First of all, let's say you want to get a certificate for To run the installation, you must have root access to your web server.

To Generate and Install Let's Encrypt Free SSL Certificate, you must first download and run the Let's Encrypt client application.

To install Let's Encrypt Free SSL certificate follow these Steps:

Step 1: Login to your '' web server using SSH with root access.

Step 2: To install the Git version control system, type the following command:
apt-get install git

Step 3: Then download and install the latest version of Let's Encrypt Client application, type the following commands:
git clone cd letsencrypt ./letsencrypt-auto

Step 4: Once the installation starts, press Enter to accept the agreement.

Step 5: Then press Enter to specify the server name manually in the text box (for example,Example Domain) and then press Enter.

Step 6: Next, enter your email address, where you can receive messages from Let's Encrypt and to recover lost keys, and then press Enter.

Step 7: Review the 'Terms of Service,' and then press Enter to generate and install the SSL certificate.

Once the installation completes, you'll receive a 'Congratulation' message.

How to Configure Nginx/Apache for Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate

By default, Nginx or Apache web servers are not configured to how to use your new certificates.

For example, in case of Nginx: To use the installed SSL certificate, you need to edit Nginx configuration file. Type the following command to open Nginx configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/
Within that file, add the following lines.
http{ server{ listen 443 ssl; server_name; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/; } }
Save the file, and just restart your Nginx web server, using the following command:
sudo nginx -s reload
That's it! Check complete documentation here.

Congratulation you have successfully installed SSL certificate for your domain.