Ok guys, this method has brought me many millions of kamas.
It's a method that is very effective, and the money pours in.
P.S Im only sharing this here because I need 'elite membership'. And after sharing this
effective method, I think i really deserve it too
PPS. Don't share this method with other people..less competition = more money for you.
- p2p (membership)
- Soul Capture Spell (fairly easy to attain)
- A little money too start off with
- Soul stones
- Gobball keys
- Level 60+ (if you solo dungeon)
Going in the group is always best, sometimes faster and..more people = more drops
so here it is..
1. Go to Bonta/Brakmar and Buy Souls Stones. These can be purchased in the Arena, from
the NPC.
If you don't know what a soulstone and/or how it works go here
Purchase 10+ stones that allow 75% capture of soul lvl 50.
2. Go to Tainela (If you don't have the zaap, run up from Astrub
3. Buy some gobbal keys from a merch in Tainela.
why? well this allows you to continue doing dungeons without running out of keys and
having to waste zaap money going back and forth from bonta/brak to tainela.Also, the sellrooms prices jump around, the merchant has a fixed, usually cheap price. I suggest the one, 1 to 2 maps above the Tainela Zaap, the one on the dungeon map is sometimes more expensive.
This guide is Originally from mmogoldservice DOT com.