Here's a little code for you.

Originally made by stoneharry, modified by me.

Make sure you change the id in the introid column in playercreateinfo(it's on the far right).

It should be 0.

local PlayerA = nil -- This will be the player we use to do the event
local NPC_SPAWNER_A = nil -- This is the first npc we shall use

function NPCGIA_GJOEAOJG_HXOJ(pUnit, Event)
    NPC_SPAWNER_A = pUnit -- Here we say variable is the unit

RegisterUnitEvent(99955, 18, "NPCGIA_GJOEAOJG_HXOJ") -- The first npc, on spawn tell the script that this is him

function zzz_OnFirstEnterWorld(event, pPlayer) -- When they first enter world
    if PlayerA == nil then -- If a player is not being used currently, a bug check so that we do not do it two times
    local race = pPlayer:GetPlayerRace() -- We get the race of the person that we shall use
    if race == 1 or race == 3 or race == 4 or race == 7 or race == 11 then -- THIS IS THE ALLIANCE RACES, change to what you want.
        pPlayer:CastSpell(50010) -- Visual
        pPlayer:CastSpell(53658) -- Visual
        pPlayer:SetPlayerLock(1) -- Stop him moving
        pPlayer:MovePlayerTo(pPlayer:GetX(),pPlayer:GetY(),pPlayer:GetZ()+0.5, pPlayer:GetO(), 12288) -- Move him slightly to play client side effects and shizzle
        pPlayer:CastSpell(50010) -- More visuals
        pPlayer:CastSpell(28330) -- More visuals
        pPlayer:CastSpell(53658) -- More visuals
        PlayerA = pPlayer -- Here we tell the script we are now using a player
        RegisterTimedEvent("TesttestTesttestTest_zzogje", 4000, 1) -- players cant register events so we use a world event
        RegisterTimedEvent("TesttestTesttestTest_zzogje_z", 500, 2) -- See above
        PlayerA = nil -- if the player is not the race we wanted, reset it
    else -- if the event is in use
    pPlayer:RemoveAura(63752) -- Stop it
    pPlayer:RemoveAura(28330) -- Stop it
    pPlayer:RemoveAura(53658) -- Stop it

function TesttestTesttestTest_zzogje_z(pUnit, Event)
    PlayerA:CastSpell(53658) -- Some random visual because moving them is buggy and disables it

function TesttestTesttestTest_zzogje(pUnit, Event)
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:SendChatMessage(12,0,"We got another live one!") -- ok, our first npc is doing something
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:ChannelSpell(51361, PlayerA) -- Visual
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:RegisterEvent("SayHelloToMyLittleFriend_Z_z_Z", 5000, 1) -- now we can use the npc to control the event rather than the idiotic world event

RegisterServerHook(3, "zzz_OnFirstEnterWorld") -- Register the on first enter world

function SayHelloToMyLittleFriend_Z_z_Z(pUnit, Event)
    local Name = PlayerA:GetName() -- Get his name
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "Woah, are you alright "..Name.."? Your lucky to be alive! Here let me give you a hand.") -- Send a message including his name
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:RegisterEvent("CastReviveVisualThingyTeheTeheTehe", 4000, 1) -- next event

function CastReviveVisualThingyTeheTeheTehe(pUnit, Event)
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:StopChannel() -- stop it
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:FullCastSpellOnTarget(37755, PlayerA) -- ress visual
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:RegisterEvent("LetPlayerMoveaogyaohea", 2400, 1) -- reset player

function LetPlayerMoveaogyaohea(pUnit, Event)
    PlayerA:SetPlayerLock(0) -- let the player move
    PlayerA:CastSpell(21074) -- ress visual
    PlayerA:RemoveAura(50010) -- delete visual
    PlayerA:RemoveAura(28330) -- delete visual
    PlayerA:RemoveAura(53658) -- delete visual
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:SendChatMessage(12, 0, "There we go! You should go see if you can help around the camp now.") -- ohai a message
    NPC_SPAWNER_A:RegisterEvent("MassDespawnAndResetoajphae", 1000, 1) -- reset event

function MassDespawnAndResetoajphae(pUnit, Event)
    PlayerA = nil -- All we need to do is say that the slot for a creating character is nil again