I was originally going for just trying to make it so flying mounts could be used as ground mounts in no-fly areas like the old world, Dal, Ulduar, etc., but it turned out my attempt bore unexpected fruit.
If you modify the 8th (or 9th if your columns start at 1 instead of 0) column in Spell.dbc for any flying mount to get rid of the 0x4000000 flag (and patch in the Spell.dbc obviously), it immediately becomes usable in the old world (Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor).

This does have the side-effect of being able to fly in instances where mounts are usable, but for fun servers it's not a huge deal I don't think. Editing AreaTables.dbc to add the 0x20000000 flag makes any zone a NFZ though if you don't want flying in those areas. Pretty easy fix.

originally posted by elzzid