Server x30 Opening 13. MARCH 19:00 (Server Time) (13.03.2017)
Info about other servers at our website.

Project Website: M8 MuOnline Club
Community Forum: M8MU Forum
Registration: M8 MuOnline Club
Game Client: M8 MuOnline Club
Facebook Fan page: M8 MuOnline Forum
YouTube Channel: M8 Mu Online YouTube

  • Basic Information:

Version: Season 9 Episode 2
Experience: x30
Master experience: x10
Drop: 20%
Maximum level: 400
Maximum master level: 350
Points per level: 5/7/7
Points per master level: 1
Maximum stat: 32000

Cash shop (only for Goblin Points)
Wcoins Exchange DISABLED
NO seal buffs available

Mu Helper: from level 5
Mu Helper cost: 500 Zen * level
Pk clear cost: 5kk Zen * pk count
Spots in all maps except arena
Elf Soldier buff Till: 350 level

Create level MG, DL = 220, 250
Create level RF, Sum = 270

  • Reset System:

Reset limit = 20
After reset: stat points clear
After reset free stat points:
SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 1200 points * resets
MG, DL, RF = 1400 points * resets

Reset reward = 50 Credits
Reset cost = 3kk Zen * resets
Reset cooldown = 2 hours

  • Grand Reset System:

Grand reset from = 20 resets
Grand reset limit = 10
After grand reset free stat points:
SM,ELF,BK,SUM = 6000 points * grand resets
MG,DL,RF = 7000 points * grand resets
Maximum free stat points after 10 grand resets:
SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 84 000 points
MG, DL, RF = 98 000 points

NO Max stats = build your stats
Grand reset reward: 16000 Credits

GR Reward worth 1 item +15 + 3 exc + 2 soc options

  • Item Shop Limits:

Maximum excellent options: 3
Maximum socket options: 2

Excellent + Ancient: Allowed
Excellent + Socket: Allowed
Ancient + Harmony: Allowed

Equal Seed Sockets: Disabled

  • Website Account Panel Features:

VIP system: (get several benefits being VIP player)
Market system: (sell items for
credits, wcoins, jewels, zen)
Vote reward system: (
get credits by voting for us every 12 hours)
Online hours system: (
get 8 credits being online while play)
Referral system: (get
credits by referring others to join game)
Zen wallet system: (transfer zen to website zen bank)
Web warehouse: (transfer items to web warehouse, unlimited space)
Change name: (change character nick name)
Hidden info: (Hide information, location from others)
Clear skill tree: (clear your skill tree points placed)
Clear inventory: (clear character inventory)

  • In-Game Commands:

/post (a message within actual Game Server)
/addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addene, /addcmd
/pkclear (allows to clear PK status for ZEN)
/war (allows to propose a War to opponent Guild)
/prop (allows to propose a marry to other player)
/accept (allows to accept marry proposal)
/teleport (teleports yourself to your marriage partner)
/divorce (allows to take divorce)
/dcfriend (Allows to disconnect specified character if know his name,password)
/battlesoccer (allows to challenge opposite guild for a battle Soccer match)
/requests (all requests on or off)
/offtrade (activate off-trade sale)
/setparty (allows to set password for AutoParty system)

  • Additional Information:

Reconnect System - No DC
Off Leveling System - Level up offline mode
Auto Party System - Party matching
Muun System - Get all kind of Muun Pets in game
Off-trade System - Trade items being offline

Pandora Mining System - Get jewels by mining
Monster hp, defense, damage increased - harder level up
380/400 Item and wings work from level 0 - use all items
Blood Castle, Devil Square, Doppelganger bonus exp + 20x
It's possible to gain great items in game not only buying in item shop

Get up to 3 Excellent option items in game
Chance rates: One = 50%, Two = 40%, Three= 10%
Get up to 5 empty sockets in game
Command /offlevel cost is set to 300 Goblin Points per 1 hour!
Get 100 Goblin Points for every 1 hour you spend online in game!

Get 8 Credits for every 1 hour you spend online in game!
No Maximum Stats = Build your own stats

  • Party Information:

Normal Party 2 Exp Bonus = - 5%
Normal Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 5%
Normal Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 15%
Normal Party 5 Exp bonus = + 30%
Set Party 3 Exp Bonus = + 40% (different classes)
Set Party 4 Exp Bonus = + 50% (different classes)

Set Party 5 Exp Bonus = + 60% (different classes)

  • VIP Status Information:

Vip Package Details on Web
Time: 5 Days, Price: 7000 Credits, Reset Zen Discount: -2 KK Zen * resets,

Reset Level Decrease: -10 LvL, Hide Character Info: Discount 40 %,
Clear SkillTree Discount: 60 %, Online Hours Exchange Bonus Credits: 2,
Change Character Name Discount: 50%

Server Bonus Info: Vip Gold
Experience Bonus: +10x, Drop rate Bonus: +10, Excellent Drop Bonus: +5,

Master Experience bonus: +10x, Increased Chaos Machine Rates for mix of
Wings level 2 = +5% success rate, Wings level 2.5 = +10% success rate,
Wings level 3 = +15% success rate, Condor Feather = 20% success rate,
Mix items +10,+11 bonus = +5%, Mix items +12,+13 bonus = +10%,
Mix items +14,+15 bonus = +15%

  • Event Information:

Chaos Castle Survival Event, Illusion Temple Renewal, Imperial Fort Event,
Double Goer (Doppelganger), Castle Siege, Loren Deep, CryWolf,
Devil Square (1-7), Blood Castle (1-8), Chaos Castle (1-7),
Swamp of Peace (Medusa), Rabbits Invasion, Pouch of Blessing Invasion,
Golden, Monster Invasion, White Wizard Invasion, Battle Soccer,
Kalima (1-7) Event, Kanturu Event, LaCleon Event, Santa Village Event.

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