Alright basically you are going to read my guide here.

Then, once you get down to the bottom of the guide there will be a link to my Dev C++ Bundle. Download that and you will get the following

The Dev C++ Book
The Program "Bloodshed Dev C++"
All project files from Chapter 1 - Chapter 10.

All of the files in that bundle except the book which is in adobe format. Was taken off my Dev C++ CD and packed into a bundle. So you will get everything the CD comes with plus a book to help you learn C++.

I recommend you reading through my C++ guide on CodeCall.. Even though it may seem long I have been thanked many times for creating it and have even seen people go from ordinary gamers to wonderful coders who can now code software to manage a server network. Of course they did not learn it in a day but they got a jump start and a lot of them tell me if it was not for me creating my guide they would not have gotten past the basics. So please take your time and read through it. Then jump straight into the book and learn at your own pase. Hell I even recommend you creating a CodeCall account so you can ask question and progress even faster.

Hope this helps don't bother to I am just here to look around and learn