View Full Version : [TrinityCore] SPP Classics Updated Repack 1.12 and 2.4.3

09-12-20, 06:59 PM

SPP Classics Collection Updated

This repack supports Vanilla (1.12) & The Burning Crusade (2.4.3) versions

Main features:

Ike3's latest playerbots system

Ike3's random bots that populate the world

Mangosbot AddOn for easy bot control (1.12 only)

Regular updates from Ike3's repo

Installer with possibility to load only one version

SPP Classics launcher with update feature

Saves import from old SPP Classics repack

How to Install:

Download an Installer (https://github.com/celguar/spp-classics/releases/download/v1.0/SPP_Classics.exe)
Follow the guide on the GitHub : (https://github.com/celguar/spp-classics/releases/tag/v1.0)

Mangosbot AddOn can be found in SPP_Server/Addons folder after installation.

New to playerbots?

Here (http://ike3.github.io/mangosbot/) is a basic guide of what they can do and what commands do they have.

Found a bug?

If you have a bug report / suggestion feel free to post:

in GitHub Issue tracker (https://github.com/celguar/mangosbot-bots/issues)

10.10.20 WSG UPDATE


New features:

WSG Playerbot support

You can queue for WSG alone or with other bots (random or alts)

Random bots start to join WSG only after real player enters queue

You can not yet control bots directly in WSG, they will do their own stuff

Random bots mounts are now race-specific (applied after first randomize)

Random bots food is less random (Fix for bots using wrong items instead of water)

Random bots will now have reagents for class skills

Initial support for Stealth skills for Rogues/Cat Druids. Use "co +behind" strategy to make them move behind target

Tauren bots will use War Stomp when facing several foes

Warlocks will auto summon any available pet

Rogue bots will use poisons if they have it (Random bots always have some)

Bots will use Mana Oils/Sharpening/Grinding Stones if available (Random bots always have some)

Webserver added with a Map of players (and bots) online. It's enabled by default and is available here

Other small fixes

NOTE: All item/mounts changes are applied to random-bots when they are randomized.
It means random bots will get Reagents/Race Mounts gradually as they are processed. You can speed it up by doing "rndbot init" command in the console after all of them log in. This will randomize ALL random bots online (caution, they will lose whatever items you gave them before. It only applies to random bots, not alts)

Special thanks goes to Lidocain for his BG Patch and support

25.11.20 UPDATE
New features:

Ahbot improvements

Talent Builds for bots (random and alts)

New Config options (BOTS ONLY) (disabled by default) :

Auto equip items which are better then current items

Auto pick quest reward

Auto train spells when speaking to a trainer

Auto pick talents on level up

Auto complete quest for bot when player completes it

Fix Oils/Stones apply for random bots in tbc version

Other small fixes

Special thanks goes to most likely for his work on new features!

For more information about new configs please refer to notes in aiplayerbot.conf (Search for Automation)

NOTE: It's recommended to backup your Settings and Server folder before update.
After update please do "6 - Reset random bots" from Launcher

IMPORTANT: if you have changed ahbot.conf or aiplayebot.conf (e.g. Spec probabilities) then you may encounter error after update - bots/ahbot will be disabled. If it happened, please backup your Settings and Server folder anywhere, then replace old Server_Fix.bat with file below and run it. Then run Server_Update.bat. ALL your settings will be reverted to defaults! Previous Settings will be copied to Settings_Old folder. Please take your time to restore bot number and other settings you've changed before.
Use this file ONLY if you have problems (e.g. bots/ahbot became disabled) after Update!
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0auu7wgurfqvp ... x.bat?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/0auu7wgurfqvpqd/Server_Fix.bat?dl=0)

All credits go to conan513 , ike3 & SPP Team