Dear forumpeople,

Noticing I couldnt buy my way to the top I thought it might be a nice idea to give something to the community that I can provide.
I have been making my own bots for wow for as long as it's around and one of the easiest ways to make em was using the Java Robot class. It is almost impossible to detect a bot made with the robot class because you just type some random things and you couldve done that yourself.
You dont hack your way into memory or whatsoever, and since you made em yourself Blizzard wont notice a signature, because your application will always differ from big releases as Glider etc...

What do you need?

What is the JAVA Robot class
The java Robot class is a class that can easily make use of your keyboard and mouse and read out the circumstances you might wanna create for em (Like pixelcolor and mouseposition).

Read more about it. and read which awesome moves your robot can make here: Robot (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2)

What can you use it for
All sorts of bots like:

  • - a fishing bot (Go to the pixel with your bobber color and rightclick as soon as you hear the spalsh wav and recastthe button with fishing in your actionbar.
  • - An afk bot. Walk around the farm / stables hitting random instants /jumps and tabs for example.
  • - Spambots / whateverobots.

What can't you use it for?
Speedhacks, flyhacks, tracking etc....

Ok, how does it work?
Well, after you installed the sdk and jCreator. Make a new file called .

When you compile / run this the compiler creates myBot.class and this is your actual bot. You can run it using jCreator or from commandline.

Ok: now the code....

First import the following packages, you need them coz thats where the robot class lives.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
Then open and close your class. A constructor is not necessary. easypeasy mode. Within public static.... you construct your own Robot called myRobot.
public class myBot{
  public static void main(String[] args)
                             throws AWTException{
    Robot myRobot = new Robot();


Woohoo, you did it, you have your own robot. Now lets add some fancy stuff to him... To make him do something you can use the functions on Robot (Java 2 Platform SE v1.4.2). For example, if you wanna make the robot go to pixel 500,500 in your screen you call call out the next line and he will do so.
Ok next a complete example code which makes your robot move your mouse downwards. Useless but it shows how easy it is to make a bot like that. It will stop after a few seconds so dont worry :d

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class myBot{
  public static void main(String[] args)
                             throws AWTException{
    Robot myRobot = new Robot();
    for(int i  = 0; i<100; i++){



See: it goes a pixel down every 0.1 seconds (The delay is in ms).

Use the general ideas on top to make your own fishbots etc... It's easy and you'll learn along the way.