The credit of YiasDX goes to Cromon, a german model designer who first released this at *******.
The program was made because that Noggit had stopped working in the 3.x.x patches and raised in speed records.
Features in the program is many and naming them would take ages. But for example, you can create islands, import houses, trees, change terrain, shade, time of day, and alot more!

The download link is below:
YiasEdit DX - Eine neue

To see some of the features, you can visit the creators youtube page:
YouTube - Cromonnn's Channel

The file is a .rar file so you will have to extract it using WinRAR or SuperNZB.

Some pictures of when editing.
Yfrog Album

This program has two common errors. (E&A)
E. I get the error message "d3dx9_42.dll couldn't be found". What do I do?
A. Google "d3dx9_42.dll download", and download, place it in your Yias folder and it should be done.

E. I get the error message "Your driver does not support Shader 3.0". What do I do?
A. This error is because of your graphic card. It does not simply support Shader 3.0. Go buy a new graphic card, or buy a new computer.

This program also requires DirectX 9.0 for perfect results.