How to Bypass the gold cap. TrinityCore2 with Boost

go to \src\server\game\Entities\Player and open player.cpp.
search for this block around line 22744 :
bool Player::ModifyMoney(int32 amount, bool sendError /*= true*/)
    if (!amount)
        return true;

     sScriptMgr->OnPlayerMoneyChanged(this, amount);

    if (amount < 0)
        SetMoney (GetMoney() > uint32(-amount) ? GetMoney() + amount : 0);
        if (GetMoney() < MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT - static_cast<uint32>(amount))
            SetMoney(GetMoney() + amount);
            sScriptMgr->OnPlayerMoneyLimit(this, amount);

            if (sendError)

                SendEquipError(EQUIP_ERR_TOO_MUCH_GOLD, NULL, NULL);
            return false;

    return true;
go to 'if (sendError)' and add these lines after it:
                AddItem(62006, 4); // (item_id, count) item_id of custom currency worth 50k gold, how many.
                SetMoney((GetMoney() + amount) - 2000000000);
                GetSession()->SendNotification("|cFFFFCC00You have reached gold limit you have been rewarded with 4 Gold Bars|r!");
         return false;
and remove these 2 lines:
                SendEquipError(EQUIP_ERR_TOO_MUCH_GOLD, NULL, NULL);
         return false;
so it will look like this:
            if (sendError)
                AddItem(62006, 4); // (item_id, count) item_id of custom currency worth 50k gold, how many.
                SetMoney((GetMoney() + amount) - 2000000000);
                GetSession()->SendNotification("|cFFFFCC00You have reached gold limit you have been rewarded with 4 Gold Bars|r!");
            return false;
the block should look like this now:
bool Player::ModifyMoney(int32 amount, bool sendError /*= true*/)
    if (!amount)
        return true;

     sScriptMgr->OnPlayerMoneyChanged(this, amount);

    if (amount < 0)
        SetMoney (GetMoney() > uint32(-amount) ? GetMoney() + amount : 0);
        if (GetMoney() < MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT - static_cast<uint32>(amount))
            SetMoney(GetMoney() + amount);
            sScriptMgr->OnPlayerMoneyLimit(this, amount);

            if (sendError)
                AddItem(62006, 4); // (item_id, count) item_id of custom currency worth 50k gold, how many.
                SetMoney((GetMoney() + amount) - 2000000000);
                GetSession()->SendNotification("|cFFFFCC00You have reached gold limit you have been rewarded with 4 Gold Bars|r!");
            return false;

    return true;
basically when a player loots or receives gold that max's there amount, this will remove 200k gold and give 4 items worth 50k gold each allowing the gold/silver/copper currently attempting to add to be added

Credits : slp13at420

› See More: [WotLK] TrinityCore 2 Gold Max Work-Around