Quote Originally Posted by Sylica
Today I like to share a small script I made, while being bored programming class.

Its a simple function that welcomes new players on login to the world, then greets existing players on return to the world.
 *  @script made by Sylica
 *  @project name: Project Firestorm

#include "ScriptMgr.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Chat.h"

class welcome_player_message : public PlayerScript
    welcome_player_message() : PlayerScript("welcome_player_message") { }

    void OnLogin(Player* player, bool firstLogin) override
        std::ostringstream message;
        if (firstLogin)
            message << "|cff3ADF00Please welcome " << player->GetName() << " to our server!|r";
            sWorld->SendGlobalText(message.str().c_str(), nullptr);
            message << "|cff3ADF00Glade to see you back " << player->GetName() << "!|r";

void AddSC_onlogin_announcer()
    new welcome_player_message();

Credits : Sylica