Possible with Default Lua:

1. Spawn Creatures
2. Despawn creatures
3. Send Chat messages
4. Cast Spells
5. Full Cast Spells
6. Set Soul Links (Pull One Mob Automatically Pulls the Soullinked Mob)
7. Play sounds to an area
8. Mob heals Mob
9. Mobs heal players
10. Set up formations
11. Set waypoints
12. Set fly points
13. Buff other mobs
14. Buff other players
15. Spawn gameobjects
16. Despawn gameobjects
17. Have mobs emote

Possible with C++ Only:

1. Spawn Creatures
2. Despawn creatures
3. Send Chat messages
4. Cast Spells
5. Full Cast Spells
6. Set Soul Links (Pull One Mob Automatically Pulls the Soullinked Mob)
7. Play sounds to an area
8. Mob heals Mob
9. Mobs heal players
10. Set up formations
11. Set waypoints
12. Set fly points
13. Buff other mobs
14. Buff other players
15. Spawn gameobjects
16. Despawn gameobjects
17. Have mobs emote
18. Configure AI
19. Set up in game events
20. Create new triggers with chat commands.
21. Create WarpNPC or any other Gossip NPC
22. Create Timed Events
23. Query your Database from in game
24. Set up VIP Accounts via C++
25. Make changes and additions to your database via in game events
26. Create efficient boss scripts that are virtually capable of doing anything and everything
27. Set up zone wide buffs
28. Set up Capture the Flag events
29. Create a similar tournament system that Blizz has released
30. Create Score Screens where players can type a command and view scores of an event
31. Edit existing spells
32. Channel Abilities of Mobs (mostly visual effects)

Possible with Lua++ Core Patch:

1. Spawn Creatures
2. Despawn creatures
3. Send Chat messages
4. Cast Spells
5. Full Cast Spells
6. Set Soul Links (Pull One Mob Automatically Pulls the Soullinked Mob)
7. Play sounds to an area
8. Mob heals Mob
9. Mobs heal players
10. Set up formations
11. Set waypoints
12. Set fly points
13. Buff other mobs
14. Buff other players
15. Spawn gameobjects
16. Despawn gameobjects
17. Have mobs emote
18. Create WarpNPCs, and other gossip mobs
19. Have mobs channel abilities (mostly visual effect)
20. Add functionality to existing Lua commands that do not work
21. Add much more functionality to lua quest commands
22. Add much more functionality to Lua Gameobject commands

All Made By Halestorm