I am trying to get the custom race working on the client, it works on the server/dbc, but the client isn't recognizing it for some reason.

Hey! I managed to get the icons to show up, but they aren't selectable and they don't display a model.

Here is the image Wo WScrn Shot 050522 140846 — Postimages

And the files that it's referencing are below.

CharacterCreate.lua - CHARACTER_FACING_INCREMENT = 2;MAX_RACES = 12;MAX_CLASSES_PER_RACE = 8;NUM - Pastebin.com - Line 248 says - getglobal("CharacterCreateRaceButton"..i.."Highlig htText"):SetText("");

I have made the race buttons already but it still isn't working.

CharacterCreate.xml - <CheckButton name="CharacterCreateRaceButton1" inherits="CharacterCreateR - Pastebin.com

If you have any ideas please do share, it would really help me out. Thanks!