View Full Version : Item Ids

21-07-10, 05:12 PM
Can everyone Post cool Item Ids here :DD all the random spell ids and item ids and even morphing ids :DD

22-07-10, 04:34 AM

28-09-10, 05:24 PM
http://wowhead.com (http://wowhead.com/) for items and spells and here is a list of cool morphs

Archimonde : 18292 Kil'jeaden reaver : 18671 Mannoroth : 17469 Lord kazzak : 12449 Doomlord kazzak ( kazzak With armour ) : 17887 Ragnaros : 11121 Thunderaan : 14992 Onyxia : 8570 Nefarian : 11380 Chromaggus : 14367 Firemaw : 6378 Ebonroc : 6369 Flamegor : 9231 Bloodlord Lasher : 14308 Blue Whelp : 9994 Red Whelp : 956 Green Whelp : 694 Bronze Whelp : 14720 Infinite Whelp : 20515 Chromatic Whelp : 10095 Vaelastrasz : 13992 Razorgore : 12649 Gyth : 9806 Lord Victor Nefarius : 9472 The Epoch Hunter : 19135 Ancient Corehound : 12189 Lucifron : 13031 Magmadar : 10193 Gehenans : 13030 Garr : 12239 Shazzrah : 13032 Barron Geddon : 12129 Majordomo Executus : 12029 Golemagg The Incinerator : 11986 Gothikk The Harvester : 16309 Morph In The Weapon you're Wearing Only : 15880 Thaddius : 16137 Gluth : 16064 Maexxna : 15928 Grand Widdow Faerlina : 15940 Anub'Rekhan : 16586 Mad Scientist : 16176 Surgical Assistant ( Ud Gnome ) : 836 Patchwerk : 16188 Grobbulus : 16035 Loatheb : 16109 Thane Kar'thazz : 16329 Lady Blaumex : 16153 Highlord Morgraine : 16139 Sir Zellek : 16154 Sapphiron : 16033 Noth The Plaguebringer : 16590 Kel'Thuzad : 15945 Jin'Do the hexxer : 11311 High Priestess Arlokk : 15218 High Priest Thekal : 15216 Gri'lek : 7873 Hazza'rah : 15267 Ohgan : 15271 Bloodlord Mandokir : 11288 High Priest Venoxxis : 15217 High Priest jeklik : 15219 A Troll Riding A Bat : 15303 Hakkar : 15295 Kael'thas Sunstrider : 20023 Nexus prince haramad : 21020 Medivh : 18718 Blood elf Kid : 19314 Blue Whisp : 10045 Red Whisp : 16587 Daemonicus : 14555 Green Fire Elemental : 9449 Terrorfiend : 18373 Azzarius The Cruel : 18371 Mistress Of Doom : 18419 Raging Colossus : 18275 Ashyen : 17310 Ghostrider of Kharabor : 20465 A Shark : 15555 Akama : 20681 Gul'dan : 16642 Cyrukh : 20135 Deathforge Smith : 17210 Deathforge Imp : 16889 Deathforge Tinkerer : 18621 Chrono Lord Deja : 20513 Anachronos : 15500 Infinite Chronomaster : 19061 A Fel cannon : 18505 Different Model Human Male : 101 Differment Model Human Female : 100 A Fat Human : 103 A Rabbit : 328 The Prophet Skeram : 15345 Princess Yaui : 15693 Lord Kri : 15694 Vem : 15658 A Cool looking Bug : 15695 Battleguard Zatura : 15583 Fankriss The Unyielding : 15743 Princess Huhuran : 15739 Emperor Vek'lor : 15778 Emperor Vek'Nilash : 15761 Ouro : 15509 Eye Of C'thun : 15556 Giant Eye Tentacle : 15788 C'thun : 15786 A Female Demon? : 20861 Warchief kargath bladefist : 19799 The Lurker Below : 20216 Lady Vashj : 20748 Leotheras the Blind : 20541 Fathom Lord Karathes : 20662 Morogrim Tidewalker : 20739 Warlord Kalithres : 20235 Ghaz'an : 17528 Rokmar The Crackler : 17729 Quagmirran : 18224 Broggok : 19372 Varuzden The Herald : 18944 Attumen The Huntsmen : 16040 Nightbane : 18062 Maiden of Virtue : 16198 High King Maulgar : 18649 Gruul the dragonkiller : 18698 Gronn : 18645 Sabellian : 21079 Gorgrom The Dragon eater : 20346 Warp Splinter : 19438 Al'ar The Phoenix God : 18945 11121 Ragnaros 16829 Pala Trainer UC 11657 Sylvanas Windrunner 11658 Varimathras 4527 Thrall
Voidwlaker style:
Water elemental- 525
Fire elemental- 12129
water elemental model 2- 14273
invisibility elemental-20242
guldan lava elemental-20431
armored voidwalker-19952
Naaru voidwalker-19951
yellow voidwalker-19902
air elemental-20211
White ethereal-507
red ethereal-20295
Blue bubbles-20373
purple bubbles-20383
red bubbles-20262
Red wisp-16587
Vine golem-9009
stone guardian-975
Sea giant-6751
mountain giant-1918
Tree giant, dark green-20249
tree giant-20249
Green stone giant-20261
Red infernal-20282
green infernal-20324
Arcane golem-19971
purple Harvest golem-514
purple stone giant-202264
Blue naaru-20306
MURLOCS, imps, kobolds, quillboars
yellow murloc369
blue murloc-679
cool blue murloc-506
Red murloc-6759
danc emurloc- 15369
blue imp-568
Giant red imp-904
goblin rocket-2490

dragonlike demon from hellfire broken ruins(unnamed)-06532
blue spirit dragon, like taerar-20389
Red spirit dragon-20477

Nether Drakes
Saddled nether drake(greenish blue)-20344
nether stalker-19998
red nether stalker-19997
unsaddled nether drake-19980
black nether drake-19891

Undead green whelp-10007

Generic dragon-9806
red dragonspawn-363
green dragonspawn-181
blue dragonspawn-6761
blue dragonspawn lord-6760
Blue dragonspawn grunt-6762
Bronze dragon-2719


Blue hydra-800
white hydra-6736

white and blue checkered cube-4
black gorrilla-809
floating eye-20217
blue egg-20245
Archimonde : 18292
Kil'jeaden reaver : 18671
Mannoroth : 17469
Lord kazzak : 12449
Doomlord kazzak ( kazzak With armour ) : 17887
Ragnaros : 11121
Thunderaan : 14992
Onyxia : 8570
Nefarian : 11380
Chromaggus : 14367
Firemaw : 6378
Ebonroc : 6369
Flamegor : 9231
Bloodlord Lasher : 14308
Blue Whelp : 9994
Red Whelp : 956
Green Whelp : 694
Bronze Whelp : 14720
Infinite Whelp : 20515
Chromatic Whelp : 10095
Vaelastrasz : 13992
Razorgore : 12649
Gyth : 9806
Lord Victor Nefarius : 9472
The Epoch Hunter : 19135
Ancient Corehound : 12189
Lucifron : 13031
Magmadar : 10193
Gehenans : 13030
Garr : 12239
Shazzrah : 13032
Barron Geddon : 12129
Majordomo Executus : 12029
Golemagg The Incinerator : 11986
Gothikk The Harvester : 16309
Morph In The Weapon you're Wearing Only : 15880
Thaddius : 16137
Gluth : 16064
Maexxna : 15928
Grand Widdow Faerlina : 15940
Anub'Rekhan : 16586
Mad Scientist : 16176
Surgical Assistant ( Ud Gnome ) : 836
Patchwerk : 16188
Grobbulus : 16035
Loatheb : 16109
Thane Kar'thazz : 16329
Lady Blaumex : 16153
Highlord Morgraine : 16139
Sir Zellek : 16154
Sapphiron : 16033
Noth The Plaguebringer : 16590
Kel'Thuzad : 15945
Jin'Do the hexxer : 11311
High Priestess Arlokk : 15218
High Priest Thekal : 15216
Gri'lek : 7873
Hazza'rah : 15267
Ohgan : 15271
Bloodlord Mandokir : 11288
High Priest Venoxxis : 15217
High Priest jeklik : 15219
A Troll Riding A Bat : 15303
Hakkar : 15295
Kael'thas Sunstrider : 20023
Nexus prince haramad : 21020
Medivh : 18718
Blood elf Kid : 19314
Blue Whisp : 10045
Red Whisp : 16587
Daemonicus : 14555
Green Fire Elemental : 9449
Terrorfiend : 18373
Azzarius The Cruel : 18371
Mistress Of Doom : 18419
Raging Colossus : 18275
Ashyen : 17310
Ghostrider of Kharabor : 20465
A Shark : 15555
Akama : 20681
Gul'dan : 16642
Cyrukh : 20135
Deathforge Smith : 17210
Deathforge Imp : 16889
Deathforge Tinkerer : 18621
Chrono Lord Deja : 20513
Anachronos : 15500
Infinite Chronomaster : 19061
A Fel cannon : 18505
Different Model Human Male : 101
Differment Model Human Female : 100
A Fat Human : 103
A Rabbit : 328
The Prophet Skeram : 15345
Princess Yaui : 15693
Lord Kri : 15694
Vem : 15658
A Cool looking Bug : 15695
Battleguard Zatura : 15583
Fankriss The Unyielding : 15743
Princess Huhuran : 15739
Emperor Vek'lor : 15778
Emperor Vek'Nilash : 15761
Ouro : 15509
Eye Of C'thun : 15556
Giant Eye Tentacle : 15788
C'thun : 15786
A Female Demon? : 20861
Warchief kargath bladefist : 19799
The Lurker Below : 20216
Lady Vashj : 20748
Leotheras the Blind : 20541
Fathom Lord Karathes : 20662
Morogrim Tidewalker : 20739
Warlord Kalithres : 20235
Ghaz'an : 17528
Rokmar The Crackler : 17729
Quagmirran : 18224
Broggok : 19372
Varuzden The Herald : 18944
Attumen The Huntsmen : 16040
Nightbane : 18062
Maiden of Virtue : 16198
High King Maulgar : 18649
Gruul the dragonkiller : 18698
Gronn : 18645
Sabellian : 21079
Gorgrom The Dragon eater : 20346
Warp Splinter : 19438
Al'ar The Phoenix God : 18945
Illidan ( Only Works With 2.1.0 Or Higher ) : 21137
19091 Draenai Female child
19092 Draenai Male childOkay. Instead of this here is a full list how to best get any morph IDs.
(GameMaster Account on a Ascent/Antrix server required)
Step one!
Open WoW,Write in your account info and then logg in(LOL)
Step 2!(Im Serious from now)
Use .lookupcreature <Name>-Example .lookupcreature Illidan(Example)
And it will appear like this in chat:
Starting search of creature "illidan"...
Creature 22917: Illidan Stormrage
Search Completed in <Time>
Step 3:
Use the id you have gotten from the the search, in this case 22917.
After that use .npc spawn <ID>
For example .npc spawn 22917
Then for example Illidan will get spawned
And following text will appear in chat...(look at screenshot)
Step 4.
Type .npc info(Select the Npc/Mob you want info about)
And then it will appear a long list in your chat.
Scroll up to there it says : "DisplayID: (Example)21135(Example).
Step 5:
Remember to delete the mob.With following command: .npc delete
Now you are done with the "Research", the .morph <ID> is the one you got from .npc info:"DisplayID".
So now use .morph 21135
Now you are done!
Extra info/help...
To you this on a mob/npc... instead of typing .morph, use .modify displayid 21135(Remember to select the mon/npc).
To make the change stay use .modify displayid 21135 1
Instead... Good Luck! :D

22-11-13, 10:12 PM
muchas gracias probando el servidor

25-11-13, 06:03 PM
muchas gracias probando el servidor

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