View Full Version : Create a custom instance

12-08-08, 11:08 PM
Hello, In this TuT i will tell u how to make an cave full with mobs to level and with bosses to get epix..

First.. u pick an place like Duskwood Crypt..
Go inside there.. and u type: .gps

Go to the teleport_coords table
And make something like Jargs did.. now if you dont know what jarqs is dont worry about it

Then go to Gameobject_names and make the portal here too
(Just like Jargs did)

Save it..
Restart Ascent / Server
Go to C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Cache and delete WDB

Log in to WoW again.. Go outside the crypt.

And type : .go spawn <ID of the Portal>

If its right.. the portal will be spawned there u made. if its right and u click it u will get inside the cave..

Spawn some Karazhan Gate Portcullis to block the way inside there.
Then u go inside the Crpyt.. Delete all mobs there.

Spawn some mobs u like to spawn there.
Dosnt matter.. Custom mobs bla bla..

Then if u like Custom bosses in there.. U Go to Creature_names.
Make a new line by doing this
Okay i know a lot of people don't know how to do this (I didnt). I just figured it out from messing around with the tables in the database. So here it goes.

Step 1.Connect to your database with your database tool (SQLyog, Navicat, heidi etc..)

Step 2.Click on the Creature_names table and go to your table editor.

Step 3.Make a new row. For entry id, use something thats not already taken by an other npc (this will be .additem <id you chose>)

Subname is the text you see under the creature name in <brackets>

Set flags1 to 0

Type = 0

Family = 0

Rank = 0

unk4 = 0

SpellDataID = 0

For display ID go to wowhead.com and type in the name of the npc that you want your custom mob to look like. Once you've found the NPC you like, look at the number at the end of the url it should be something like 5858 (Greater Lava Spider). Next go to your database tool and look in creature_names for the entry id that you found on wowhead. Once you've found it, look at the display id that it has, and put that same display id (in the Greater Lava Spider's Case 7510) into your custom mob's display id column.

unk2 = 1

unk3 = 1

Civillian = 0

Leader = 0

Whew! where done with creature_names

Step 4.Go to the Creature_proto table in your database tool.

Step 5.For entry ID, put the same number you put in for the entry id in creature_names(If you dont do this, it wont work)

Level = Your desired Level

Faction = 14

Health = Your desired Health Ammount

Mana = Your desired Mana Ammount

Scale = Your desired mob size

npcflags = 0

attackTime = Your desired attack time

mindamage = Your desired Minimum Damage

maxdamage = Your desired Maximum Damage

rangedattacktime = Your desired attack time

rangedmindamage = Your desired minimum ranged damage

rangedmaxdamage= Your desired maximum ranged damage

**NOTE** I havent found the ranged attack speed/dmg to affect the damage of the mob, but I would put it in just in case.

Mountdisplayid = 0

All of the itemslot/displayid/info = 0

Respawn time = Your desired respawn time (miliseconds i think) Default is 360000

All resistances0-6 = Your desired mob resistances

Combat reach = 0

Bounding radius = 0

Auras = Leave it blank

Boss = 0

Money = Your desired ammount of money dropped by the mob

Wewt we're done with creature_proto

Step 6.Now we will add the mob's loot.

Index = Use 9999999 To be safe (Yes, that many 9's )

Entry = Your Custom Mob's entry id (999999)

Item ID = Entry id for the item you want your mob to drop. (For mulitple drops, use the same creature id but a different index number)

Percentchance = Your desired item drop rate.

mincount = Your desired minimum ammount of how many times the item drops per kill.

maxcount = Your desired maximum ammount of how many times the item drops per kill.

Woot we're done


If u made the custom boss..
creatin a custom item. wow-v.com

Step 6.Now we will add the mob's loot.

Index = Use 9999999 To be safe (Yes, that many 9's )

Entry = Your Custom Mob's entry id (999999)

Item ID = Entry id for the item you want your mob to drop. (For mulitple drops, use the same creature id but a different index number)

Percentchance = Your desired item drop rate.

mincount = Your desired minimum ammount of how many times the item drops per kill.

maxcount = Your desired maximum ammount of how many times the item drops per kill.

Now.. Ehm u can make the mob say: Level ?? (boss)
Go to Creature_names table.. U see there: Flags1 , Tye, Family , Rank , Unk4
Set Flags1 to = 108.. Set Type to = 6.. Set Rank to = 3.

Then u restart server again and delete cache again..
Log in to wow again and try to spawn the boss..
If its right u see:

<Name of Mob>
Level ?? (boss)

If u kill the boss u will see the custom item u made in there.

Soo.. further u will do everything the same like before, Spawn mobs and bosses in there.. At the end make something like portal to ur Starter area =)

And thats basicly it


12-08-08, 11:14 PM
That guide kinda nice , Good Contribution ;)

13-08-08, 01:09 AM
Lovely, +rep

13-08-08, 07:11 PM
oooo, nice thanks for share

14-08-08, 02:04 PM
Dude, Seriously "Like Jargs did" Doesn't help anyone at all?
Please edit that, otherwise the thread doesn't make any sense at ALL!

14-08-08, 11:06 PM
Succy talk on MSN!

17-08-08, 12:59 AM
Very Nice! +rep when I can! Thanks alot.
