Rival-WoW is launching on Saturday, November 10th at 9:00 AM EST. Are you ready?

Rival-WoW is a Instant 80 PvP & PvE world of warcraft private server. We have been in development for two months, and we are going live on November 10th at 9:00 AM EST. We're excited about the type of server we've created, and we hope that you are too. If you're looking to learn more about us, you can stop by our forums, and chat with us while you wait for our server to go live.

General Information:
WOTLK Version 3.3.5a
Incredible starting mall
Instant 80, Blizzlike Content (meaning no custom gear, ever.)
Professionally developed server with dedicated host

PvP Content:
Fully working Arena's & BG's
PvP Oriented Quests
PvP kill streak system (rewards with Badges)
and much more.

PvE Content:
Fully working spells & abilities
Badge Summoned Bosses (custom scripted, blizzlike. Use Badges to summon challenging yet rewarding bosses)
World Bosses (custom scripted, blizzlike)
PvE oriented quests
and much more.

Staff & Community:
Professional staff
Great friendly community

Dedicated Host
100Mb/Sec Up&Down
Quad Core Processor

Note: Create Account Link is setup to Forum, and will change over to server accounts once we go live.



If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. Post them here, or on our forums. This is truly a great server. We've been working very hard on it, and have an incredible very experienced staff. We're more than happy to hear any comments you have, and would love your feedback related to everything we do.

› See More: Rival-WoW - Instant 80 PvP & PvE - Unique Content (GOING LIVE)