Hello All, Quick Tutorial On Making An Auto Announcer

This Will Make It So Everyone On Your Server At The Time Of The Announce Can See It.

And No: You Wont Need To Sit Their Typing .announce


1. Open Up ArcEmu-Optional.conf
2. Find:

#    AutoBroadCast (MultiLanguages supported)
#      Enable/Disable new broadcast system.(cebernic: blizzlike )
#      Default: 0(Disable) 1(Enable)
#    BroadCastInterval
#      Contents sending on interval by second
#      Default:(Min:10 Max:1440)
#    BroadCastTriggerPercentCap
#      Setup the cap of chance in condition with contents sending in each BroadCastInterval's value
#      Notice: OP can setup any of message's priority, this could be adjustment in field `percent` of table `worldbroadcast`
#      Default:99 (min:1 max:99, 99 only displaying message on priority 100 set.)
#      i.e : If set 50 ,it means all of messages 100% selected(but may not displayed) by higher than '50' priority with each broadcastinterval.
#      The total selected messages(>51 priority) chosen at random with send to all players.
#    BroadCastOrderMode [0-1]
#      0:RandomMode - By Triggering & Conditions 
#      1:SerialMode - [ignored both ->field `percent` from table `worldbroadcast` & TriggerPercentCap parameters.]
#      Default:0

<CommonSchedule AutoBroadCast = "1"
    BroadCastInterval = "10"
    BroadCastTriggerPercentCap = "2"
    BroadCastOrderMode = "0">
Change: <CommonSchedule AutoBroadCast = "0" To "1"

Then Open Your World Database And Find:

The Table Named: world_broadcasts

Fill It In:

EntryID: 1 (Go Up By 1 Every Message)

Text: Anything (What You Want It To Announce

Percent: 10-30% = Announced Every 2-10mins.

Restart Your Server When Your Done And Tada!

Credits to Ace. Not from MMO Pro.

› See More: [Guide] How to make an Auto-Announcer