View Full Version : Greeting from a Squall ripoff :P

04-02-10, 07:34 PM
Hi, I'm a server owner and creative thinker. My server is currently in development since I have quite a few tweaks to make to the server (or, to be honest, a complete overhaul of the items, mobs, and quests as well as adding community this and that).

I do not code ATM but I am learning (in between what I do on a daily basis, such as sustain a healthy lifespan) so don't expect any coding bits or LUA scripts from me for a bit. I am an amateur hacker and computer geek, owning about idk in Final Fantasy ROMs :P so I can help people with some issues about their server and/or crashes but not a lot.

It looks like a nice site and the resources look promising so here I am. It's good to meet you all, maybe.

04-02-10, 08:23 PM
hello & welcome , enjoy your stay :)