Hello mmofuse fans i am selling my database/core/compiling source files.

This means, this is a own compile, not a repack!

And you can add your own c++ scripts into it if you want to, EXACTLY the same as a normal compile!

Anyways, here are some details about this powerful & good wow emulation database/core

General Information.
• Latest Trinity Core

• Support 3.3.5a Patch

• Latest Trinity Core Revision.

• Others. (Ask me questions, and i will answer them)
~Jail (For Bad Players)~
~No Access GM-Island For Original Players~
~Armory Patch~
~Ruby Sanctum(Very Good Scripted)~
~Ulduar(13/13 Great Scripted)~
~ICC(11/12 Very Very Good Scripted & Perfect Lich King Fight)~
~Great Instances For All Level's Scripted A Lot~
~Fully Working Wintergrasp~

And Much Much More!
This Changelog is the latest, the others i'v made is gone.
But you should now that there is much much more work done.
I'v been working with much more then just this down here.
I'v been working with this for a long time now, Why? I can say that i was bored and i was going to make a Real Server with this. But for now, i don't have the time nor the money to continue.
So it's why i will sell my work.
I know there is 3 Scripts that is not made by me, It's the Warden Script, Jail and The GM-Island Script. But i'v re written Jail for a better function. Also the GM-Island, I'v done some changes and added some more functions.
This is a very good repack. Me and my team have been testing alot. We have Raided all instances and gone through everything. I'v done the Raids, Instances and the game as much Blizzlike as i can.

More To Come!

Random Stuff:
Fixed unprocessed tail data shown on worldserver.exe which might cause lag

World Events:
Fixed possible exploit when kissing Winter Reveler.
Also fixed the visual cast of the debuff
Achievement Fa-la-la-la Ogri'la can be completed now

Mail System:
Mails that are sent by game masters will last 90 days

Spells and Talents:
Channeling bar will stop correctly if a creature is interrupted
Fixed Bloodsurge talent
Rake's initial damage should now ignore armor correctly
Fixed Healing Stream Totem bonus and Glyph of Healing Stream Totem
Fixed Warrior's T10 4P DPS Bonus
Fixed talent Nurturing Instinct
Fixed Envenom damage
Fixed spells for Fire Elemental Totem and Earth Elemental Totem
Fixed correct targeting for Tricks of the Trade
Fixed invisibility for mages(now will leave combat correctly)

Fixed Deathbringer's Will

Allow .mod drunk to modify the drunk state of the targeted player
Time left until shutdown is shown in .server info
GM Ticket Commands can be used in console

Flying creatures will fall correctly when killed

Required achievement to enter instance should only apply to group leader

Dungeon Finde:
Rewrite Luck of the Draw buff
Fixed LFG rewards in UK,ToCH,CoS and DTK
Added Cache of the Ley-Guardian

The Oculus:
Spawned the quests and npcs related to the instance
Added criteria data for Experienced Drake Rider
Fixed Oculus  players drakes speed
More text correction and visual improvements
Fixed oculus drakes Gear Scaling

Trial of Champion:
Corrected mob faction.
Added announcer in Heroic Mode.

Spawn Crimson Hammersmith and Black Guard Swordsmith when looting Blacksmithing Plans 

Upper & Lower Blackrock Spire:
Spawn or respawn missing or bad spawned creatures and gameobjects. 
Included some pathing for creatures.

Anub'arak ring in Azjol-Nerub will close after 5sec upon aggro
Leeching Swarm should be removed when he is in underground phase

Added defense system
Delayed portal spawn after boss waves

Black Temple:
Added two missing emotes in Illidan Encounter

SunWell Plateau:
Felmyst is spawned and scripted
Eredar Twins is rewritten
Muru is rewritten
Mobs in Sunwell Plateau are scripted

Icecrown Citadel:
Prevent the Frost Infusion debuff to be applied on players that have Shadow's Edgee quipped but are not on the quest.

Fixed A Not-So-Modest Proposal
Fixed Sleeping Giants and Eitrigg's Wisdom
Fixed The Black Knight's Orders
Fixed exploits with banked quest items while trying to complete quests

Added missing gossips in Zangarmarsh
Added script to Tomb Stalker
Added goodbye script to Jeeves
Added conditions to Bom'bay's gossip
Added script for King Magni Bronzebeard
Grand Apothecary Putress and Apothecary Karlov is now spawned

Fixed crash on SmartAI
Fixed crash caused by Soulbound trade
Fixed crash in HandleAuraDummy
Added debug output of Auctionhouse packets
Corrected fishing game events start time
Conjure Water should only be available to mages
Variou Code optimization and style changes!

Some improvments and corrections in some parameters

World Events:
Fixed the food table and achievements related

Added support for achievements "Snakes,Why it has to be snakes?"

Objects in 25-player-mode of Ulduar are now correctly spawned.

Fixed "Teron Gorefiend, I am..."
Fixed "Flight of the Wintergarde Defender"
Fixed "Battle-Mage Dathric"
Fixed "Abjurist Belmara"
Fixed "Conjurer Luminrath"
Fixed "Cohlien Frostweaver"

Fixed 3% reduced damage taken from Blessing of Sanctuary and Renewed Hope
Fixed Purify Helboar Meat
Fixed Damage Taken for Blessing of Sanctuary, Renewed Hope and Vigilance
Fixed Glyph of Succubus 
Fixed Ravage
Fixed Tricks of the Trade
Fixed Misery talent activated by Mind Flay

Icecrown Citadel:
Fixed the Lich King damage
Fixed Lich King resurrection of dead players who fell off the platform

Vehicles and bosses are fully functional.Achievements fixed!

Eye of Eternity:
Corrected the Behavior of Malygos

Fixed Sapphiron flying phase start

Trial of Crusader:
Fix Twin Empathy
Updated the template to make creatures correctly spawn

Trial of Champion:
Whole instance rewritten.Now bosses and achievements fully working!

The Oculus:
Whole instance rewritten.Now bosses and achievements fully working!

The Nexus&Dark'Tharon Keep:
Improved the creature template

Mobs have been scripted according to Blizzard servers.

Blackrock Depth:
Fixed learning of Dark Iron Smelting

Fixed some achievements earning in random battleground

Crash fix:
Fixed a crash related to Transport
Fixed a memory leak related to Pet

Added missing data in player_factionchange_achievement table

Fixed an issue in vmapassemlber

Fixed mistake in creature_addon upon startup loading

Fixed gender-specific Matron/Patron title reward
Fixed lots of World Event achievements
Fixed achievement Friend or Fowl
Fixed criteria data for G.N.E.R.D. rage
Add item and mail reward to the "Pilgrim" achievement 
Fixed achievement "Turkey Lurkey". 

Dungeon Finder:
Fixed an entry issue related to DB

Do not allow a player that has instance bind pending to loot.
Added salvage loot data for most mechanicals in Northrend
Twin Valkyr should drop 2 items instead of 1
Bloodfen Feathers should also drop from other Bloodfen Raptors
Add Jormungar Egg Sac to Deep Jormungar
Add missing items to the Hallows End Treatbag
Add Formula: Enchant Cloak - Superior Arcane Resistance to Frostbrood Spawn & Cult Researcher
Update Narain's Scrying Goggles dropchance to 100%
None of the creatures should drop Scarlet Cannonball
Drakkari Offerings should also drop while not on a quest
Orders of Kael'thas only drop from 3 creatures, at 80% chance if on quest
Heavy Scorpid Vest should only drop from Shadowsworn Thug at roughly 0.5%

Added new functions
Restored group of player after teleporting from BG

You can resurrect a dead player before he enters
Fixed a client freeze when entering instances

Fixed summoning to instances
Fixed Ritual of Doom
Allow creatures to attack players while in sanctuary.
Fixed Brewfest-Attack Keg spell damage
Changed Bloodlust/Heroism handing
Fixed talent of Sword Specialization
Fixed totem passive area auras stacking bug
Fixed glyph of Fire Blast
Added spell effect validations
Fixed displaying of error message
Fixed Shaman T10 visual
Implemented some new spells in AURA_SPELL_FAMILY
Fixed restricted Flight Area
Fixed spells Shattered Barrier
Fixed Swift Flight Form speed
Fiexed Chain spells shouldn't hit critters
Fixed Elemental Oath
Fix spell penetration from items
Add Block Value cap to Shield Slam and Shield of Righteousness
Fixed shadowfiend
Fixed possible crash for Decimation
Fixed Runic Healing/Mana Injector bonus for engineers
Fixed RP-GG
Fixed Item - Hunter T9 4P Bonus

Added GameObjectWorker

Corrected validation check for SAI
Fixed an issue in flags
Added some functions

Shutdown messages are now sent in Blizzlike intervals.

Added .dev tag
Added .ticket reset

Fixed crashes in Infusion of Light and Frozen Power proc handlers

Added conditons to Hyldnir Harpoon
Added case for Darkmoon Card: Madness trinket
Split SetSoulboundTradeable in two functions 

"Last of Her Kind" fixed
"Weakness to Lightning" fixed
"Help Tavara" fixed
"Challenge to the Black Flight" fixed
"Strength of the Tempest" fixed
"The Yeti Next Door" fixed
"What Illidan Wants, Illidan Gets" fixed
"Stunning Defeat at the Ring " fixed
"The Iron Colossus" fixed
"Ingvar H" fixed
"There's Something About the Squire" fixed
"Scourgekabob" fixed
"Slaves to Saronite" fixed
"Prisoners of the Grimtotems" fixed
"Picking Up Some Power Converters" fixed
"Fix quest The Liquid Fire of Elune" fixed
"In the Name of Loken" fixed
"The Dreghood Elder" fixed
"The Warm-Up" fixed
"The Armor's Secrets" fixed
"No Where to Run" fixed
"Brother Against Brother" fixed
"Fix quests A Taste of Flame" fixed
"Fix quest A Meeting With The Magister and An Audience With The Arcanist" fixed
"Still At It" fixed
"Gormok Wants His Snobolds" fixed
"What Do You Feed a Yeti, Anyway?" fixed
"Tails Up" fixed
"Creatures of the Eco-Domes" fixed
"Flora of the Eco-Domes" fixed
"The Flesh Lies" fixed
"Torching Sunfury Hold" fixed
"Blessing of Incineratus" fixed
"Bring Me The Egg" fixed
"Totem of Kar'dash" fixed
"Finding The Survivors" fixed (Nagrand)
"Returning the Favor" fixed
"What The Soul Sees" fixed
" Data Mining " fixed
Halloween's End quests fixed
-Flexing for Nougat 
-Incoming Gundrop 
-Dancing for Marzipan 
-Chicken Clucking for a Mint 
"Ruthless Cunning" fixed
"Blighted Last Rites " fixed
"Survey the Land & Illidan's Pupil" fixed
"Potential for Brain Damage = High" fixed
"Elemental Power Extraction" fixed
"The Dwarven Spy" fixed
"Of Keys and Cages" fixed
"Adding Injury to Insult" fixed
"Field Test" fixed
"Reforging The Sword" fixed
"Tempering The Blade" fixed
"Laying Waste to the Unwanted" fixed
"Fel Spirits" fixed
"Hard to Swallow" fixed
"The Might of the Horde" fixed
"Jack Likes His Drink" fixed
"Dire Brew" fixed
"Ring of Blood questline" fixed
"Maintaining Discipline" fixed
"The Kettis Offensive" fixed
"A Carver and a Croaker " fixed
"Rivenwood Captives " fixed
"Elixir of Pain" fixed
"Cleansing of the Orb of Orahil, Mana Surges" fixed

Isle of Conquest:
Fix seaforium bombs
Add flag pole for Refinery
Fix bug with immediate respawn of Glaive Thrower

Members of same arena team were able to fight each other
Payment: Only Accept Paypal!
Contact: Msn: [email protected] Skype: Diablogeek

Price: 30$ Copy And 100$+ (gimme offers) For Unique-Right!

Note: If this is illegal tell me, i just want to test to sell this DB/CORE incase someone have problem with their own server and might can buying this.

› See More: [WTS] Awesome Core/Database+Compiling Source Files, Must See *