Originally Posted by Balmain.


I will start by saying this project is meant for two things, learning and development.

We are not looking into leeching content for any private server usage, we do not support them and do not want to see what we do used for such a purpose by anyone (we don't want people that are not capable of coding the content take what we do and use it as their own private thing with the purpose of making money).

However, a part of it is implicit and we knew that the second our work has been put up for public viewing. But not having a public world database limits it in the way that, if you want to take anything from us, you gotta be able to implement it yourself, on your thing.

What we want to do here is script the entire content for the expansion and then move on to the next and set up a platform for future development. This being said, we are looking for people which want to and can help us and want to become a part of the team after seeing what we do, meaning we need developers, primarily. Trust me, what we do has been tested before it was pushed .

In conclusion, your question can have two answers:

If you are not a developer or someone that wants to help (by actually coding not pointing at non-working stuff, we know mostly all the big issues we must solve first and are not looking for reports at the moment), and you just need to see if this project is any good to use as a private server, you will be disappointed to know a database for the current expansion is not going to be put up soon.
If you are a developer, please let us know you want to help, and if you can code the way we do (meaning have some coding knowledge to begin with, apply to the codestyle we use, respect our work and feel like we can collaborate - we can build upon all this -, plus you can solve any of the issues we'll soon post on the ToDo list), give us with a way of contacting you and you are more then welcome to join in and help us take this further faster.
Any big open-source project has it's own core team that actually drives it forward and we need to complete ours as well before letting everyone take the core, compile it, put on a provided database and test stuff. At that moment we won't be able to stop people from using it for themselves anymore, but i hope we'll also gain some valuable contributions in addition to what the team does.

All in all, i think a World database archive containing all the changes won't be seen dropped by us public until we upgrade to the next expansion. ToDo list coming soon.

I will leave this answer here as a reminder for anyone that asks for a world database, not having one up yet is intended.

Have a great day!
