Ike3 Playerbots (Trinity Core) Analysis Compendium / Setting Up Guide
By Bomba09

Hi guys,I will propose to everyone an in-depth analysis Compendium referred to the Bots Classes present in Ike3 Playerbots for Trinity Core. Also I've included a Setting Up Guide for bots, that will teach u how to do initial preparations and settings and how to use basic bots commands and macroes.
The Compendium tests / valutations are based on using bots summoned from pre-created characters (level 80); they doesn't include valutations about random bots.

This guide is referred only to Trinity Core version of Ike3 bots; don't consider those values if you are using old Mangos version.

The proposal of this post is to help anyone that is approaching to play with Ike3 bots, to do initial preparation settings and to choose the best characters classes according to your needs.
When you read the dps rates, remember always that the bots are using custom ai, and they never can reach real dps rates based on gearscore of a character controlled by a human. So be smart with their low values!

Dps test are done with basic buffs, so when you read dps rates consider that they can be boosted in a full 5men group or raid and with the use of Flasks or Scrolls.

Dps tests will gonna be updated as soon I have new Gearscore values on my characters.
I will post here new updates, stay tuned! ;-)

The basic informations :

- Pre-created bots are all at level 80, fully enchanted-gemmed; all basic stats are capped (hit,expertise).
- Dps tests are done using Recount, they will include in-depth bots used abilities.
- All high geared characters (gearscore over 5700) are wearing most or full tier10 gear pieces (Sanctified).
- I've suggested personalized Glyphs instead of the classic ones because many bots classes are using custom rotations. The glyphs suggested are calculated on Recount in-depth use of bots spells.
- Dps test are done using a Dk Frost Tank as controlled character, a Druid Healer, and the bot to be tested.
- Dps test are done using only those two additional character's buffs, without the use of Flasks or Scrolls...it's pure bot Dps.
- Dps test are done against Molten Colossus lvl 82 Elite (600k life), spawned in Dragonblight (outside raids,no raids buffs).
- At the end I've posted some valutations about Tanks / Healers bots classes and not working classes.

Enjoy my work, it tooks some time to be done !
Hope it helps!

In the last line referred to Disc Priest, I wrote "dps"; I've intented "healing",my fault.
Beast Mastery hunters's Glyphs can be changed with also Aimed Shot Glyph and Arcane Shot Glyph.

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Initial Ike3 Playerbots Setting Up Guide

This guide is based on Conan513gm's Single Player Project Repack, but it can be used with every bots repack that doesn't include a visual interface for settings.
The guide suppose that u have already created an Admin Level account on your server; this is very important!
Before u can play with your bots, u have to verify some configuration steps and settings that enables the use of playerbots and created random bots.
I'll teach u how to do that step by step, considering that is the first time u are launching your server.

STEP 1 : Modify the settings presents in Aiplayerbot.conf file.

This file usually is present in "settings" subfolder of your repack.
I will post my personal settings; they will enable the presence of random created bots of various levels.
Do the needed modifications, save the file and close it.
Remerber that if your system is low on RAM memory, having enabled the random bots can give u slow game problems.
I've tested successfully having like 100+ random bots logged having 8 and 6 GB of RAM machines.

STEP 2 : Load up your server and initialize the random bots if u have enabled them.

If is the first time that u launch the server, it will take like 10 minutes to initialize the bots.
If you have already launched the server u can directly do this step.
Remember that every time u modify the number of bots present in the world using the previous step, the bots needs to be reinitialized or the modifications will not be taken.
Every time u make the random bots reinitialization, the server will need like 10 minutes on the next boot to setting up the new bots; in this meantime u can see that your hdd is swapping and if u try to log in game it can be difficult or impossible.
It's better to wait 10 minutes and leave the server doing his work, then load Wow and try to log with patience.
So the actual step to follow is to go in "worldserver.exe" console window click in, then press Enter button and at "TC>" prompt write "rndbot reset"; then press enter and wait like 2 minutes and the close the server with "server exit".

STEP 3 : Create a Guild Leader and guild invite all your bots.

Load up the server and if u have already done the random bots reinitialization,wait the needed 10 minutes and then log in game.
Load up your main created character and if u don't have done yet, create with him a Guild.

The command for create the Guild is : .guild create Nameofthemaincharactercasesensitive "Nameoftheguild"

Remember the "." before; if guild is created, then make him the guild master.
Then u need to invite all your bots to your guild to control them with no issues.
Take note that if u have created more than 10 characters and u want for example make a raid with 20 created characters (supposing that u have more accounts with more pgs) u need to have ALL your pgs guilded or when u summon a pg from other account, the server will crash!
So this step is different from situation.

  • If u need to guild a created character from your guild master account, log with your guild master, then type ".bot add Nameofcreatedcharactercasesensitive" and then type: .guild invite Nameofcreatedcharactercasesensitive "Nameofguild"
  • If u need to guild a created character from an account different from the one where your guild master is present, log with your guild master, then load up another Wow game window where u gonna log with the character u want to be guilded.Switch to the guild master Wow window and type .guild invite Nameofcreatedcharactercasesensitive "Nameofguild"
  • If u need to guild a random bot present in the world, simply do .guild invite Nameofrandombotcasesensitive "Nameofguild"

It's better to elevate all guild members to officers.

Those are the basic steps for setting up the bots to be ready for playing!

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Basic bots controlling commands and macroes

This part will teach u how to control your bots using chat commands and also includes some useful macros that u can copy/paste to create fast access buttons to bot control operations !

=> Spawn and summon a bot near you :

.bot add Nameofbotcasesensitive
.summon Nameofbotcasesensitive

=> Party Attack,Follow,Flee and Stay commands ( they can be used also in raid group ) :

/p attack
/p follow
/p flee
/p stay

=> Revive a dead bot ( u need to select the target character before ) :


=> Repair bot armor with no costs ( u need to select the target character before ) :


=> Change the party formation. In Melee formation the casters will try to attack melee way, avoiding the use of spells, so it's better to use Arrow formation that separates the melees from the casters. In small areas or rooms avoid the use of Arrow formation because the bots will going aggroing.
Circle formation it's useful against bosses in open areas

/p formation melee
/p formation arrow
/p formation circle

Some useful macros that u can copy/paste to use as direct buttons

=> Prepare a summoned Druid to stay and remain in Feral Cat form ( u need to select the target character before ) :

/run SendChatMessage ("co -bear","WHISPER",nil,GetUnitName("target",1):gsub(" ","",2))
/run SendChatMessage ("co +cat","WHISPER",nil,GetUnitName("target",1):gsub(" ","",2))

=> Preparing the Arcane Mage to able doing aoe damage ( u need to select the target character before ) :

/run SendChatMessage ("co +fire aoe","WHISPER",nil,GetUnitName("target",1):gsub(" ","",2))

=> Make the Warlock summons the Felhunter ( u need to select the target character before ) :

/run SendChatMessage ("cast |cff71d5ff|Hspell:691|h[Summon Felhunter]|h|r","WHISPER",nil,GetUnitName("target",1):gsub(" ","",2))

Credits : bomba09