View Full Version : A long time ago in...pretty much the same place...

04-05-17, 09:41 AM
Hi all,

Found this in my inbox today...

"Smokingshrapnel, You are member of MMO Servers - Free MMORPG and MMO Games - Best Gaming Forum | MMORPGs for 345 day(s) now but haven't posted anything yet" (my emphasis).

Ahahahaha, that's hilarious! I had forgotten that I even signed up to this place, although clearly I did because firefox happily recalls my login details.

Funny thing is, the "welcome to mmopro" email arrived at the same time as the quoted message, I guess I forgot I had joined while waiting for my welcome email, 345 days? lol.

So I guess my response and intro is....Hi, I forgot about you, as you had apparently forgotten about me....oops. Please don't delete my acc. for not posting for a year, see you next year? :D
