View Full Version : [TrinityCore] RustEmu Core v2(blizzlike private development)

08-08-17, 12:50 AM

Good day!

For a long time it was time to lay out a new repack with rustemu.

A short info:
The project for development lasts for more than a year, and it's impossible to list the work done, so it's only in the rough.

* always actual core with merge with official TC (actual structure of database and etc)
* priority of development in stability and game framework (classes/races abilities/talants)
For example blink, shadowmeld, fire bomb, killiong spree and etc

* improved work of LoS
* improved movement generators : work with fear (not stucked, not blinked, not async with speed and et, work with confuse-generator (scatter-shot, polymorph)

* crossfaction BG :
- all possible races for each class
- released work with chat (horde can't understand text from alliance (coded) , and doesn't matter original or fake race you have in this BG
- released work with /wishper chat, player with fake-race can write in PM all players from this Team (for example your original team=alliance and on BG your fake-race Orc (Horde), you can talk with all ppl from your temp-team (orc, tauren and etc)

Also you can write by /whisper anyone from your original faction . For example you playing with friend (by Horde), but on BG you registered as Alliance (you can talk with your friend by /w, but talking on BG by /s will not possible, he just can't understand you (will coded text).

From PVE i idk what need to remember, but crusader champion are working...

Anyway, just get you this repack,and if someone will use it, i will glad to see any comments and criticism

A part of video from development features of core you can see on my channel : qvipka
- YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpCKRB-kd_vj3FrAxO4EHGg)

http://a2.fdlstatic.com/401/bundles/downloadcore/images/header/[email protected] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B95oF05riRW0dGJYemZmdzZKVEk/view?usp=sharing)

In archive all nessesary files:

Extracted files from 5 locales (enGB, deDE, ruRU, esES, frFR)
- Cameras
- dbc
- vmaps
- mmaps
- maps

also 3 sql files with prepared database
- auth
- characters
- world


Instalation and start

For start you need redistributed libraries of C++ 2017 (better way to install full pack 2005, 2008 and etc...)
for example from here (http://forum.oszone.net/thread-145766.html)

Next prefere to download and install the last MySql server (https://www.mysql.com)

Copy from C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\lib
file libmysql.dll in folder with server

Prepare database :
Create 3 databases : for auth, characters, world, and prefer to create 3 users with access for this databases

Export in this databases this 3 prepared files : auth.sql, characters.sql, world.sql

Renamed configs (and to do rates and etc, all you need ) from ***.conf.dist in ***.conf
(don't forget to enabled vmaps + mmaps)

start and play


in database prepared 2 game accounts :
admin 123456
test 123456
both with admin access

Revision : 28482



14-08-17, 05:19 AM
Sry for which version of the game is this emulator? :S

24-10-17, 04:45 AM
will be x32?

23-11-17, 03:31 AM
awesome copy thanks!!!