Since Knaur hasn't been on for a few months, i'll be re opening this thread.

The emulation expert Group is for all experienced members
that have good skills in creating databases, luas, c++,
emulators, and other WoW related stuff.

The emulation group questions and applications will be handled by Cocain and Me.

We have a minimal rep limit on 80 rep before you can apply.

Emulation Expert Group Req:

Must at least have 90 reputation points!
Must have been active in the emulation section.
Must be experienced and professional in emulation.
Must at least have have released at least one useful emulation release.
Must Know how to compile the emulator.
Must know how to make either a basic or advanced script.
Must have over 90 posts!
Must have been helpfull in the emulation section.

You can request to join here.