but most men would rather die there last eight hours fighting off the evil that imprisoned them there.

From there was formed the Vampire Squad. The squad posted noticed all over stating that new members are accepted. The problem with becoming a vampire is that the horde and alliance would shun you. The vampire Squad set up there training camp inside Gnomeregan and is well protected from the zero Squad. The Vampire Squad offer more unique types of quests and items but is harder to control as there are less of you. Right now they are offering a bounty for the head of the Zero Squad.

13-11-09, 04:32 AM
You must have ALOT of time on your hands...

13-11-09, 12:39 PM
Yes I do I had somboy who recently passed so I am trying to keep very busy and in fact of there passing I got left some money so imma invest it into a ps.

13-11-09, 04:01 PM
Very Nice...
If you need any C++ help, hit me up on MSN.

16-11-09, 02:59 AM
Lol. This is almost like... But not exactly... Like BloodFire.

17-11-09, 05:47 PM
Whats Bloodfire? If its like somthing I want to change it so its not it please give me link to there server please and thank you

17-11-09, 11:11 PM
Make it, so if the player does from PVP, the person with the killing blow gets 1 random piece of the victim's gear :P