Have you ever found a nice item in mywarcraftstudio, and you where very excited about re-coloring it? And when you extract it and run it through your BLP converter the PNG just looks completely messed up?


Here is the answer to yourr question wich makes you stay up all night, trying to figure out how to re-color the damn png file that barely shows you the design of the item.

After you have draged the BLP file into your BLP converter to make it a PNG. And your about to click Open with: Adobe photoshop (STOP!)

Because the effect you will get if you open it with Adobe Photoshop is this: (Using Warlock Tier 5 Shoulders)

And that's not what we you want correct? So this is what you do insted.

Right click the PNG and open it with paint

Now, when you are in paint, Click the Select Tool button and pull the box around the image.

After you have done that, let the box be around it and continue to step 3 for now.

Now open up the PNG wich you added in the BLP converter with Adobe Photoshop. (It will still look messy, but thats about to be changed!)

Now go back to paint and right click the image. Then click on Copy.

Now go back to Photoshop and click CTRL V, and Voila, You FINALLY see the design.

When you have re-colored the item, just go to File, scroll down until you see Save As. Click it and scroll down in the Format option until you see the PNG type.

Now, when you do that, you will see the filename change to (example): Shoulder_Robe_RaidWarlock_E_01Red copy.png Remove the COPY text, in purple highlight.

And click save as. Now your done!

And you may continue re-coloring your other items.