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View Full Version : [Ultimate PvP] *3.3.2 Repack* Release

13-02-10, 04:06 AM
Hello Mmopro.net!!!
Info about the repack:
Arcemu based
Rev: 3154

info about the db:
Custom db 75%
Only useful npc's in npc table!
No npc's spawned unless them i spawned (on gm island)
Mall spawned on gmisland (start point for all)
An stairway is made at gmisland too walk it if u want too ;)
All Items from wowhead.com is in the database! (including T10/S8)
Custom Scripts (me)
Custom trainers (me)
Custom teleporter (tricky + me)
Custom vendor's (J-a-c-o-b's)
Customized Guru arena abit ;) use the teleporter to get there! (me)
Easy setup! Everything is modifyed for local gaming!
Just extract the files somewhere on ur desktop/hard drive then insert DBC file's into ARCEMU folder
Run the logon.exe and world.exe
Change realmlist to
Open wow
Login with
Account name: test
Account password: beta

The Repack! (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HXD6E2VE)



Sernia(Snowcrown) (Rest)
Tricky (teleporter + me)
J-A-C-O-B ( Vendor's )

13-02-10, 04:07 AM
nice job , cool screenshots ;) +rep

13-02-10, 04:09 AM
Bump tell me if u want anything added in it more ;)

13-02-10, 10:13 AM
How can I fix the problem I am getting? it says like "error /configs/optional.conf" then it shuts down... :<

13-02-10, 10:49 AM
nice release +rep

13-02-10, 02:09 PM
Nice work

13-02-10, 02:16 PM
funserver or blizzlike?

13-02-10, 05:31 PM
nice. and loved what you did to gm island lol

created an account using createaccount username password email flags, but how do I set expansions/make gm?

13-02-10, 06:38 PM
Today 10:13 AM
Safushi How can I fix the problem I am getting? it says like "error /configs/optional.conf" then it shuts down... :<

-i am having the same problem with this when i try to run the 'world.exe', any ideas on how to fix it?

Use the search button.

14-02-10, 02:52 AM
Today 10:13 AM
Safushi How can I fix the problem I am getting? it says like "error /configs/optional.conf" then it shuts down... :<

-i am having the same problem with this when i try to run the 'world.exe', any ideas on how to fix it?

Use the search button.

Replace ur optional.conf with another optional.conf or move it to ur desktop then move it back in again should work ;)

14-02-10, 04:06 AM
Today 10:13 AM
Safushi How can I fix the problem I am getting? it says like "error /configs/optional.conf" then it shuts down... :<

-i am having the same problem with this when i try to run the 'world.exe', any ideas on how to fix it?

Use the search button.

try this

/************************************************** ******************************
* ArcEmu Optional Configuration File
* Last Update: $Id: arcemu-optional.conf rev.2718
* This configuration file contains all non-blizzlike values.
************************************************** ******************************
************************************************** ******************************
* How to use this config file:
* Config files are in a block->variable->setting format.
* A < signifies the opening of a block, the block name is expected after that.
* After the block name, a space and then the settings sperated by = / ' '.
* e.g.
* <block setting="0" someval = "1">
* Comments can be in C format, e.g. /* some stuff */, with a // at the start
* of the line, or in shell format (#).
************************************************** ******************************
************************************************** ******************************
* Optional Settings
* Starting Level
* This controls at which level characters are created. Range is from 1-80.
* Default: 1
* Level Cap
* This variable controls the level that stats will be generated up to internally.
* Beyond this level players can still see a higher level visually but their stats won't
* increase beyond this point.
* Default: 80
* Generated Level Level Cap
* This variable controls the level at which stats will generate up to. Generally the formulas go
* crazy after level 80 so this way you can keep the high visual but stats at a reasonable value.
* Default: 80
* Allow The Burning Crusade characters
* This will override account settings, so you can disable TBC from your server without having to mess with accounts.
* Default: 1
* AdditionalFun
* it's verbose.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* Unstuck
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* UnstuckCooldown
* Default: 60 (0 = No cooldown, otherwise time in seconds)
* UnstuckToBind (Hearthstone coordinates)
* Default: 1 (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
* MaxProfessions
* The maximum number of professions a player can have at a time.
* Default: 2
************************************************** ******************************/

<Optional StartingLevel="1"

/************************************************** ******************************
* Interfaction Options
* InterfactionChat
* This directive controls whether horde and alliance players can talk to each other.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* InterfactionGroup
* This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to build a group together.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* InterfactionGuild
* This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to build crossfaction guilds
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* InterfactionTrade
* This directive controls whether horde and alliance players can trade with each other.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* InterfactionFriends
* If this is enabled players can add other players from the opposite faction to their friends list
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* InterfactionMisc
* This directive controls whether horde and alliance players are able to use different functions
* on players of the opposite faction. This includes e.g. using the /who command.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
* CrossOverCharacters
* If this is enabled players are able to create both, horde and alliance characters on a PVP realm.
* Default: 0 (disabled)
************************************************** ******************************/

<Interfaction InterfactionChat="0"

/************************************************** ******************************
* Color Configuration
* AnnTagColor
* This controls which color the [] tag in front of announces has.
* Default: 2 (Light Blue)
* AnnGMTagColor
* This controls the color of the GM/Admin tag in announces. Only enabled if GMAdminTag is set to 1.
* Default: 1 (Light red)
* AnnNameColor
* This controls the color of the gamemaster's name in announces.
* Default: 4 (Green)
* AnnMsgColor
* This controls the color of message in announces.
* Default: 6 (Gold)
* You can choose one of the colors below.
* LightRed = 1
* LightBlue = 2
* Blue = 3
* Green = 4
* Red = 5
* Gold = 6
* Grey = 7
* White = 8
* Magenta = 9
* Yellow = 10
************************************************** ******************************/

<Color AnnTagColor = "2"
AnnGMTagColor = "1"
AnnNameColor = "4"
AnnMsgColor = "6">

/************************************************** ******************************
* Extra Scripts Configuration
* Instant80
* Enables Instant80 mode.
* PvPToken
* This directive enables item rewards when there is a PvP Kill and players are level 70
* PvPTokenID
* If PvPToken is enabled, specify the item ID of your custom Token ID, or any other item
* L70etc
* Enables L70etc Band Gossip script.
************************************************** ******************************/

<Extra Instant80="0"

/************************************************** ******************************
* GameMaster Configuration
* ListOnlyActiveGMs
* List only gamemasters with enabled GMFlag to players without any permissions.
* Default: 0
* HidePermissions
* Hides permission flags from players without any permissions.
* Default:0
************************************************** ******************************/

<GameMaster ListOnlyActiveGMs = "0"
HidePermissions = "0">

/************************************************** ******************************
* Common Schedule Configuration (func from commonschedulethread.cpp p2wow's core)
* AutoBroadCast (MultiLanguages supported)
* Enable/Disable new broadcast system.(cebernic: blizzlike )
* Default: 0(Disable) 1(Enable)
* BroadCastInterval
* Contents sending on interval by second
* Default:(Min:10 Max:1440)
* BroadCastTriggerPercentCap
* Setup the cap of chance in condition with contents sending in each BroadCastInterval's value
* Notice: OP can setup any of message's priority, this could be adjustment in field `percent` of table `worldbroadcast`
* Default:99 (min:1 max:99, 99 only displaying message on priority 100 set.)
* i.e : If set 50 ,it means all of messages 100% selected(but may not displayed) by higher than '50' priority with each broadcastinterval.
* The total selected messages(>51 priority) chosen at random with send to all players.
* BroadCastOrderMode [0-1]
* 0:RandomMode - By Triggering & Conditions
* 1:SerialMode - [ignored both ->field `percent` from table `worldbroadcast` & TriggerPercentCap parameters.]
* Default:0
************************************************** ******************************/

<CommonSchedule AutoBroadCast = "0"
BroadCastInterval = "10"
BroadCastTriggerPercentCap = "2"
BroadCastOrderMode = "0">

/************************************************** ******************************
* Extra Class Configurations
* DeathKnightPreReq
* Enable/Disable requirement to have a level 55 character on your account before allowing creation
* Of a Death Knight hero class.
* 1 = level 55
* 0 = Any level
* DeathKnightLimit
* Enable/Disable limit to have a more than one Death Knight Hero Class per realm.
* 1 = Enabled (Only one Death Knight per realm)
* 0 = Disabled (You can create a 10 DK per realm)
************************************************** ******************************/

<ClassOptions DeathKnightPreReq = "1"
DeathKnightLimit = "1" >

/************************************************** ******************************
* GoldSettings Configuration
* EnableGoldCap
* Enable/Disable Maximum Gold.
* Default: 0(Disable) 1(Enable)
* StartingGold
* On Creating a character they will start with this amount in Gold
* Default: 0
* MaximumGold
* Maximum amount of Gold a character can hold
* Default: 214748 (214k gold)
* Note: Client Max is 214748 Gold (2^31, signed int32)
************************************************** ******************************/

<GoldSettings EnableGoldCap = "1"
StartingGold = "0"
MaximumGold = "214748">

14-02-10, 04:17 AM
Hey dude it cud be nice if u did added some trainers on GM Island :) and how do i make it public with hamichi ? have tried dident work

14-02-10, 05:47 AM
you have to run the World as an administrator

14-02-10, 08:45 AM
Hi Snowcrown,

First up - nice repack ;)

Got optional.conf working fine, and can join server a-okay... had a good play about etc :P

Couple of probs I've spotted:-
Some skills/trainers are a bit broken - not all skills available for all classes, or starting skills are incorrect (e.g. rogues dont have/cant learn stealth).
Talents - only noticed paladin vindication talent is too low - minus 46 AP instead of 560 or something, will update if/as I spot more

Requests for stuff to add:-
Could you add some regular battlemasters to launch 2vs2/3vs3/4vs4 arena matches from the GM island starting area? Would make it really easy to use your repack to run fun arena tournaments :P

Also, some profession trainers and vendors like your other trainers/vendors would be awesome!

Keep up the good work!

14-02-10, 09:21 AM
How can I fix the problem I am getting? it says like "error /configs/optional.conf" then it shuts down... :<
I found a fix for this problem. You basically just delete all the 'helpful' comments in it. I recommend copying and pasting the original text into another word document for future reference.
Replace all text in optional.conf with:

<Optional StartingLevel="1"

<Interfaction InterfactionChat="0"

<Color AnnTagColor = "2"
AnnGMTagColor = "1"
AnnNameColor = "4"
AnnMsgColor = "6">

<Extra Instant80="0"

<GameMaster ListOnlyActiveGMs = "0"
HidePermissions = "0">

<CommonSchedule AutoBroadCast = "0"
BroadCastInterval = "10"
BroadCastTriggerPercentCap = "2"
BroadCastOrderMode = "0">

<ClassOptions DeathKnightPreReq = "1"
DeathKnightLimit = "1" >

<GoldSettings EnableGoldCap = "1"
StartingGold = "0"
MaximumGold = "214748">

Wonnder Boy
14-02-10, 11:38 AM
Every time i open World.exe it says Error. configs/optional.conf and then shut it down ... how do i fix it ?

14-02-10, 11:52 AM
Every time i open World.exe it says Error. configs/optional.conf and then shut it down ... how do i fix it ?

You did READ the previous 3 posts right?

14-02-10, 12:26 PM
trying get trainers fixed ;) and learn to read posts!

15-02-10, 11:04 AM
i get error on world.exe when i use, it says something about Config.Optional, how i fix?

15-02-10, 12:06 PM
i get error on world.exe when i use, it says something about Config.Optional, how i fix?

Read the other 30 post's about fix...

15-02-10, 03:57 PM
The server is missing a shield vendor..Also profession trainers/profession reagants..Apart from that,the repack is great. :) Thumbs up!

16-02-10, 03:15 PM
Epic repack Snowcrown

16-02-10, 08:03 PM
Looks good.

16-02-10, 10:56 PM
nice i need really help with this how do i enable the pvp icon (flag) because when i go to grubasi or nagrad arena it dosent pop up or anything please help me i really need this :(

17-02-10, 12:27 PM
need the maps

17-02-10, 03:16 PM
when i start wow it says success and then nothing any ideas why this is happening?

19-02-10, 02:05 AM
Try restart logonserver.exe

19-02-10, 07:21 AM
This repack rocks!! one of the top 3.3.2 pvp I have seen and tested!!
I wish you would upload the source files for us, so that we could compile with own scripts too! that whould make this for sure the best repack/src release..

For anyone that has problem with their optional.conf config file try addin a comment line at the and of the file like:

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#btw douse anyone have a link to a c++/lua script site that is awsome.. I know there is some in mmopro.net and som of the other emu forums..

Once again awsome job on this repack! +rep

19-02-10, 01:02 PM
how to make it online my hamachi

19-02-10, 04:02 PM
Whenever I try to buy something from the vendor it gets an error and shuts down. Is there any fix?

19-02-10, 05:34 PM
Looks interesting, keep up the good work.

20-02-10, 01:59 PM
:)Awesome repack man! Thanks alot +rep:)

20-02-10, 06:37 PM
nice repack...thx :)

24-02-10, 01:42 PM
theres no command to add a item? i type in .additem (codehere) and it says im sorry you dont have that command? help please

25-02-10, 03:39 AM
Try with .char additem "id" ;)

25-02-10, 02:30 PM
what about npc spawning and looking them up?

25-02-10, 05:16 PM

14-03-10, 04:35 PM
This repack rocks!! one of the top 3.3.2 pvp I have seen and tested!!
I wish you would upload the source files for us, so that we could compile with own scripts too! that whould make this for sure the best repack/src release..

For anyone that has problem with their optional.conf config file try addin a comment line at the and of the file like:

#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#btw douse anyone have a link to a c++/lua script site that is awsome.. I know there is some in mmopro.net and som of the other emu forums..

Once again awsome job on this repack! +rep

I tried to do that, it looks like it works - but after that i get this error thats says I have one or more missing DBC files. Any suggestions?

14-03-10, 04:45 PM
I tried to do that, it looks like it works - but after that i get this error thats says I have one or more missing DBC files. Any suggestions?

Re-download DBC Files.
Don't ask me from where, use google or something.

25-03-10, 06:20 PM
guys i got patch 3.3.3 and i've download this repack and changed the things all.. and the other for the patch .. but when i try log in... the log in frozen on Connecting

25-03-10, 06:29 PM
i get one problem when i log in whit the acc.. it froze on the connecting it load .. then beffor the success come there one thing that says connected.. and it froze there then i press enter.. and take the realm cus some times its works.. but nothing happend it froze on the connected... if some one can help me .. plz reply here or add me on my msn [email protected] !! i really want my server up its 8 days i am working to get it up