View Full Version : [Lua] Broadcast System with ingame commands.

01-10-10, 12:26 PM
Broadcast System.

I have been working on a broadcast system for a while and this as the result of it. This system is fully used ingame and there is no need to modify the script in any way to add, delete or modify messages. The commands:

#broadcast add interval msg [color code] - color code is optional.
#broadcast remove id - You can get the id from #broadcast list.
#broadcast modify str id - At the place of str you can add a number for the interval or a color code or a msg. You can only add one of those so to change the color and a msg you have to use the command twice.
#broadcast list - Lists all msgs + ids.

Note: This script will create a txt file called broadcast_file.txt, deleting this file will result into all broadcast messages being deleted and changing things might mess up the script if you do it wrong.

Script: http://pastebin.com/LMyvdGq6 (http://pastebin.com/LMyvdGq6)


23-03-11, 08:49 AM
Grandelf, i always love your LUA works! <3

21-08-11, 06:39 AM
I love your releases and ideas too, because they are original. Im working with this broadcast system with months but i finallyfound the release from where i got it. 1 note tho: it doesnt work quite proper, when i add a broadcast message like go to: http://blabla/lalala.php or something like this it appears so: go to http blabla lalala php ... with other words any symbols like . : ; , / \ > < - _ + = and any other doesnt appear in the message

28-09-11, 06:56 AM
nice release grand + rep mate