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About us:

Maxtron-Gaming is a dedicated Wrath of the Lich King server that focuses primarily on the balancing and equal opportunity of all players. The server has been a long project, where much consideration and testing occurred, the server’s efficiency - from the easy accessible malls to the working spells - proves the amount of work and planning which went into the server. The Administration team of Maxtron-Gaming consists of dedicated individuals who would assure upcoming players a relaxed server which is open to suggestions to which will improve the networking.


The Maxtron-Gaming staff has put a tremendous amount of thought into gearing, contrary to most servers we want to appeal to several groups of player preferences. Whether you’re a duel hero, an arena hero or even a battle-ground hero the staff would like to give you the ability to strive in that coordinate - this is why there has been multiple ways applied to achieve gear.

The Starting Item set is: Relentless Gladiator

This is progressed into: Wrathful Gladiator/ and 277 equivalency.

Leisurely activity:

Like all the other mentioned areas, much consideration had gone into deciding what players could do for “fun” when they didn’t feel like doing the classic PvP/PvE.
So a fun route was added, this route includes:
Unique Quests
World Bosses
World Events
Duel Zone
Chill Zone


The server staff very much appreciates pvpers as well as all the other types of preferences of players. Regarding arena, there was a huge amount of thought which went into adding not only a well-balanced environment for players to show off their skill, but a reason to do so. As a way of doing this, it was decided that each team who would consume the “Rank 1” at the end of each season would be granted not only glorification in game goods, but cash prices.


As well as providing a path for the art of arena, we also provide one for the art of dueling. The Maxtron Gaming staff realised the deep interest some have for dueling which is why we made it a priority to help interest them in the server. This is why we’ve granted extra features for them - not only a “simple” zone but true opportunities for these players to show and reveal their skill in the arts of dueling. This showing of skill can be shown in an alike tournament of arena where a cash prize will be granted to those who win. As well as this showing our love for duel heroes, modifications to engineering in duels were made to help arise the fun behind a duel.
Not only do we have a cash prize for winners, but a unique title will be handed out as a valiant token for those who win a dueling tournament.


There’s nothing like a good ol’ battleground. This is why maximum efficiency was put into battlegrounds, from the cross-faction battle ground system to the rewards applied to those who enjoy so to speak “farming bgs.” Equal opportunity as mentioned previously was made so those who enjoy Battlegrounds can earn endgame through that way (alike in all other sections) More working is going into fixing battle-grounds to interest more fields of players.


Transmogrification was made easy and accessible. Through the use of the Item requester tool, a player can receive any item ingame and use it for their Transmog. The currency for the item is the Transmogrification Token.

Item Requester
Cross-Faction BattleGrounds
Arena Crystal
Soulwell/Water at the start of Arena
Rogue poisons modified to one week
Shaman weapon enchants modified to one week
Warlock Weapons enchants modified to one week
Top Arena NPC
World Chat
Full working Crowd Control Delay
Premium Account system
- And much more.

› See More: [3.3.5] Maxtron Gaming: Where mercy doesn't exist.